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Everything posted by Elayna

  1. Quick question for ya oldtimers, and/or you math whizzes..... if I add 15ml of 1 18mg juice to another 15ml of a differant 18mg juice, do I have 30mls of 18mg juice or is it 30mls of 36mg juice?
  2. Right now all of my stuff is stuffed (pun intended, crammed full is really what I mean) into 2 small 3 drawer plastic dresser type cabinets from walmart, 2 of the 7 drawer craft organizers, another cabinet, and half of my desk. I need more room!!!! Oh and 2 of the 3 drawer organizers, various cigar boxes and index card boxes...... LOL! We are just now starting on our HOT season (no spring or fall, just summer and winter)and all we have is evaprorative cooling. Cool and dark space huh? I am really gonna hafta get that small fridge and just set it to cool not cold. Gracias, amigos. If any of you have any ideas of what I can use to keep my stuff cool and stored well for long term let me know, k? Right now I smoke 2-3ml of 18mg juice a day and I have close to 3 liters of juice and flavors that need to be stored.
  3. Not to spook ya but using the USB on yer puter to charge yer e smoke could hurt the computer, or so it has been said somewhere here on the boards. Also, I have several wall chargers and USB chargers (I have 12 differant batts, 4 varieties, I even use a wall charger for my passthrus), and if one batt goes green and the other stays red, I change the chargers, cuz one part may have conked out. So, stay safe, keep yer computer for computing, and get either a usb/wall setup ot get a direct wall charger for yer batts. Some kits come with all 3, wall, USB, and car chargers, that's usually a sweet deal.
  4. Hot diggaty! vaping 5-7ml of 24mg??? I thought I was on the high end doing 2-3ml of 18mg/day. That's 169mg of nic a day vs 54mg..... sheesh.... me lightweight here. But that's ok.... I had already started tapering off the little ceegars I was smoking cuz they were switching from a buy one get one free to single cartons because of our very greedy state's high taxes on any (flavored) smokes. Don't let the nic levels scare ya, you'll find your zone quickly enuf. They're right, your body will find it's comfort level of nic and try to stay there. And you CAN taper down, from high to zero if ya want, I have a friend that's vaping 0 nic juice (Dr Pepper I think). So relax, pull up a chair to the fire and vape away.
  5. @ Switcher: if you moved away from electronics, whatcha vaping with?
  6. Hi! Just wanted to say I agree with the person that said handle only with gloves. I would add a mask and a cheap rubber or nylon apron. 100mg can make you very sick if not dead, if mishandled. That said, use your calculator to get your percentages and then make SMALL batches to start with. Flavors are usually available at a bakeing store, if not wanting to get them online. Lorann's, and Perfumers Apprentice are my 2 favorite sites, and I can get Lorann's locally at a baking store. Again start out with the smaller bottles cuz you will only be using a few drops at a time for small batches of juice. After being a "mad scientist" for a while, you will come up with a few personal favorites and then you can go to making the bigger batches. I start with a 3ml batch and if I like it I make a 30ml batch, cuz I smoke about 2ml a day, unlike some of our heavier vapors. The most important thing is to get you off the killer weed and that you enjoy it so you will remain a vapor.
  7. Well I looked and it looks like this does fit in here so here goes. I bought a couple of Good Phophets EGO passthru's when they were on sale. To my amazement they worked with a standard wall & usb jack, cuz the 510 PT I had before would not. I really could only use it on my computer, which wasn't a problem, but I was leery cuz some had mentioned major problems when they used the computer USB ports. Anyway. I just found out that my rechargable double A battery charger I have for for my phone will power my EGO as well! This charger uses standard rechargable NiCad batteries. So, if my EGO starts to drop in preformance I might be able to use this thing maybe as an external power source until I can get home and recharge it there. I am tucking my spare cord for my Ego in my travel kit right now! I am truly amazed at the versatility of these EGOs. I am very happy!
  8. I am fairly sure that those of us using clearomizers gave up trying to use the Little mouthpiece thingy they send with them. Well I just found a way to use them that works pretty good. Ya know the slender long 510 cartos (joye?)? well, I pulled off the top plastic mouthcap and then gently pushed in the mouthpiece from the clearomizers. They fit like a charm! Actually makes them look nice too. I use them on my Ego (hell I use anything on my Ego as long as I have the adapters) and get a nice warm mouthfull of smoke to inhale. I also get more of a throat hit too. Am thinking of trying to order just the mouthpieces so I have some backups.I have anther mod of sorts but it belongs in another section, so I will bbiab. have fun!
  9. The more batteries the better if you want to stay with the 510s, I would advise getting the mega batts, they last longer. The EGO passthru is nice, since you can plug in while on the puter, and unplug, grab cartos (EGOs take 510 cartos) and go out and proabaly not run out of battery power, but mebbe tuck a mega 510 in a cigar tube and toss that in yer jacket or back pocket with some cartos.
  10. Wow! ok, 5 months and still going is good! That my partner will be happy about!.... I have several kits (so to speak) of longer 510s and cartos & clearos, got 2 sets of 808's and their adapters and cartos too, so I just have to be sure to have a set of adapters, so if i go out with a 510 or 808 batt, I can use any carto. I want them all to last as long as I can realistically do. I figured out how I fried some of my 510 batts. I had made a mod on a carto and thought the juice was dripping into the filler. Well it wasn't, it was going right to the atomizer, and these were auto batts. So I got good vape for a while, then they died. whoops! Lesson learned, took them all apart and fixed the cartos as best as I could using the sticky shelf paper from WalMart. They look ok, just odd enuf to make folks do a double take. Hobby? sorry, it's a lifestyle now.
  11. Hi, welcome back!.... we don't know each other, but if i had to go back to analogs, I think I would just go cold turkey...... I have really enjoyed my vaping and trying new flavors and the DIY area. So, experiment a bit, but I would say clean yer attys every night, and then blow them out in the morning and do whatever else is needed to get it smoke ready. I gave up on attys and carts and went to cartos and clearos. I want a MAP tank, but my partner would scalp me (I really have spent a LOT in the past 2 months). Now if I can budget for it, I prolly can get one, but cripes, they're gone in minutes! I tryed making a zip tank but that flopped, not real sure why, so mebbe I will try again. The main thing, try to stay off the killer weed, and be happy vaping. Good Luck!
  12. I recently bought 2 of Good Prophets EGO PTs, and the thing I like is you can unplug, stuff a couple of cartos in yer pocket, and go out the door. I am hoping these will last me a while, cuz my partner is pissed at the amount i have spent in the last 2 months on this new habit (addiction). Can someone give me a realistic time frame? Thanks!
  13. Hello! I can sympathise with the carto conondrom. I have wasted a lot of juice just getting them smokeable, and/or getting a mouthful of juice, when I 1st start on it. I switched to clearomisers, but they have their challenges too. Just don't give up yet. There may be a mod that can be made and will fit what you like and need.... think about that and then ask some of the modders here if it can be made. Good luck!
  14. oh good, someone else that does clean their's. I cleaned several of mine, including plastic ones (forgot that plastics warps when cooling). Managed to kill a couple of auto batts afterwards, so I went to the clearomizers. Yippee Skippy! they're a small map tank! So now when I need to reorder cartos, I'll be getting clearomizers/fluxomizers. Even tho I have flooded my table with juice more than a couple of times, cuz they're not glued at the bottom. Today, I took a bran spankin new clearomizer and before doing anything else, got out my glue and fixed that. Been vaping on it all day on my EGO PT. Couldn't be happier,(they could make them a bit easier to refill, my palm hurts from the syringe) unless I magically get a Map tank.
  15. ok folks, I finally got me an EGO PT. I fugure I will charge it most of the time via the cable that makes it a PT, but I wanted to know if I could hook it up to a 510 usb charger and then plug that into a wall socket? Or do I need a particular EGO charger? And do they have EGO's like the 1000ohm and the 1300 ohm in passthroughs? Thanks!!!
  16. Congrats on getting the EGO! I just got mine as a passthrough, and love it........ cuz now I can plug into the EGO and to the wall socket with the usb connecter and voila, I am vaping to my hearts content. Then if I go somewhere I tuck it into my lanyard, grab some carto's and away I go. I do take some mega 510 Batts too with their cartos too, just in case. Happy Vaping!
  17. I smoked about 1/2 a pack a day of the little filtered cigars, cuz for a while they were cheaper than cigarettes, but then they had a 700% tax increase on some types of tobacco here in AZ, and the small cigars went up to almost cigarette prices. I found out about e smokes, tried them and haven't looked back. Made some mistakes, but have good ones now, including an EGO passthru, which I love, cuz I can use it plgged into the wall at home, and then have a fully charged batt when I go out. I do take back ups and extra cartos, so, so far so good. I have all new batts, cuz I had to send some back. I have 1 more kit I am getting from my partner as a birthday gift, so I am happy! I have plenty of cartomizers for each batt, and adapters too. Throat hit can be differant depending on what battery you use too. I use mainly VG juices at 16-18mg/ml (and I smoke about 2-3 ml/day) so I get mainly flavor and vapor, not too much of a throat hit. Enjoy your e smoke, I really like mine!
  18. So it's ok to use adapters for charging differant batteries? I had to use an 808/510 to charge my longer 808 batt, seems to be ok.
  19. Well.... hmmmm, not the best idea then, but some kind of light and temperature regulation would probably be necessary for longer term storage. Any ideas?
  20. Pray tell, what be a Dragon's Breath?
  21. I kinda agree that the MAPs could be troublesome, but not having one, I really don't know. I am using 510 clearomizers (they have their problems) and 808's, both with adapters, and now I am getting a couple of 801's from a gentleman here on the forums. So I will get the appropriate adapters since I have not seen any 801 cartos. So far using cartos, espescially the clearomizers, has had the best and easiest way to taste the flavors. I finally broke down and got an EGO passthru, my other one was a simple 510 without the inline battery, but the button quit on me, and I think i can fix it but need to find the buttons. I have found some, but $2.00/button I think is a bit steep. Now the crazy thing, the 510 PT would NOT work anywhere other than on a computer, I tried several wall units and combinations of usb and wall units, none worked. I get my EGO, tried it with a regular wall unit w/a USB connector, and voila, vapor, nice and thick! I was astounded, to say the least. But I am happy cuz now I don't endanger either of my computers! So keep trying combo's if necessary, you will find something that will make you happy!
  22. Thx guys!..... I really don't plan on letting them sit more than 2 weeks at the outside, so I will have to steal some storage space in our fridge, I have 1.5 liters of 36mg and 500ml/48mg plus some odds and ends of other bottles of nic..... and then there's the flavors..... ehhhhhhrrrr, honey can I get a small dorm fridge for my nic juices?(Laffing!!!!!) Actually I might just do that, get one of the camping ones you can get for an RV.... would be a bit smaller, maybe.
  23. howdy everyone! I would like to know, once a carto is filled and has the caps on, how long can you store them w/o them getting a case of the yucks (mold etc)?
  24. OK.... if ya need a syringe, get a 10ml (minimum) one with a 2 inch 22-24 gauge needle. Depending on the density of your juice (PG vs VG), it may take a while to get it filled enough to use. I have one to use on my clearomisers (I vape mainly VG) cuz I really disliked the tiny plastic needles that they want you to use.....but it takes me a while to get enough in it to use....so I have a larger syringe and fill it about half full and then put the needle cap on. But the smaller gauge(24) is smaller even than the plastic one and should slip right in. Do be careful not to bend the 2 inch needle..... is really easy to do, so be REALLY gentle! Good luck!
  25. I would be happy to swap a 510 old auto batt for an 801 old manual batt. I have a set of crown 7's that I have not really been able to find much info on.... I think someone said it was a KR208, but that's it. Any help there would be greatly appreciated. The button replacement is for my 510 PT, and the lens covers are for some 510's that still work. I looked at one site.... but little rubber buttons (4) for almost $9.00 is a bit much, same for the lenses.
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