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Everything posted by Elayna

  1. I got into the DIY cuz I knew it would be the cheapest way to go (unless yer a lunkhead like me and make big batches before trying it in small ones). Anyway, DIY is fun and you can get the flavors ya want, instead of relying on premade Cartos/carts.
  2. Thanks for the move, I totally forgot the DIY section. I figured using the vodka would avoid any hassles with the atomizers, but since i use cartos it's a moot point, since if one gets gummed up I can pop in a new one. I guess, as with many things, ya just gotta try it, if it works, great, if not, not too much used up. Keep on vapin on, it's an adventure! PS. Just added 5 drops of my Stevia sweetener to my 1 oz bottle I have on my passthrough, tastes great! Check it out, it may work for you too..... I think you can get Stevia powder at like a Hi Health store.
  3. might be close to what I made. I am using tattooist 1 oz bottles and ran a length of tubing thru the top hole of the bottle and then thru the side of a long 510 cartomiser, gingerly bending it so it would drip down one side (inside) to the batting. Is working pretty good, but I do get an off taste after vaping it a while. What could be causing that?
  4. Thanks, will toodle over there and see what they have to say.
  5. High folks! ok.... I have noticed that with some of the flavorings I have, they are not real sweet. I thought mixing them with the VG would be enough, but it's not. In my meanderings around my kitchen thinking of sweeteners, I ran across some powdered Stevia, and thot ok, mix some of this with some vodka, and then chck and see if it will do. Made an oz, using the measuring spoon of a pinch, ond then filling the bottle with vodka. Tastes prety good and NO taste of vodka. Right now I have not yet added any to my recipes already made up... I had to toss 3 batches (chocolate, choco/hazelnut and hazelnut) into one because it had gotten contaminated by some wierd tasting oil. Gonna wait til they seperate and then drain off the uncontaminated part. (it's close to 8ozs that got yucked) Back to the Stevia, anyone else tried using it? Thought I would ask this time before I go goofing up another batch.
  6. Yes I find it drys me out too, but then again I am on several meds that are dehydrating, so for me sometimes it's hard to tell who's doing what.
  7. Thanks.... I do want to get both a car charger one and a usb/wall unit one for the PT..... I have heard that a PT can hurt your computer.... right now it seems ok but I don't want to take any more chances than I have to.
  8. reread please..... I have a 510 PT WITHOUT an inline battery, just a cord to a piece that has a button on it and that's threaded for a 510 atomiser (I use cartos). So I need to look for a wall charger thats rated for 1000maH or 1 amp?
  9. OK... I have a 510 PT w/o an inline battery. It only works on my computer, I have tried several differant combo's of usb and wall units, even went and bought a 4 port hub that I tried on the wall unit and on the computer......... but if I had more than one usb charger plugged in it didn't work as well on either one. What's up? I have noticed some wall/usb plugs that say they will work with PTs but they don't look differant. What do I need to get/look for? Thanks!
  10. Elayna

    1St Mod!

    yee hawww! I managed to get my first ever mods made and working! I saw a u tube vid on how to make a drip mod and figured I could do that to my cartos. It took a bit, ruined one carto, need to fix the barrels of 2 of the longer 510 cartos. But I finally got a small hole drilled into an 808 carto and using an adapter, a 6ml bottle and very small tubing, got it situated to where if I give the bottle a squeeze I can keep vaping on my 510 passthru without getting that gawd awful primer taste when the carto starts to go dry. Did the same to one of the longer 510's except I drilled under where the middle cap goes and threaded the tubing (after enlarging the holes) up thru the one and then down on the side that I guess goes to the filler material and then popped the cap back on. Both are working very well! I had wanted a MAP tank for my long 510's but for now this will work until I can save the $$ for the tank. So...... if you're thinking about mods.... check u-tube! I am glad I did! Oh, BTW, U can use the black velcro cable bundeling straps (from Staples?) to hold the 6ml bottle in place.
  11. FYI, even tho you aren't going to Mexico now, you can get a set of adapter plugs for the differant electrical outlets around the world at Walmart, in their luggage section. You may also want to go and get a variable charger (3v etc)for other things like your cell phone, Ipod etc. in the electrical section at Walmart. I got a AA charger for my cellphone, with rechargeable NiCad batteries, that can recharge on a USB port at a battery shop. Don't worry, if they ask, explain and let it go. Most checkpoints have envelopes to send things to yourself if they won't allow it thru, but I really doubt if they will be that squirrely. Enjoy your vacation!
  12. ok, just checked and so far here in AZ we are good, we can vape in most non smoking areas. I have added my name to the NY list to reconsider their ban.
  13. I just found out that back last year they tried to ban e-cigs on the state college campuses here in AZ, actually in the county of Maricopa, where I live. I will now go and look to see if there is any sort of ban or a proposed ban. I did just stock up on juice from Gourmet Vapors, I have a liter of 36mg..... so hopefully that will get me thru any tough times, until the hubbub dies down and people come to thier senses. The tobacco comapnies here in the states may find it worth thier while to make nic juices and then tax that as they do analogs. Unfortuneately it may drive the prices up as it did on cigarettes, but we are a growing grassroots population as it becomes more clear that e cig's and all thier componants are healthier than smoking.
  14. Sorry, I was clueless, which doesn't happen often, I usually research the hell out of things before I jump, but I went to 3 differant smoke shops here in town, bought 3 differant kits and on 2 of them I could interchnage the carts, which were differant, one short white and one taller brown, but not the atomizers, and the last one was the Crown 7 which has its own carto's. However, I can charge the Crown 7's on my 510 multicharger, and with a bit of shoving and pulling, they will take a 510 to 808 adapter..... makes no sense cuz the Crown 7's won't take a 510 carto. And I did check the atomizer site and did not see the one that fits the male batteries I have. So I guess I will just put those aside and use the ones that work better and I can get parts for. Thanks!
  15. howdy folks! just wanting to know what kind of cigs these might be. Again, as I said before, I bought 3 kits before I knew what I was doing. I have no clue what type of battery these might be. They are small,male, approx 3" long w/o the atomizer. Help! Thanks.
  16. Thx Gang! I found that my adapter (510 to 808) works if I screw in the 510 end, went on easy on one Crown 7 the other one I had to get pliers and screw it down to make contact, but it worked! and it still fits on my 520 batts. So I have a solution, yay!!!!!!
  17. Yes..... and here is the post that mentions it's a KR208 Tech Specs: Model Number: KR-208 Manufacturer: Shenzhen Kanger Technology Co., Ltd. Similar Models: DSE901,RN4075 Parts Interchange With Other Models: Length: 119mm Atomizer Type: cylinder, 2 holes Starter Kit Contents: 1 Atomizer, 2 Batteries, 5 Carts, 1 Charger, Manual Alternate Names: KR208, Crown 7 Hydro so...... I have the Crwon 7 Hydro Imperial kit.... came w/one battery (female threads) 2 Cartos and a USB charger. So again my question is... is there an adapter that will allow me to use other Carto's or do I need to resign myself to buying their Carto's?
  18. Well then maybe we both are... I will get the post that said it was a KR208 and post it here, I just checked the Crown 7 and it does have female threads.
  19. No, and I goofed earlier and said it was a KR 201.... it's really a KR208..... seems to be similar to a DSE901 or an RN4075, so now I am looking to see if there is a 901 to 510 or 808 adapter or a 4075 to 510 or 808 one.
  20. ok I boobooed..... my Crown 7's are KR 208's not 201's..... sooooo, is there a DSE901 or RN 4075 adapter to either a 510 or an 808? Thx!
  21. Correct, the 510 don't make a connection on the Crown 7 (I do like them they are a really well made smoke, but the price of the carto's is just high and I was hoping to find a way to get something less expensive) and my 808 adapter won't screw on either - so I was going to try a 901 adapter to either a 510 or 808. So Far I am really pleased with the 510 to 808 adapter...... the 808 carto's are doing well, I just had that minor problem with the "primer taste" which I have found out is really burning filler. Throat kick, I will try using alcohol or more PG in my mixes.
  22. OK that's what I neede to know.... cuz it does taste really foul, but not like burning cig filter. Thx!
  23. ok, now I know my Crown 7's are KR201's, and I just tried to screw on my 808 adapter onto the Crown 7 batt. No go. now is there a 901 to 510 or 808 adapter (the Crown 7 battery is female) I don't care if I have to use more than one adapter.. Thx folks!
  24. I have been making my own juices for just a lttle while and 3 things, one: NEVER buy your PG from Stag tobacconists, it's actually made for humidors.... I wasted a 1/2 a bottle of hazelnut to find that out, yechhhhh. Two: how in the heck do you get rid of that primer taste in the carto's, I have had it happen that when my juice starts running dry, I get that FOUL taste. And three: how do you add throat kick to juices that are predominately VG, I mean the flavor and vapor is good, but NO throat kick at all. Thanks folks!
  25. ahhhhh... don't think so, the 808 carto's I just got are female and the Crown 7 carto's are male... will check on the 901's. Thanks a lot everyone, for digging all that up for me!!
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