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Everything posted by St3v0

  1. Hi, Anyone know what happens to eliquid if left in a hot car? I left mine in my car most of the weekend. It seems to vape fine and tastes ok. Any thoughts?
  2. @Beans Dang!! 10ml in a day! I can go weeks on 10ml! How does your throat feel after 10ml in a day!?
  3. I read a press release from 2009 on www.FDA.gov. The release talks about the dangers of ecigs, such as ejuices that contain diethylene glycol and carcinogens including nitrosamines. Is this a bold-faced lie or what?
  4. Is this a sign your wife is allergic to ejuice?
  5. What do you consider chain vaping? When I vape, it's for 10 minutes or less. I do this maybe four times a day. Not sure if it's pg or vg. I guess I could contact the vendor and ask. I held off for a day and it began to feel better but then the next day I vapid more and now I'm having the same tender throat. This can't be good for me! lol! I might try a different juice.
  6. This time I went down in mgs, from 24 to 18. I remember the 24 somewhat making my throat sore but not as bad as the new stuff. The problem is, it tastes so flipping good, I can't stop vaping it!!'
  7. I've been vaping an 18mg cherry juice from Vaper's Corner. It's a very tasty vape and has a crazy throat hit. However, since I started vaping the cherry juice, my throat has been feeling very tender. Not to mention the cough accompanied with it. Is this normal or could I be allergic to it?
  8. Hey thanks! No prob! They are a small online store in KCMO. I'm all about supporting small business!
  9. I bought some 24mg mint eliquid from Vaper's Corner. It has the biggest throat hit hands down, and tastes great! Check them out at www.vaperscorner.com. This is great stuff! I will be buying more!
  10. Dewicking?
  11. St3v0


    Now Blu only offers Cartomizers. Do you think the would work on my Volcano?
  12. I have two bottles of 8mg and one 24mg. I sometimes vape the 24mg. Anyone know if that means there's 24mg of nic in the whole 10ml bottle???
  13. Do I need a drip tip for that??
  14. Hi, I recently bought blank carts and fill them with my favorite ejuice. Volcano customer support said a cart holds seven drops. I've tried this but every time I vape, ejuice comes out the tip. I take easy, long drags and make sure the ecig is pointing downward. Any suggestions as to why this is happening? Thanks!
  15. St3v0


    I bought the basic V-Kit sampler. I really wanted a Magma, but since I'm a noob, I didn't want to spend the money not knowing if I'd stick with it. You should check out eFox. Looks like quality products on there.
  16. St3v0


    I recently purchased a Volcano ecig starter pack. I'm very happy with my purchase; however, I'm wanting to know if it's possible to buy an atty from another site, such as eFox, and use it with my Volcano battery. I assume the answer is no. I just wanted to make sure. Has anyone on here ever bought from Volcano? What are your thoughts on this company? So far I've had a very positive experience, but I'm really regretting not buying my starter pack from eFox. I've heard great things about their 510s and they offer free shipping, which is a huge bonus IMO. Any input is much appreciated! Cheers! - St3v0
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