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Everything posted by hungryvaper

  1. Usually play MMORPGs but I've been messing around with Cult of the Lamb lately on the Nintendo Switch. The graphics are very cute and cartoonish, the gameplay is simple yet fun, and parts of the game are hilarious (like feeding poo to your followers, having them revolt, and then building a jail to put them in it lol). Here's a trailer for it: Tell me this isn't a dark and adorable game that has you begging to play it
  2. I'm curious how many of you use vapes with built-in puff counters that track usage. For anyone that uses a vape with puff tracking, do you know how many puffs a day you take?
  3. Oof I just saw this thread and this site tracking all of the bans doesn't appear to be working anymore. I tried to load it and the site tried to redirect me to some weird/sketchy stuff.
  4. I've used the Vaporesso Zero, which is actually the "Renova" Zero (just one of Vaporesso's brands). I think I've had 3 or 4 of them by now. I don't use one anymore but I used to appreciate how small they are. My qualm with them though was that they leaked somewhat often and it was annoying enough that I switched vapes. They might have improved it but it seemed to leak pretty frequently. They'd leak both in my mouth and inside the area where the pod connects to the device. I remember regularly pulling the pod and cleaning the connection area with a paper towel to keep it nice and clean, which is frankly not something I think you should ever need to do with a vape. As if regular leaks weren't enough, I purchased one Zero that had a defective battery where the opening to slip the pod in was too tight for the pod to fit properly and it would squeeze the pod, which seemed to spawn regular e-juice leaks - it was awful. Despite the problems I've had with the Zero, the worst pod vape I've probably used is the Juul. And the best one to date is probably the Vaporesso Xros, which is kind of surprising seeing as Vaporesso is also behind the Zero that I've come to despise lol. If you need a good reason to choose one vape over another, you might consider what I consider: can you buy it and replacement pods at your local smoke/vape shop? With both the Xros and the Zero I know I can always find pods at at least one of the local shops here so I'm stuck searching online and then waiting for my pods to arrive in the mail.
  5. I'm personally more of a mint or iced fruit fan for the most part (although I do experiment here and there) but the best tobacco vape juice that I've used is Vaper Empire's standard tobacco vape juice (they have a few different tobacco variants but the standard one is the best in my opinion). I have to say though, there are very few tobacco vape juices that I have not found to be disgusting lol. I'm not sure you can get this one outside of AU and NZ but it's really pretty subdued/subtle. If that's what you're looking for (something not too strong) then it's worth trying. Personally, if I am vaping a tobacco juice, which is increasingly rare to the point of pretty much never these days, I'm adding something to it like a sweet or fruity flavor. I think vanilla + tobacco is one of the better combinations that I've tried. Another kind of odd combo that I remember liking was coffee + tobacco. (note: I only mix different premade bottles of juice, never flavorings purchased separately)
  6. A study published in the National Library of Medicine found that the average puffs per day of most e-cig users to be 365 puffs. The study was limited to vapers in Maryland and there were only 150 participants so I don't think the findings are very reliable but it might give you an idea of how many puffs per day people take. How many puffs you actually take will depend on a lot of things like stress, activity, strength of your vape juice, type of device you're using, how big or small of puffs you personally take, and so on. According to a vape shop in the UK, the average disposable vape contains 2ml of e-liquid and this translates to around 600 puffs in a disposable so you're looking at close to 2 full days of use from a disposable. I think I probably get somewhere in the 2-3 day range but there have been days when a disposable only lasts me a day. I think the standard number of puffs per disposable used to be closer to 300 puffs but they've continually increased the number of puffs over the years and now there are ones that have thousands of puffs (these usually or maybe always require you to recharge the battery at some point).
  7. I've had disposables that leaked juice, ones that were dead on arrival, and ones where the juice in them was completely wrong - some of them literally tasted like the wrong flavor of juice, example: grape instead of mint lol. A lot of the disposables I've used are cheaply constructed and the quality is obviously lacking. Not all vape manufacturers have the same level of quality control. I've had entire an entire box of disposables (10 in a box, roughly $150 for the lot of them) not work. Every single one of them was DOA and I could not return them to the retailer where I bought them because "they're yours once you leave the parking lot." I now test each one before leaving the store to make sure they all work. I think the reasons why they leak can vary a lot though and the leaks aren't limited to disposable vapes. I saw a report years ago (found it) that said hundreds of thousands of Juul's customers had complained about pods leaking lol. I think that should tell you what you need to know: a lot of vaping products leak vape juice. I've had disposables that leaked, prefilled and refillable pods that leaked, tanks that leaked, and plenty of bottles of juice that were leaking when I took them out of the box. At least with the prefilled pods and some of the disposables I can see that they're leaking before I touch them because there's moisture / liquid residue inside of the clear plastic packaging. For me, if it's not a manufacturing (bad quality control) or shipping (damaged in transit) issue, it's usually being too aggressive with my vaping. I'll sometimes vape a lot quickly and when I do, I'll occasionally experience a leak. Not sure exactly why that happens, maybe someone else knows? Could it be a flooded coil?
  8. If nothing else, they look cute!
  9. Cola-Cola for me lol
  10. I haven't tried it yet. I have an original xros that I'm still using. I just saw the new one when I was buying some disposables and decided to get it cause I know my original is going to stop working eventually and I've had it for so long I feel like the battery is going to give out on me soon. Haven't even removed the plastic that's wrapped around the box (looking at it on my desk right now lol).
  11. Ah man I tried that, couldn't pull it off (the 0 nic). I kind of just went from whatever it was at the time, probably 5% straight down to zero and it just didn't do it for me. At the time I thought it was just cause of the lack of nicotine but I've started to wonder if it's the lack of menthol because I was using (and still use) a lot of iced juices and when I picked up some 0-nic it was a non-iced flavor, some kind of dragon fruit something or other from I remember. I think the throat hit from the menthol is a big part of vaping for me after smoking cigs for so many years before switching. I might have to try it again but I feel you on the "but I'm in no hurry" cause that pretty much sums up my thoughts on quitting nicotine/vaping since I switched from smoking. I feel so much better now that I don't care much if I continue to vape, just figure it'd be better if I eventually quit but no compulsion to do it anytime soon lol
  12. Just about anything berry+menthol. Iced berries are where it's at. I also like a lot of the fruit flavors, especially iced ones and medleys. Sodas are pretty good too. I tried an orange soda juice a while ago but I can't remember who made it right now. Naked100 has some of the better iced fruit flavors imo, I like just about all of the ones I've tried.
  13. I didn't know there was synthetic nicotine. I just assumed it was all extracted from tobacco and then purified. I'm curious what the difference is. I'm Googling it right now and I'm seeing some mixed results. For example, Labstat says that synthetic and natural nicotine both have the same chemical structure (C10H14N2) but this medical doctor claims that they have different chemical makeups and that the public doesn't know the specifics because companies aren't required to divulge that information (what ingredients they use to make it). Has anyone noticed any differences between the two? More throat hit? Anything?
  14. I'm on my computer right now and this forum interface is awesome. Everything is clean and neat, nothing like some of the other vape forums. More importantly: HELLO EVERYONE! I'm new to Vapor Talk so I wanted to greet everyone and offer a little background on myself in case anyone is interested in who I am (you're probably not lol). I've been vaping for a handful of years, smoked for twice that. Verrrrrry glad I quit smoking. I assume many of you feel the same lol. I spend too much time on the computer and enjoy driving around aimlessly listening to music and vaping. I have too much time on my hands so I'll probably pop in here a bit to chat and see what's going on. Welp, that's me. Nice to meet all of you! PS I just picked up a new pod system (xros 3) so I'm pretty psyched about that lol
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