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Everything posted by GPurv

  1. What thread did someone post where they were carted away by the vaping police? Why all the paranoia?
  2. No worries here in Dallas. I vape in public and no one ever asks.
  3. I just put it in their nasty grey tote with my keys and pocket change. Have never been asked about it. The air vents above the seats are usually so strong the vape doesn't even hang around.
  4. Yes. It was exciting at first; like going commando. I've since found that when doing either, nobody really cares.
  5. http://bigdaddyvapor.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=12&products_id=53
  6. @DV: I never ran into that problem, although I've heard it alot. I know you prime your new carts but I'm sure some people don't. I've only used carto tanks on a Provari. Have you looked at, tried or know of anyone that has been using the Big Daddy Vapes stainless steel tanks? I just put down $60 for one last night and hoping that it won't crack. http://bigdaddyvapor.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=12&products_id=53
  7. Agreed. If my protected AW blows up, especially withinin any circuit protected appliance, the Fed had better be going after the battery manufacturer.
  8. All of my doctors and surgeons love PVs. Even while in the hospital last Dec, I not only vaped the entire time but handed out vendor cards to nurses that wanted to buy a PV for their family member(s) or themselves. You wouldn't BELIEVE how many nurses smoke analogs.
  9. Yeah, if vaping can stop Todd from shaving his head (after 25 years!) then first son at least has a chance.
  10. Neither the chargers or the batteries are manufactured exclusively for PV's. They are in a half dozen or more electronic gadgets within our homes (most are slammed tightly up against our brains; aka: cell phones)
  11. Congrats on growing your hair back. Bald is beautiful, but after 25 years, time to give it up, right? Maybe my 30 y/o son might stop shaving his arms if he started vaping. You give me hope. -Gary
  12. details, details, details...
  13. (congrates willmon. This is going to go viral)
  14. Sorry, I meant to also ask... wife wanted to know about the colors available. But, she's pretty much impressed with the size and potential.
  15. Any adapters?
  16. Case, you're a good man. Thank you. All I ever looked for was your reply. (there are pushers and there are salesman, they both make a lawyer's life easier; but it's best to avoid them all)
  17. @KIt: I was originally asking Case. Your anger is misplaced. But, well spoken "vets" Keep up the good work!
  18. I ordered, based on your advice, and I guess because I was desperate, and thought that you knew what you were talking about. Within 3 seconds of filling this (POS) with 50/50 PG/VG tobacoo jiuce, it cracked. It actually had a MASSIVE STROKE before even 1 ML was introduced into it. Now. Do I waste my time asking for a free replacement? NOTCIGS is NOT4ME and good advice is even harder to come by.
  19. @case, do you know if the tube is Lexan? I haven't had any luck at all with Lexan and have been looking for something that won't crack in 4-5 days (and I do pay attention to not using the anti-Lexan type ejuices, like cinnamon and no dropping, etc). If anyone else knows of a pyrex tank (like a J Tank style) please comment where they can be found? Or, maybe there's a better material out there (Chris?) Thanks for the post case. Let us know how it holds up and I'll beat a path to jonboyUSMC
  20. (Hint: during your first month, spend >$350 on e-cigs and you'll break the analog habit!) Honestly, all the above is great advice. If you find, after a few months, that e-cigs are satisfying and that you start using them more and more, don't be afraid to goto more expensive mods. A Provari can last you for years; an Ego not so long. You'll also find that making your own eliquid is easy, extremely inexpensive and a actual fun hobby.
  21. "Sorry, but there is no active payment system."
  22. Hey Bob ! You probably came before me but don't let Brian suck all the fun outta this room!! J tanks are great; I use the ones from vaporescence (forget what they name them; they're all about the same though). I use about the same setup with a ProVari and I use 100% VG with the same punched cartos (well, almost 100%... my nic comes in at 60mg pg/vg... they don't say what the pg to vg % is there). Otherwise, I cut it with pure 100 VG and 10-20% flavors. Just keep a a small unbent paper clip handy to stab through the carto each time you refill the tank. HEAVEN. oops, forgot to mention. I'm a hard core anything cinnamon fan too. Sure, it "frosts" my tank, but it'll take months to bust a tank and I could care less about looks. Go for it. Wish I had met ya a year ago.
  23. Fun topic. I have no idea how I originally found these but my first was a pen-style called the "No. 7". Pretty slick looking (black) with a sealed/rechargable battery that would sometimes last as long as 2 full hours! LOL, I even originally thought the "auto drag" was a great feature! After about a month, I purchased a pass-through EGo. Oh boy, this will keep me happy FOREVER! Yea, right. 3 months later, started buying the larger EGo batteries. (hey, what's this... more vape?). Now that I had the battery power of 1100 mah, I was wanting even MORE vape. Started buying LR cartos, etc. I thought I was in heaven. (well... not yet). On a bleak and dreary Saturday night, 4-5 beers done, I ordered the Provari. I wish I had known to go straight there from the beginning. (beer CAN be your friend!)
  24. You are certainly on the right track with what you have picked out. Always keep in mind, this is a great way for you to experience vaping to first determine if you will want to stay with it or not. At only 12-15 cigs/per day any ecig setup will cost you more, in the long run, to operate, so, be willing to accept that you're new experience will not save you money. But, if your goal is 100% no more analogs, then you'll reach that goal almost immediately (that's a good thing). So, you'll have a new, fun, healthy hobby. And, rest assured, you'll be sporting a Provari and mixing your own ejuices within 9-12 months!
  25. Did the same. Blew the atty out but the battery was fine. Thanks to the light on the button, it was pretty easy to fish it out of the bottom of the machine!
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