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Everything posted by aerovapor

  1. Please subscribe! I know everyone did a review on the volt, but this is my take on it....a GREAT device!
  2. My new ALL DAY VAPE!
  3. Great company, great juice. I was so surprised at EXACTLY how this taste like apple pie. You get the baked apples, the spices, the pie.....everything! It's insane! Great company, LIGHTNING fast shipping, ordered sunday, got it Wednesday
  4. I have WTF and omg. I like omg the best of the two. Omg is a light coffee flavor with am exhale of caramel toffee. Very original like nothing I've tasted. The WTF is very hard to explain. It's sweet with this very different berry undertone. I disliked it at first but it really grew on me. My absolute favorites are rice krispy treat, fiddle faddle and candy bar
  5. Email him and he will invoice you. That's how I did it and it went flawlessly
  6. If you email him they can invoice what you want, they are just doing work on the site. That's what I did and it went flawless
  7. I put in my second order yesterday and got the vape placid, omg and WTF The rice krispity treat you ordered....that's good stuff. That and fiddle faddle are my absolute favorites followed by candy bar. So for this place is far superior to any other liquid I've tried......by a long shot!
  8. Email them. They are working on the site so he has to invoice it for you, that's what I did
  9. Definitely shoot them an email, I too asked about there PG, VG, and Nic. He was saying how all the ingredients are 99.9% pure and how even getting 99.5% makes a negative impact on eliquid. He said he gets his nic from "xtreme"...I believe that was the name. If you shoot him an email he will definitely be able to answer more efficiently then I lol. Here's what I can tell you FOR SURE, I vape 12mg and there are some companies that TEAR my throat up even at 12mg. One in particular has excusing admitted on the forums that they don't have the best nic, and that happens to be the company that tears my throat up. With KBV, I also ordered 12mg and it was SOOOOO smooth. You can feel that you were inhaling something, yet it was just......smooth. I have ordered from dozens and dozens of vendors, and I can honestly say that after my experience I'm stopping at KBV. I'm tired of wasting my money on junk liquid. As for the cappuccino, I bet they can make it. In something I was readin on there site it said if there's a certain flavor you want let us know and we'll do our best to make it. But def give them a try, I don't think you'll be disappointed
  10. I've never really posted about a particular vendor who mixes themselves. I just had to with these guys because the liquid is so insanely dead on. I've wasted much moony looking for all day vapes, then all of a sudden in one order I found 4 that I could vape all day. The quality and prices are just outta this world
  11. I just received an order from KBV, and HAD to post something about them. In the last four months I've spent probably about a grand in liquid that either got thrown away or given away because the Terrible quality. I can honestly say that I have found my home for eliquid!!! (btw, I have no link to this company, saw a review online and figured I would try the liquid). I bought a few flavors like candy bar, rice crispy treat, fiddle faddle and choc covered pretzel. I have yet to try a liquid that can eve compare to this. It is the most dead on delicious stuff I have ever tried!!!! The only reason I'm writing this is because I wish someone ha done this for me early on and could've pointed me the direction of a company that was dead on for eliquid. So I'm hoping to maybe save some people some money buying product that you end up throwing away. This place is NO joke when it comes to there liquid!! (not to mention how great the customer service was). There shipping is cheap, prices are incredible, and liquid is unreal. There candybar liquid literally tastes like a snickers was melted into it. for the couple dollars shipping, and great price of the liquid you gotta do yourself a favor and try this stuff. It is unreal and DEAD ON to what it says. I've never posted anything like this about a company, but after tasting this juice I HAD to tell everyone about it. Look out for my reviews coming for them
  12. Tastyvapor.us sells a 15ml bottle of sweetener for like 2 bucks. That's wht I use and find works the best
  13. Hi Mary! Oh my god, I have SOOO had bad Vaping days where I wanna say screw it!! First, the boge cartos can be bought just about anywhere. I get mine from vaporgalaxy. They're the same everywhere, I just get them there because I LOVE a particular juice they have (the high caliber killa vanilla). It's this thick really rich juice that tastes almost like cake. Mmm! Lol if you burn an atty sometimes you can still revive them by giving them a good cleaning in boiling water, or using a syringe to force alcohol thru it. Some people swear by doing water others alcohol. Either way you choose just make sure you let it dry for a good 24hrs after you clean it. I've been Vaping since November 19th (my quit date) so I'm also still learning. But the more you do it the more you learn tricks. Like have you tried the low resistance atty? It heats up warmer without a long draw, so you get a more satisfying vape without feeling like your sucking a golf ball thru a garden hose!!!! : ) just stick with it, it will get better!!
  14. Did you add extra flavor or just regular?
  15. Great video man! Though I'm not sure beer is a great "pallet cleanser"! Lol. I'm gonna have to grab a bottle. How is the rice krispy one. That sounds GREAT! Got a video or description on that one?
  16. That drives me crazy when they don't have certain parts. They sell strictly 808 carts, but with 510 being so popular you would think they would sell the adapter. Otherwise now I gotta pay six bucks shipping for a four dollar adapter. Then another 6 shipping for the cartos. I hate that!
  17. Do 901 adapters work for an 808. I have a 510 device and also a 901 adaptor because I have a couple 901 attys. Does that adapter also screw into an 808 carto. Wanna buy the v4L cartos but don't have an 808
  18. Just an FYI, I hate iPhone spell check!
  19. I love that idea of the 808 and how after the filler is shot you can still use it as an atty. Problem is I don't see a 510 to 808 adapter on there. Also, if you wanna use it at 5v you get the premiums right? The way it appears is that premium is like regular and WOW is like an LR. Correct me if I'm wrong. But do you know if they sell the adapter cause I can't find it on there sight.
  20. I don't know about you guys but when I vape the vapor tends to drop down low rather then rising like smoke. I don't know if it's because it's heavier then smoke or what. But that would probably make it unlikely for you to set off a smoke detector
  21. I've mainly tried the boge cartos with the white top that you remove for filling. I heard the cartos with no poly fill (c2...or ce2....whatever they're called) have issues where no matter how much you fill you still get dry hits and it's not a consistent vape. In Everyones experience what are the best cartos to go for....dollar wise and also quality. I've been trying to get my hands on the real joye cartos but have a problem finding them. Then when I do they seem to be a fortune. So as cartos go.....what are you guys using and prefering?
  22. I'm looking to try and make a mod myself for the first time. My biggest concern is wiring the button, atty connection and battery. Does anyone know any good posts showing step by step exactly how to wire a mod? Seems like if you get a good understanding of the wiring you can basically mod anything yourself. If anyone has any good links with detail descriptions, pics or videos let me know. I saw a few videos on YouTube but the quality was so bad you can't really tell what is wired to what.
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