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Everything posted by Elayna

  1. hello again everyone! I have a question for all of you folks. Is there ONE store that sells all the small things.... like the grey plastic LED covers, replacement rubber buttons for manual smokes, drip tips, adapters, new tips for the clearomizers, etc.? I have been looking around for these things and I know I have seen some of them at differant stores but can't remember where! So anything would help! Thx!
  2. What i use is 2 smaller yet thick rubber o rings..... one is made into a larkshead loop around the other one and is then clipped to the lanyards you can get for office badges etc. The other o ring is then slipped onto the e cig (only really works for the ones that look like cigarettes). That way it doesn't slip off and I don't lose it, don't break it, and I can carry a couple of cartos with the caps on in my pocket. I do have a couple of the aluminum holders I bought, but then I went to empty cigar tubes for carrying extra batteries w/cartos attached. So far the XL 510's and 808's have been enough for me to vape all day.... not that I dont want a mod.... but right now can't afford it.
  3. Howdy folks! Well, I finally heard from Terry Brazil, the owner of Perfect Electronic Cigarettes (PEC). He IS sending me replacements, finally! So things are resolved. He had been ill and therfore had not been at the computer. I did tell him that I would go into the forum and say that things were finally sesolved. Hooray! And thank you all for the support I got!
  4. The clearomizers are right now my favorite, cuz there is no fabric or filler to burn..... I did notice yesterday that when I got down close (liquid wise) to the atomiser part of the tank, it did start to taste burned, so i just refilled it and kept going.
  5. Yep I did..... the problem is he is ignoring all of my attempts to email him, and there is no # to call. I am going to try reaching him at his personal email..... ARG!
  6. The 510 fluxomizers or clearomizers come in 2 lengths, regular and XL.... reg's hold approx. 1 ml and the XL almost 1.8ml..... they are esentially mini map tanks. You HAVE to be careful with them, it's really EASY to break the seal at the bottom and the lil clear o ring. I know, I have busted 3 of them. The good thing is ya kin get them back together and use a bit of loctite superglue and they work jest fine. I am prolly gonna add my cartridge mod to one so I don't have to stop, use a syringe, and then put everything away again. I love to vape, not get every thing ready to vape. Which is why I have a 1 oz bottle attached to a long 510 carto on my passthru, which I can put on any 510, if I ever get the vendors to send me replacements. I think I did see 808 clearomizers in both sizes, but they went QUIK.
  7. Howdy folks! I got a bone to pick with a vendor. Terry Brazil from Perfect Electronic Cigarettes said he would make an exception and allow me to send back some bad batts, and that he would replace them or give me store credit. So I sent them back. Emailed him that I had done so, and get a reply of go open a new ticket at our help desk.... I thought hmmmmmmmmmm, but went and did as asked. Again told the story and was asked if I choked the batt to get a better hit. After he got the batts, the ticket was closed...... no credit, nothing. I reopened the ticket and have emailed him now every day for 5 days, in the last ones I told him I would be going into the forums and giving a very negative review (ie trashing his rep, cuz if he didn't care about it, why should I?) So, if anyone has any suggestions on how to get some satisfaction from this yahoo, lemme know PM. Thanks for allowing the venting. Keep on vaping on, it's an adventure!
  8. Elayna

    1St Mod!

    Yeah. Lemme find my camera, and I will see what I can do.
  9. you're very welcome!.... If it hadn't have been for the folks here, I would have dropped the whole thing when all of my 510's went belly up, but with some coniving and adapters I have smokable batts. Going in to get a replacement tonight for one of my crown 7's that died last night. Keep on Vaping on, it's an adventure!
  10. Nope not the same... The MAP tank is named after it's creator, Most Angry Pirate. I still want one, but they fly out the door sooner than they come in. So, mebbe I can get onto his personal waiting list if he has one.
  11. Working well so far!.. the crappy thing is all of my 510's are either broken or on their way back to the vendors for replacement. All I have is my 510 passthru and have a xl clearomizer in it, but the juices were made with just a small tidbit of the stevia sweetener. One is a hazelnut and the other is a chocolate hazelnut, both of them yummy to me. My Crown 7's carto's are straight Marlboro type taste. Haven't monkeyed much with them.
  12. Thanks! Already emailed them and told them what happened, they told me i could return the charger for a refund. Wont get me my 510's back but we'll see if the vendors will be good about it.
  13. I tried everything I could find on cleaning to resetting the batteries. And, I don't vape that much, and I was wrong on the time frame. One set was 2 months old, the 2nd set was less than one month old. I am fighting with one of the vendors now, I won't name them yet. I ordered a KR808 350 ohm battery w/lifetime garantee yesterday. I also got an 808 to 510 adapter from TW so I can use my XL 510 C2's. I like those, they're mini map tanks. The multicharger is going back to the vendor for a refund. I spoke with another supplier here in town and when I told him about the muticharger, I heard ohoh in his voice, so I guess they're really not a good thing to use. Lesson learned. Will only use the USB and wall units to charge my batts from now on. I will get a 10 port electrical surge protected outlet to use. I use one with my computer. BTW, Thanks to everyone that has answered any and all of my questions and comments!
  14. I am so glad you found a good vendor for your tastes! Right now I am battling with a vendor to get replacement 510 batts, i won't say who just yet. Anyway, I kinda knew that I would have some trouble getting juices I liked, so I decided to do the DIY route, so if anything went wrong, it would be in a small batch and I wouldn't be wasting much juice or money. Congrats again. I will prolly go check on them now too.
  15. I had 7 510's.... so I got one of the 10 port chargers. Figured it would be fine.. well, 5 of them conked out... the charger says they are charged but I get no vapor! SO I am sending some of them back to the vendors, and hopefully getting replacements. But in the mean time I am smoking my more expensive crown 7's (one of which just conkede out on me)and using my 510 usb passthru that only works on my computer. I tried getting a 1000maH wall unit for that but that didn't work either, they replaced them...... I have 4 more paperweights. Soooooo I am getting discouraged when I wrote that post. But my partner is going to be sweet and get me another kit... I hope that they are a KR808, cuz I have a boatload of cartos for an 808, cvuz right now I have one! battery that I can use away from the house.
  16. Yeah I have been trying too, but now I have NO 510's to use, I had 5.... so, I guess I go back to flipping anaologs, I can't affford to buy 2-3 batteries every month. I can't afford the mods, and am not handy enough to make my own.
  17. Hi Gang! gotta question, how many of you use the 10 slot 510 charger? It seems like after I started using it I have lost all my 510's! None of them work any more. I now have 5 - 510 paperweights. I am pissed. 2 of them were older, but 1 was less then 6 months old and 2 were less than 3 months old. So now I have no batteries to use, the only thing I am using is my passssthru. I tried getting a couple of 1 amp wall units to power it I now have 4 more paper weights... this is BS... I can't afford this, I am on a fixed income, disability, and I have spent way much more than I could really afford to try and make this work. I have a lot of other stuff that goes with it, the nic juice, flavors etc. What in hell happened? Sandy
  18. Before I learned the condom method of filling cartos, I would gently drop some drops into the carto from the threaded end and then lightly blow into that end to push the juice into the filler or so I thought. I would still often get a mouthful of juice when inhaling. I now do something close to dripping, by modding a carto and then squeezing a bottle to add more juice when it starts to run dry. So far it works, but I want a MAP tank! I am still using 510 batteries but went to the mega ones, which are higher ohm and last a couple of hours longer depending on how much I am vaping. I still like the look of a cigarette, especially if I am out and about, I don't have to explain quite as much as if I were say using an Ego.
  19. I know they carry glycerin, have not looked for PG yet.
  20. I don't even get that far... max of maybe 2 ml and it still makes lotsa vapor but just is an ungodly foul taste. Back to the drawing board then. Thanks!
  21. I am also one that doesn't take kindly to people that DEMAND I stop what I am doing, no matter what it is, as long as I am not actually harming someone (unless I have their permission ) I have vaped in my Dr's offices, various clinics and dining establishments, sometimes stealthily, usually openly. I have gotten some funny looks, but no one so far has said a word. One couple recognized it as an e cig, and I educated some cab drivers, them I usually ask if I may use it, and haven't gotten a no yet. So... If it's not illegal in your State I would say go for it... the states that have banned it, use your own discretion. Keep on vaping on.
  22. Howdy folks! I have a big problem..... I have now ruined more than 8oz of juice and flavorings. I made up small batches at first and then went ahead and calculated for a 30mg bottle, several times. I made a mod of drilling a hole in a carto and snaking in a small length of small diameter hose into them so that I could simply squeeze the bottle when the carto started to run dry.(a wet box w/o the box) Well, after flooding the atty several times and sometimes came real close to flooding the battery too, I slowed down some, but still made some of that same mod. My problem is that I can use the 30ml bottle for a while and then it begins to taste extremely foul, like burning vegetable oil.. I am using 36mg pg cut with VG and pg based flavors. I did change one thing, I made up a bottle of sweetener using a pinch of stevia powder and vodka (however, no vodka taste, but nice and sweet. I only add 3-5 drops per 30 ml bottle). What's happening? Why am I only able to get maybe 30 puffs before it starts to taste really foul? Any help would be greatly appreciated... and yes I clean my carto's by running boiling water thru them etc. Thanks!
  23. I just got my VG from Proctor & Gamble, but have not yet found a good source for food grade/kosher PG. I did get 1oz from perfumer's apprentice, but that was gone really fast. Someone got a good source of quantity/quality PG?
  24. I did. You will need to "borrow" someone's business address, they will NOT deliver to a residential address. Used my partner's work address. Got the supercol KPO..... very clear and smooth. But it comes in a 1 gallon bucket, so you'd prolly want to have another container/bottle handy.
  25. My partner has an idea of how much I have spent on my new "hobby". I have 2 of the Walmart 3 drawer chests (small dresser type), 1 cabinet with 3 shelves, 2-7 drawer units, part of one side of my desk, and some odds and ends in odd places for my smoking habits..... I still smoke a hookah at times and have quite a bit of stuff that goes with that since I also make some of my own Shisha (mainly chocolate) and now the e smokes. I have prolly spent more in the last 6 months than I did in a few years of regular smoking, but it is such a neat thing to do. I did it mainly to keep the 2nd hand smoke from my partner since she quit 3-4 years ago, she can't smell the Hookah and definately not the e smoke. It's healthier for both of us in the long run. She is glad I have a healthier way of smoking but is a bit concerned with my "obsession" with it.
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