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    United States
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  1. Hi, I wanted to know what is the disposable pod system that you use. And please mention the top 3 reasons to choose it. I am looking for a pod that is more comfortable and small in size. Thanks, John
  2. Hi, I can' t participate in any discussion. Can you please help me for the same? Thanks in Advance, Sujit Das
  3. Hi, We all know that smoking is dangerous for our health. That's why we do vape mostly. But is this the only reason? Why do you vape? Looking forward for some interesting talks!!
  4. Hi, I am John, 25 years old. I don't smoke. I get to know about vaping from my friend. It feels very satisfying when seeing the tricks with it. I also tried a bit. I want to get in touch with people who does these kind of trick like circle etc. Thanks, John
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