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Shiel Catarata

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    Shiel Catarata reacted to Tam in E-cigarette Use   
    I took your survey but you really needed questions about seasonal or non-seasonal allergies to get a better representation. I have respiratory issues (coughing, sputum, wheezing, shortness of breath, etc.) because of allergies. We just found black mold in our house because of a slow leak we didn't know we had (it could've been there for a year), and once we got it mitigated, most of the worst allergy symptoms went away. When there's little to no pollen in the air, I'm totally  fine. Also, I have a bad hip that makes moving around and doing physical activities next to impossible, it's not because I smoked or used e-cigarettes.
    When I had smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 35 years, I went to a smoking cessation class being given by two very experienced Respiratory Therapists. They used me as an example of what bad lungs smokers had. They had me expel a lungful of air as fast as I could into a machine. Most smokers and former smokers can only expel maybe up to 40% of the air in their lungs in ten seconds. That's what they expected anyway, but I pulled a 94% on my first try and 97% the second time, which is pretty good for someone who never smoked but not something you'd expect from a smoker. I was a bad example for how bad cigarette smoke is for lungs. At that time, I was running 2 - 3 miles per day 4 times a week, which might have contributed to my overall lung capacity.
    Anyway, good luck with your survey!
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