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Everything posted by Dose

  1. I'm still loving mine. I bought a Reo mini to use at work and although with the right 1.8ohm LR atty it's great, It's still no where near the awesome sauce i get from my Ali'i
  2. Seems to easy....
  3. Your not the only one i promise you....I'm sure Chris is doing all he can.
  4. Thanks guys... now i'm looking into one Seems like a good start for my first VV mod
  5. I also took some pictures with the instrument that inspired it.I'm uploading them now.
  6. FYI My first AW 2200mah battery just died.So that means i'm just short by 2 hrs or so of getting 2 full days out of it.Since I got it it's been the only pv I've used.I've prolly ran 6ml through it so far.
  7. Fsusa sent me a free sample of wyatt earp with order a few weeks ago.As soon as i tried it i ordered a 30ml bottle of it.A very nice vap, to me it's very ry4ish but different.
  8. I cheated a little to get mine. I emailed him about doing a custom one with woods he didn't offer on his site. With that i ninja my way in there to get one when ordering was closed.I'm sure the custom value is the reason and i'll also use it again when i get a VV one. Hopefully is will work twice If i'm not mistaken next friday at 7est orders will be open again but only for about 5 to 10 min.He will announce in that tread that nana posted when orders will be open. But you have to be QUICK or you'll miss out.like i said 5-10min and thats it.
  9. I'm interested in finding out myself...
  10. ^^ This... The support of others makes a huge difference in not smoking.It also gets you excited about trying new juices and devices.I've only been analog free for just over a month but, when i do get cravings i can vape them GONE! EDIT: The biggest thing that as helped me was finally finding a juice i like...... that alone has taken away tons of frustration.
  11. I agree the first week was hard but the 3rd week was the hardest for me.Now I'm a month in and don't want one...I still think about it sometimes but the want to is gone.This vaping thing really works!
  12. ok lets change the 2 sec squeeze 15 min thing to about 10min lol i'm vaping like crazy on this thing
  13. It's here Holy crap this thing is awesome!!! It's like the prefect drip without the trouble of dripping. The fit and finish on it it amazing I can see why the wait is so long the craftsmanship is second to none.I went with the 3.7v/6v model. At the time when i ordered it i wasn't even vaping yet and i'd just been reading about it so i figured i'd go with what i thought at the time was the easiest and had the best battery life.That and i'm a huge fan of exotic woods and i wanted one that had the same look of my Warwick Thumb Bass's neck. The neck is multi laminations of Wenge/Bubinga Pommele. The function of this thing is super easy just squeeze the bottle for about 2 sec and then vape.With my vaping habits a 2 sec squeeze and can last me a good 15 to 20 min maybe more but i like to keep it wet YMMV.The 6ml bottle is great and super easy.Me being what i call a lazy vapor(if i have to mess with it to much screw it!)the Ali'i is perfect for me.I'm only a few hours in but so far i'm loving it.I'll get some pictures for you guys in a few
  14. Could the Postman or (woman) Be any SLOWER!!!!
  15. +1 LR attys they make a huge difference at 3.7v
  16. Yes sir... My Ali'i should be here tomorrow or Friday
  17. I know the feeling i'm just over a month in and loving it and have learned so much. And i'm jelly over the iPad!!!
  18. Oh yeah
  19. I'm a petrochemical code inspector. Sounds fancier than it really is. Basically i go behind construction contractors in oil refinery's and make sure any work they do is up to code so things don't go boom!
  20. lol you don't want to deal with the asshats i have to deal with at work
  21. Just got my shipping notice with tracking Mine was 150 but at the time i ordered they where 135.I assume since he had to order the wenge was the reason of the price increase. But it looks like now they are all 150. I've already got another wood combo in that i discussed with Ryan so if this one works out well i'll be placing another order very soon.
  22. Word on the street is that it will be shipping out in the next day or 2
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