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  1. Done! Thanks Chris for keeping us apprised and Muldric for making it so that I could use my gmail account
  2. ROTFL. So true, so true.
  3. Have I mentioned you all rock? Seriously? Hahaha. I've been out and about for a few days and haven't had a chance to check out the forums. I did try the grape soda/mentha combo (even through I must admit when I read it I crinkled my nose ) and it wasn't too shabby. I like the idea of blending it with other stuff, and I might take a look for the flavorings in the baking section too. Thank you everyone!
  4. Hey everyone. So here's sort of an odd question... what MINT flavors (and from where) would anyone recommend? I know the typical answer is going to be VT's Mentha - but it kinda knocks me off my @$$ just a bit. Too much of a menthol to me. I'm going to keep it around for sure, but I want a mint, not something like a menthol analog, not listerine (which I kind of felt with JV's Wicked Sick Menthol) or toothpaste. I know part of my issue was when I ordered the JV I thought I wanted more menthol, but in reality, not so much. (To VT's benefit - I absolutely adore Grape Soda, Midnight and Sweet Dawn) Thanks in advance!
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