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    JuiceBlaster got a reaction from kitsune in Diy Recipes   
    Typically I have posted the following recipe as an introductory on other forums,
    so I suppose it's appropriate that I continue with that tradition here at The Vaper Talk Forum.

    This was the first place recipe from the DIY Flavorshack/Vapersplace DIY Contest last year-

    Lava Flow
    10ml @ 0mg - recipe based on 33 drops/ml

    PG – 4.24ml – 42.42% – 140drops
    VG – 3.03ml – 30.30% – 60 drops
    PGA – .49ml – 4.85% – 16 drops (or distilled water if pure grain alcohol is not desired – better throat hit & flavor w/PGA)
    Coconut Flavor – .42ml – 4.24% – 14 drops
    Rum Flavor – .42ml – 4.24% – 14 drops
    Banana – .42ml – 4.24% – 14 drops
    Pineapple – .30ml – 3.03% – 10 drops
    Strawberry – .5ml – 5.45% – 18 drops
    Ethyl Maltol – .09ml – 3 drops – Mixed @ 30:1 ratio w/ PG
    Cinnamon Redhots - .09ml - 3 drops (optional)


    Even though the original recipe used all flavorings from DIY Flavorshack, you can also use flavorings from TPA. The recipe is complex enough to use either vendor, or mix/match, and still produce a very vapable ejuice.

    Since this is a zero nic recipe, adjust according to your desired nic levels.

    For Sweetener I typically use pure agave nectar mixed in a 30:1 ratio with PG. For this recipe I would use .09ml or 3 drops.

    If you need to substitute an alternate sweetener, such as stevia, probably 2 drops instead of 3 if mixed down to a 30:1 ratio.

    Some folks like a 'Hot' Lava Flow version. Use 2-3 times more Cinnamon Redhots Flavoring, and reduce the amount of PG to compensate.

    Because of it's complexity, this one will improve the more it ripens, and will usually take on a deeper color as it ages.
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    JuiceBlaster got a reaction from Brian in Bolo - Tangerine   
    I think that the reason you see so many warnings out there about not using oil based flavorings is to keep newbie DIYers from trashing every atty they own before they realize they are in over their heads.

    That statement was by no means meant to be derogatory, but a simple statement of fact.
    At one time we were all newbie DIYers, and I'm sure most of us can remember some colossal failures in those early stages.

    The fact is, with proper technique, using oil based flavorings are actually quite effective.

    But you see posts all the time in DIY forums of folks talking about flavoring an ejuice at 25, 30, and even 40% flavorings. Doing this with an oil based flavoring is going to send you straight to your preferred atomizer supplier for a rush order of replacements.

    Since a lot of beginning DIYers aren't even aware of the difference, it's easy to see why it quickly became common to say, don't use oils, they are bad. Many helpless atomizers were sacrificed as the price of the lack of knowledge, understanding, and technique. And oil based flavoring became the scape goat for those poor departed atomizers.

    The trick in using oil based flavorings is in using much lower concentrations, typically starting at 1%, (some oils less, some oils more), and pre-mixing the oils with Food grade alcohol or PGA to help with dispersal.

    And while it may be true that long term use of oils will slowly degrade the performance of your atomizer, if you have a good effective cleaning method/routine, even this can be kept to a minimum.

    And yes, you may have to give them a good shake if they have been sitting for a while, but you already do that with ALL of your ejuice, right?

    Brian - I'll post a basic tangerine recipe over in the DIY Recipes thread for you to try with that tangerine oil!
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    JuiceBlaster got a reaction from CoffinLess in Bolo - Tangerine   
    I think that the reason you see so many warnings out there about not using oil based flavorings is to keep newbie DIYers from trashing every atty they own before they realize they are in over their heads.

    That statement was by no means meant to be derogatory, but a simple statement of fact.
    At one time we were all newbie DIYers, and I'm sure most of us can remember some colossal failures in those early stages.

    The fact is, with proper technique, using oil based flavorings are actually quite effective.

    But you see posts all the time in DIY forums of folks talking about flavoring an ejuice at 25, 30, and even 40% flavorings. Doing this with an oil based flavoring is going to send you straight to your preferred atomizer supplier for a rush order of replacements.

    Since a lot of beginning DIYers aren't even aware of the difference, it's easy to see why it quickly became common to say, don't use oils, they are bad. Many helpless atomizers were sacrificed as the price of the lack of knowledge, understanding, and technique. And oil based flavoring became the scape goat for those poor departed atomizers.

    The trick in using oil based flavorings is in using much lower concentrations, typically starting at 1%, (some oils less, some oils more), and pre-mixing the oils with Food grade alcohol or PGA to help with dispersal.

    And while it may be true that long term use of oils will slowly degrade the performance of your atomizer, if you have a good effective cleaning method/routine, even this can be kept to a minimum.

    And yes, you may have to give them a good shake if they have been sitting for a while, but you already do that with ALL of your ejuice, right?

    Brian - I'll post a basic tangerine recipe over in the DIY Recipes thread for you to try with that tangerine oil!
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    JuiceBlaster got a reaction from CoffinLess in How Do You Clean Atomizer?   
    I honestly don't think that there is a single atty cleaning method out there that I haven't tried at least a half dozen times or more.

    Soaking in PGA, CPH, denture tabs, coffee pot cleaner, ultrasonic cleaners, dry burning, you name it, I've tried it, with varying degrees of success.

    Nowadays I pretty much stick to one simple method:

    1)Take a coffee cup, fill with distilled water, put in microwave, push button for hot water (1min 30sec)

    2)Dump soiled atties into the hot water, let sit until water cools (about 30mins). Agitate occasionally (If I remember to do so)

    3)Remove atties, and if water is more than lightly discolored, repeat the entire process again.

    4)Using the still slightly warm water, power flush the atomizers using a Turkey Baster with either a pencil grip or cut off carto condom. I usually put this over the cart end, and draw an entire baster full up through the threaded end.Then pulse the water back out the threads. At this point I want to see three even streams of water, one down below and one out either side of my 510 atties. If I'm not getting good flow from the side vents, I block the bottom hole and force more water through the vents to help clean/clear them.

    5)Once the water has been expelled, I dry pump the baster about 6 times, to help force any remaining water out of the atty, which makes it easier to complete the final step.

    6)If I am not going to use them right away, I turn them thread side down on an absorbent towel, and let them dry. For a while, for a half day, overnight, depending upon how soon I need them.

    7) All atties get flood primed before they are used. I drop about 10 drops of plain PG down onto the bridge, let them sit for a few mins, and then blow through the cart end, forcing the PG and any residual water out through the threaded end.

    8) Wipe them off, and vape them, or bag them up for later use!

    This has been my main routine for the past six months, and unless an atty has some serious problems, this tends to handle 95% of my requirements.
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