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Everything posted by Elayna

  1. folks.. no nic juice is either a combo of pg/vg or pg and/or vg with distilled water. You could add any flavor you like...... I see any e-cig device becoming like a corn cob pipe..... It's the NICOTINE. China grows close to 90 percent of the tobbaco used in the nic juices. After all the bad press about Chinese products, do you really think the FDA is gonna let them get away with truly sending "good" juice here? I personally don't think so, but I am a cynic.
  2. yeah, leather is nice!... I will prolly make a couple for myself, I used to do simple leather stuff for myself a lot, still have my tools and some leather. I will experiment and see if an easy downward or sideways is gonna be better for me.
  3. ARG!... the price of juice will go up, and since the FDA is regulating them as a "tobacco" product, all the smoking bans will be the same for cigarettes and e-smokes, even tho they do not have the same environmental effects.
  4. I think a lot of the small suppliers are gonna get shafted. The FDA will end up stopping all shipments from other countries to do "quality" control, on devices and juices, so don't get too comfy with the idea that you can just get it from out of country. Then the tobacco co's here might try to start making juice so that they can recoup some of the billions they have lost in lawsuits etc. and loss of sales because of the Stop Smoking crud. Then we get to see about the taxes and other idiocies. Get the idea.... they want us to smoke so that they can move the $$ around and someone will keep getting rich while the small folk get shafted - again. E smokes threaten that, and until they can figure out how to make it make money for them, they will make it very difficult for anyone to make a living doing something good, and afterward, no one will be able to because they will have the monopoly. So, think about making yer own absolute, and then go from there. They can't ban flavor vendors... there's too much of a cooking industry that uses the flavors we do too. But staight nic juices .... those will become hard to get and flavored nic juice will have trouble coming in too, those that are currently in country or made here will ok for a short while, until the FDA finds the directest supplier, and makes it impossible for our vendors to get supplies. my 2 cents.
  5. Ayup, real easy to replace.... the cord or rubberband, not the batt.<grin> My first "lanyard" was really a longish length of satin rattail cord looped thru an o ring. That's how I got the idea of the 2 o rings and lanyard cuz I wanted to spiff it up some.
  6. Just an addition to the above, I have found that the larger o rings, again with the loop and lanyard, works with my EGO. Same thing, don't lose it, don't break it.
  7. hi guys, take a look at Good Prophets, they had all kinds of adapters, that's where I have gotten all of mine. Well fooey, that'll make me read to the end of the thread. Sorry the pieces don't work any more
  8. In our house, during the hottest part of summer the mean temp runs about 95 in the house, day and night. I know.... Wow!, but I have been in this house for 20 years now,and were it not for my landlord being a friend as well, I and my partner would have been homeless several times over. I do honestly appreciate all of your opinins, and would have gladly implimented them were my situation a bit more normal.
  9. aw hell, why not. I use one of the metal ciagette snuffers that's a bit bigger (like for a blunt) glued to large washer with a 1/2 inch diameter hole. I then drop that onto a dollar store glass candle holder that is a dual purpose one, can use a tea light or a regular candle. The washer is about the same diameter of the tea light. If you're like me and smoke mostly autos, putting one of yer smokes with a carto on the down side keeps it upright and juice won't flow into yer batt, possibly shorting it at yer next puff. I think it looks pretty nifty and won't clutter yer desk, but you can find it cuz it's standing up. Have not come up with anything for EGOs and other types of Esmokes out there yet. Am cogitating on it tho. Most of the time I have my PV on a lanyard, so I usually can find it.
  10. If all of your flat surfaces are like in my house, there would be nowhere to put it. My ideas are for smaller items, that could be stuffed in a cranny. That reminds me, need to go to another section of the forums
  11. I found a couple of nifty simple ways to keep them from rolling off the table, actually a couple of ways, but this time I ain't giving away the ideas. So Contact me, and/or for a couple of bucks I may send either the item or the idea.... prolly the item depending on what your main smoke is.
  12. Thank you for that validation Lady D! That's pretty much What I thought I would do, get a small dorm or bar fridge and set it higher than normal. Thank you all for your suggestions, I am lucky, the only little ones I have are furry 4 legged kids, I do have one that goes chasing mice in our bottom cupboards. Our washer konked out, amd my partner's brother looked down inside it and saw a mouse.... we had been wondering why Scapper (cat #1)had been sitting by the washer for extended periods of time.
  13. hoo doggy, I agree!.... having everything regulated.... would still create a black market for the higher nic levels and flavors.
  14. ok gang..... I know we just had a discussion on storage, but my situation is somewhat unique. I live in a small 2 bedroom house that uses evaporative cooling during our Hot season (there's only 2 seasons here Hot and Cold). Someone said that it should stay between about 55 and 95 degrees (Approx.) Any suggestions for keeping my juices cool and ina dark place? My house has nowhere I can store it. I am thinking humidor or small wine fridge,any more suggestions?
  15. I do.. and fairly cheap too. $2.50 and you will need a medium sizede candleholder that will also hold a tea light.....PM me Please!
  16. HHHHmmmmmmm, decals, there is an idea..... there are so many types of them out there, bumper stickers would work on the larger longer cylindrical ones. I can see it, a party, a couple of folks have the same mod and no way to tell them apart. Lets get it rolling folks, how are you gonna mod yer mod so it's yours?
  17. I don't understand anyone using atomizers, unless they're dripping. But to have them go out so quickly, I would wonder where my supplier is getting them from. I started using cartos right after I heard heard about them, and will fall back to those when my clearos fail. I was wanting a small Map tank, 510 or 808, 801 even, but have heard he will stop making those. Sorry, long paragraph way offff topic. I hope you find a good source of reliable atomisers.
  18. I found one way to personalize my e cigs (not mods, they are works of art in their own right.) I use the patterned sticky shelf paper ya can get at grocery stores and WalMart. Ya gotta hunt for differant ones but a roll, you can put them in your estate for yer kid's inheritance. (It will last a VERY long time). Happy hunting.
  19. Hot diggity dahyam! I didn't know they were in AZ. I am in Phoenix and sometimes make a day trip to Tucson with my partner (I don't drive, am disabled). so hopping in there would be a treat! I will scribble myself a note, and if I don't forget where I put it, we'll go there.
  20. Hi! I'm kinda new to all this jazz, but I did get a purple EGO PT from another vendor, and I was really happy with it so I got me a copper one as backup..... one person here told me she had had her's for 5 months and it was still going strong, which made me really happy. Now if I can get the right carto or tank to go with any of my batts, preferably the EGO, I will be in Vaper heaven. Been looking but have to wait till next month, can't break my budget any more, did that for 3 months and my partner gave me that hairy eyeball this month..... so I am really being good.
  21. Welcome from a newish member. I have yet to make to your glorius store, but I will very soon. Namaste.
  22. I,too, have nothing but good things to say about Good Prophets. Every thing has been dead on except for 1 really minor mishap. In a way I am glad he is going to be solely working on his INet store, means good things for us! Huzzah! to Good Prophets!
  23. Hello everyone, I hope yer day started well! What I wold like to know, is, who's/what's your favorite Flue Cured tobacco/vendor? And why..... gimme the reasons ya think they're/its the best! I got a 30ml bottle from GoodProphets during their sale and really like that one (it's over half gone). But I know there's others out there, so gimme yer stories about Flue Cured Tabbacky. Thanks!
  24. yippee hurray, that's what I needed to know, I got a lot of juices from Good Prophets and want to blend some, just didn't want to make rocket fuel.... (grin) so if I take 18mg and a 14mg it will give me a 16mg? Prolly so, so I am putting on my mad scientist dunce cap and gona go play wif my goodies. I have to stop by there later anyway.
  25. Quote: Most of us have tried all the different ways to quit smoking because we knew it wasn't good for us. It didn't work. That's why we chose to vape instead. For most of the people in this forum, vaping did work for us. We're all happy with our decision. We come to this forum to help out any of the new people who are looking for answers, because people helped us get started in the same way. We are here because we care and we want to help. We don't have all the answers, but we do the best we can. I know that everyone here would be willing to help you out all they can, but no one here has all the answers. Some things you just have to do yourself. End Quote. I had no idea of all the health benefits of vaping until after I joined this forum. I knew that I needed to do something, because regular smoking was getting way too expensive on a monthly basis, when all I get is $700.00/month disability. We looked at the e cigs as probably being cheaper so we got some kits. My life partner has quit smoking totally, but I still smoked, in the house still even. Now, those that still smoke analogs have to go outside, or you can join me either with one of my kits or my hookahs. My partner wasn't happy for a while because I went way over my budget the first few months of vaping cuz I needed batts and cartos and juice for the differant kits I had. Then I found adaptors! yippeee! I can now use any batt with any carto, but I am finding I am getting the best flavor from the cartos geared for the batt it's intended for. Some juices do better with certain voltages and amperages. Finding the sweet spots for yourself is half the fun. Do read and try differant things, I did, and am happy with my choices. Don't be afraid, like I said before, your body will find its comfort level and you will keep it there by vaping whatever you settle on.
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