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Everything posted by juliery

  1. just so you know, you should keep them in a drawer, or closet or some other cool, NOT cold, dry dark place. Not a refrigerator, as that is cold, plus the light constantly goes on. I keep mine in a drawer in my armoire. Any juice you like, I would keep. Most people switch between several and the flavors like clove, mint, etc can be mixed with lots of other flavors. If you find you don't use it in several months you can always give it away, or trade it with someone else.
  2. Thanks, that was really nice for you to say....I love researching and finding out whatever i can....I found some REALLY great stuff tonight.....blew my mind. About both the power the tobacco industry has over our government and the worldwide influence they have and also the leverage the pharmaceutical industry has over government. The more I am learning the more I GET what is going on. It has really nothing to do with the lawmakers not knowing the facts, or that they are just fools.......these industries control the government, not the other way around. It is truly disgusting, never mind really disturbing. I just googled different things like "tobacco industry influence US government" and I really started feeling sick reading the stuff.....and also the same only pharmaceutical industry. I warn you,....this is disturbing stuff..... http://www.wanttoknow.info/truthaboutdrugcompanies http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Tobacco_industry_public_relations_strategies http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2267871/ http://books.google.com/books?id=BqNIwTkoYOoC&pg=PA62&lpg=PA62&dq=tobacco+industry+influence+public+policy&source=bl&ots=T-0-BsunoU&sig=0XpmgUwWjTEbY5xBDeuYLbFgWjI&hl=en&ei=iCNBTbGPEIGCgAe4r_WzAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CEkQ6AEwBjgU#v=onepage&q=tobacco%20industry%20influence%20public%20policy&f=false I know it is really a lot of reading, but you can bookmark it and save it for later...It really gives you a clear picture of what this is all about....and then add in the lost tax revenue, but really that is not the REAL power behind these attempted bans of the e cig.....it is mostly big tobacco...they will do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING they have to in order to stop this....THEY are the major driving force. It is REALLY disgusting and disturbing what they have done through the decades, the behind the scenes stuff. And how they have SO much influence over the laws and government, because they are so huge and so powerful. How ANY government that is supposedly for and by the people has allowed this to happen, I have no idea. But that is I guess a natural result of greed and the quest for power....you end up owing people...very powerful people.
  3. geez, excuse my numerous typos, I am tired, LOL.....I think you can figure most of them out....sorry about that!
  4. In two days I will be able to tell you about 3 more flavors and maybe the other person can tell you about more....but if the pumpkin spice is ANY indication.....I think I will be one happy vaper in a couple days, LOL. I really can't believe it. I don't normally like the SUPER strong flavors, like that are to the point of overpowering....but the pumpkin spice, mind you NOT double or let alone triple is DEFINITELY a VERY distinct flavor, TOTALLY identifiable, without being disgustingly overpowering. I did not order the other three with extra flavoring either. I can't even imagine what that would be like. Mind are 16mg, medium TH, (you have a choice of 4 levels of TH), 80/20 PG/VG,(numerous choices on that too). I too like that it is made in the USA, and I also like that it is mixed to order, not just stock stuff they get in from China sitting on a shelf. There are so many possible options and combos, there is really no way they could have every possible configuration of each flavor stocked.....it would be insane since they would have NO way of knowing which things any given person would choose. I didn't notice any flavor they didn't have, other than my cappuccino, which he promptly added. I am guessing if there is something special you want mixed, he would do it for you. I really couldn't be more happy with the product or the service. Oh, and the GREAT price, especially given that it is actually GREAT. In the nearly year I have been vaping I have had SUCH a hard time finding liquid I truly like...that is beyond just okay. The same night I ordered from VR, I also ordered from 3 other vendors. The only other order I got so far was from Le Cig....got the Cappuccino for myself, I can't tell the difference between that capp and V4L, it is okay, not bad, not great, nothing special. It is obvious it was premixed. What I really DO NOT like about LeCig's liquids is that they are in little boxes, and the box is labeled but the bottles ARE NOT. Well who the heck is gonna keep sticking the bottle back into the box? I ended up writing on the bottle with a sharpie. My husband got red bull, cherry and sour cherry from Le Cig, and he said he will vape them, they are okay, but he wouldn't order them again, nothing special, really no different than vapor kinds, v4l, good prophets, etc. Just the typical premixed variety. I guess the difference is that with VaporRenu, the flavor is just really, I don't know, what words to use, it is definitely very distinct, it tastes EXACTLY how you would think it SHOULD taste. Good vapor, good TH, just NOTHING bad to say about it. You smell it and NO need to look at the label to see what you just opened. It has a strong flavor but not grossly strong.....I think the double, let alone triple would just be too overwhelming for me, but that is just my personal preference, which is what I love, if you like it super strong, you can get it that way. I first put it in a clean/empty carto and it was totally pumpkin spice, NO doubt about it.....then I was lazy and vaping my cappuccinos which I already filled and when they were getting dryish, I started topping with the pumpkin spice, and I am telling you, it was like flavored cappuccino.....AWESOME, so I love that I can be a lazy slob and just add it onto the capp and it is STILL great. I would imagine it would be equally great combined with say vanilla, coffee, or any of those types of flavors. I think I even might like it better with just that remnant of cappuccino....which is great because I have a lot of cappuccino, and then have more coming from VaporRenu. If the other flavors are even half as good as the pumpkin spice that would still put them ahead of most of the "eh, it's okay" flavors I have from other vendors. I will for sure let you know how the others are when I have them in a couple days. Oh, and I got the stuff in two USPS delivery days. I would think I will get these Saturday. For the price you really can't go wrong to try them.....I am SOOOOOO glad I did. Anyway, I am happy, I know taste varies from one person to another and so forth but really for that price I could live with a flavor that isn't GREAT from time to time. I'd still be ahead money wise.
  5. I saw that double and triple option and OMG am I glad I didn't do it, I can't imagine if I had. I mean this stuff is VERY distinctively pumpkin spice. ANY of the pumpkin, whether it be plain or pie have always had one of those tastes that you could not even begin to identify. This stuff is SO obviously pumpkin spice I actually had my 12 and 13 y/o daughters smell it just by the top of the carto....NOT being vaped, to see if someone who really had NO clue could tell what it was and IMMEDIATELY they both guessed, individually not together. I mean THAT is so unlikely. They eat pumpkin pie once or twice in a year, for Thanksgiving and Christmas....not like they are used to that particular smell. Anyway, I will be REALLY interested with these chocolate flavors because most other vendors the chocolate tastes NOTHING like chocolate, in the same way the pumpkin never smells or tastes like pumpkin. So I am really curious as to how that will be, although it is really for my husband. But he will share, LOL. I WAS really amazed that he would give me a bottle of pumpkin spice just because I didn't think the pumpkin was as good. I mean, I DID NOT expect that. That is FABULOUS customer service. I mean he could have told me to basically shove it, not his fault I order something and don't love it. I didn't hate it or anything but it just isn't as good to me as the one with the "spice". I have a feeling that I will be more adventurous with the liquids, and really, at that price you can be. I mean for crying out loud you get three times the amount for LESS than the price most people charge for just the 10ml. And really, when you know that someone is really willing to stand by their products like that, it makes you WANT to do business with them. I really was amazed by the quality and the flavor ESPECIALLY for that price and especially given that they still take another little bit off on top of it with the coupon code. So today I ordered 90ml worth for $25 INCLUDING shipping...that is REALLY a tremendous deal. But even the regular prices are not bad at all. And I was also impressed by the fact that they didn't have cappuccino on the list and I wrote and asked if there was something similar and he PUT it on the list immediately. I mean, that is really great. OH, and I should mention, I already got my notice THIS EVENING that it has been shipped. AMAZING,....wish I had known about this place before now, LOL. Could have saved some serious cash. Actually, I rather not think about that part, LOL!!!
  6. It is just such an insult to anyone with a brain, that is what I most resent. Do they honestly think we are too stupid to know what this is about? And on that ECF thread people just don't GET IT, they right away go way off in left field asking if bongs and pipes and related devices are seized by customs and why are those sold in smoke shops?? BECAUSE they are sold to be used with tobacco, THAT is why. Of course how many people actually use them for that purpose I don't know, but I have heard of a few, saying the taste of tobacco is better filtered through water, etc. But the point is, THAT doesn't get anyone to stop using tobacco in any way, shape or form.
  7. My husband and I are on the hunt for a new source for our e liquid. Neither of us are a fan of super sweet flavors. So in chat one day someone recommended this site. I gotta tell you, I was skeptical, mostly because the prices were almost TOO low. Not that I will complain. At the same time, we placed orders with 3 other vendors, this was last Thursday. Received the Vapor Renu order fastest, on Monday, (even though we had priority shipping on all of them). I ordered Pumpkin and Pumpkin Spice from VR, I chose the 80/20 PG/VG, 16mg, medium TH. The Pumpkin Spice tastes EXACTLY like you would think it should. Even my husband who would never normally vape this kind of flavor likes it. If you like the Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbuck's you will like this. Great vapor on my fake ego (750mah kr808) battery, and even better vapor using a PT. You have a choice of 4 levels of TH, I picked the second weakest, as I am not big on TH, but this provides a nice hit without being overpowering or anything crazy, but you have the option for an aggressive TH. You can also choose to add Vitamin B12 and things that are thought to be healthy for the body/lungs. The flavor is just great, and I thought I would NEVER vape anything other than my cappuccino, which I have been vaping exclusively for 7 mos. Mixed with the remnants of cappuccino in a mostly vaped carto the pumpkin spice is even better. You can also get extra shots of flavor and other options. Okay, so by comparison I thought the Pumpkin was just okay. It wasn't bad and probably if I didn't have the pumpkin spice I may have thought it was great. I got it in the exact same strength and formulation as the PS. Well, I just wasn't THRILLED with it. SO I contacted the support on the site asking if there was a way for me to send the bottle back and just have whatever the "spice" is added in. They do not accept returns due to health/safety reasons, but state they will try their best to make a customer satisfied. I also asked if I could purchase the "spice" component to add to the liquid. At the same time I asked if they could make cappuccino, as they don't have it on their list of many dozens of flavors, not sure how many but it is A LOT. Jason, the owner responded in about a day saying that he would be happy to just send me a bottle of Pumpkin Spice. Well, I NEVER expected that....I mean there was nothing WRONG with the pumpkin, I simply didn't care for it compared to the PS. He also said he added Cappuccino to the flavor line up. They mix the liquid to order, saying to allow 2-3 days for an order to go out. I was so impressed by all this that I just went and ordered a bottle of Cappuccino, and White Chocolate and Double Dutch Chocolate for my husband. Oh, and all the liquid is 30ml....right now on special for $7.49 a bottle...can't beat that price. All in all I am very impressed. Funny when I have paid as much as $15 for 10ml for liquid I couldn't stand at all. I am hoping I love the capp as much as the PS....I will be ALL set on liquid and at a very reasonable price. The normal price of the same liquid is 12.49 or 12.99, can't remember. Oh and new customers use the code "nujuice" to get 15% off your first order....returning customers get 10% off by using the code "renu".....ON top of the sale price that is. They have so many flavors, I can't imagine there is much they don't have....if they don't I recommend writing since apparently they are willing to mix up whatever you want. I will DEFINITELY be buying more from Vapor Renu!!!
  8. I have never had that happen....but I am using a kr808 device, not a 510. A carto is a carto though and they are the same, just the connection is different. How is the vapor leaving the carto before it gets into your mouth? On mine the only place for the vapor to come out is the hole in the cap, which is obviously in my mouth. There is nowhere else for anything to come out....unless I were to inhale and then blow into it, then it can come out the bottom of the vents in the battery. But the only time I have ever blown into one is to shut off a auto battery when the shut off fails. Anyway, just curious what you mean and where the vapor is even coming from? Try another carto,....then you will know if this is just a lousy one, which of course can happen. Every so often I have gotten a bad carto....maybe like 3 in the thousand I have?
  9. I don't think they consider that as much of a draw because it is less portable. I mean not like you are gonna use a hookah driving down the road. Plus they aren't sold at malls and gas stations. Not to mention it is not a new device, it is an ancient device actually. I think that is a totally different thing because it doesn't resemble a cigarette. I mean how many people smoking cigarettes have you ever known that switched to a hookah? I don't personally know any. THE ONLY reason they are going after this is because it is starting to seriously cut into tobacco sales and therefore tax revenue from tobacco sales. It just irritates me that they try to act like this has something to do with concern over health when anyone can plainly see it doesn't. This is the FIRST device I can think of, at least in my lifetime, that poses a real threat to the tobacco industry....THAT is what this is all about. And think about it, if the tobacco industry was seriously affected, that would mean loss of jobs in the form of tobacco farmers, workers, all the way down the line....PLUS combined with the lost tax revenue. There is a HUGE incentive for the FDA to classify this as a tobacco product for that reason alone....because then it would be taxed as a tobacco product, thus a sin tax. If it was classified as a medical device they don't make all that sin tax money. It is all about greed, like most other things involving the government. It is so insulting that they think we are all dumb enough to not realize what this is about.
  10. oh, and as an aside.....what about this garbage about cigarette packaging having to display graphic images of warning? To warn off kids? ahahahahahahaha, have they NOT seen the video games these same kids are playing? Teens these days have seen so much blood and gore, do they really think seeing someone hooked up to machines, dying of some dread disease frightening??????? I honestly don't think most kids could care less about stuff like that. The stuff that is on regular tv these days and they think some image is going to bother kids? Just shows HOW out of touch they are. As far as older smokers, give me a break, many of us have KNOWN people who have died from smoking related illness/disease. What about all the medical professionals that smoke that have seen patients day in, day out, dying from these diseases? Trying to scare someone with a horrid picture doesn't work.....they have already tried that with billboards. I have yet to meet a single person who has quit smoking from seeing a picture of someone, no matter how awful they look, dying of anything. Heck, I have known and seen people who unhook themselves from oxygen to go have a smoke, many won't stop even WHEN they have serious smoking related illness/disease. FINALLY we have something, that just by virtue of lack of combustion, is already safer than cigarettes helping us, but they want to take it away. AND we are supposed to believe this is out of concern for our safety and/or health??? Yeah, right.
  11. I LOVE how the FDA and these lawmakers just dismisses any evidence that flies in the face of their premise....because they are in bed with the tobacco giants. Pathetic.
  12. This is the link...http://www.physorg.com/news/2010-12-evidence-e-cigs-safer-cigarettes.html Here is the article.....(if you go to the url there are related articles worth reading) "Evidence suggests e-cigs safer than cigarettes, researcher claims December 16, 2010 In a new report that bucks the concerns raised by the Food and Drug Administration, a Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) (sph.bu.edu) researcher concludes that electronic cigarettes are much safer than real cigarettes and show promise in the fight against tobacco-related diseases and death. The review, which will be published online ahead of print this month in the Journal of Public Health Policy, is the first to comprehensively examine scientific evidence about the safety and effectiveness of electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes, said Michael Siegel, professor of community health sciences at BUSPH. The battery-powered devices provide tobacco-less doses of nicotine in a vaporized solution. "Few, if any, chemicals at levels detected in electronic cigarettes raise serious health concerns," the authors said. "Although the existing research does not warrant a conclusion that electronic cigarettes are safe in absolute terms and further clinical studies are needed to comprehensively assess the safety of electronic cigarettes, a preponderance of the available evidence shows them to be much safer than tobacco cigarettes and comparable in toxicity to conventional nicotine replacement products." The report reviewed 16 laboratory studies that identified the components in electronic cigarette liquid and vapor. The authors found that carcinogen levels in electronic cigarettes are up to 1,000 times lower than in tobacco cigarettes. "The FDA and major anti-smoking groups keep saying that we don't know anything about what is in electronic cigarettes," Siegel said. "The truth is, we know a lot more about what is in electronic cigarettes than regular cigarettes." Since coming onto the market in the United States more than three years ago, electronic cigarettes have proven to be controversial. The FDA has threatened to ban the sell of e-cigarettes and six national anti-smoking groups – the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, American Lung Association, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, American Legacy Foundation, and Action on Smoking and Health – have also called for the removal of electronic cigarettes from the market. Their concerns are that the FDA has not evaluated any e-cigarettes for safety or effectiveness, that the devices contain dangerous chemicals, and that they are marketed toward children. In December, however, a federal appeals court ruled that the FDA should regulate e-cigarettes as tobacco products rather than as drug-delivery devices, such as nicotine-replacement patches or gum. The latter undergo much more stringent FDA regulations. "Taking these products off the market would force thousands of users to return to cigarette smoking," Siegel said. "Why would the FDA and the anti-smoking groups want to take an action that is going to seriously harm the public's health? The only ones who would be protected by a ban on e-cigarettes are the tobacco companies, as these new products represent the first real threat to their profits in decades." The report also reviews preliminary evidence that electronic cigarettes can be effective in suppressing the urge to smoke, largely because they simulate the act of smoking a real cigarette. E-cigarettes might also offer an advantage over traditional nicotine delivery devices, the authors argue, because smoking-related stimuli alone have been found capable of suppressing tobacco abstinence symptoms for long periods of time." Provided by Boston University Medical Center
  13. I don't think the government is the least interested in our long term health. They do NOT want countless thousands of people living EVEN LONGER. It is cheaper for us to die early, preferably before we collect any kind of social security (or whatever eventually replaces it), medicare, etc. IF this has anything to do with health, how are cigarettes still being sold when they are KNOWN to be dangerous. I think the point is we are ADULTS. There should be stiff penalties for sales to kids and IF a kid swipes their parents credit card and purchases an e cig product online the PARENTS need to be held accountable...NOT the vendor. I too bought cigs as a teen...I either had older co workers buy them, OR we would buy them in restaurant vending machines which were always in the lobby with no one paying one bit of attention. If a kid wants to smoke, drink, use drugs, e cigs or anything else they WILL find a way. So you ban the e cigs and they will smoke, what does that solve? But back to my original statement. The government, the FDA, have proven time and again this has NOTHING to do with health.
  14. It takes playing around with them. My husband and I have been using the same couple hundred cartos we were using a year ago....we boil them to clean them every 3-5 refills, soak them in everclear/cheap vodka after another 3-5 refills, and they are still going strong. In a year only about 10 have died. But there is a learning curve....you start getting an idea of what they need to look like when filled but not overfilled. Not all cartos have the same amount of filler. I don't use the bottom fill/cart condom method, way too messy and too much waste. I use the top fill method. Once you loosen up the filler on the ones where it is packed so tight it pretty much stays loosened up. Good luck
  15. Hell until a couple years ago I used to get carded when buying cigarettes....they are SO strict with not selling to minors here. PLUS I don't know about the rest of you but I HAVE talked to teenagers and kids, being as I have 2 teens and a tween and they don't know ANYONE who would use an e cig. It isn't considered "cool".....part of what attracts kids to wanting to smoke is the element of DANGER and that it is BAD and it is something WE DON"T want them doing. They don't think about death or having diseases down the road in some distant future. The whole thing is stupid and NONE of this has ANYTHING to do with any part of the government being concerned about health. Yes, I have read the studies regarding nicotine's use in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's....it is very promising. There is also evidence it helps with other neuro conditions which is being further researched....of course you don't hear the FDA mentioning those things. Only the crap that supports what they are trying to do.
  16. Of course that is what it is about...partially. It is also about the tobacco and pharmaceutical lobbyists pushing this.....tobacco is a HUGE industry. Pharmaceutical company's have less of an interest since NRT products aren't a main component of their sales, but still e cigs potentially cut into it. The bigger issue is the tobacco industry and the lost tax revenue from reduction in sales. THIS is precisely the reason I didn't want to get into vaping...I KNEW this BS would happen. I only hope it is stopped, that there is SOME voice of sanity in the process. But these lawmakers couldn't care less about our health, that much is obvious. The motivation is ALWAYS money.
  17. Brad is a great guy.....there were two flavors I was looking for and he had neither. We emailed back and forth, I sent him a couple prefilled cartos.....(V4L sold the flavor prefilled but not just the juice) so Brad did a great job replicating the one flavor. The other flavor he made really strong, for my taste, BUT then V4L started selling their version and the two together EXCELLENT. With the cartos I sent him I happened to include one of my own cards, for my artwork and it turned out he had another company he was starting up that he needed a logo design for....so I designed what he wanted and we bartered. He sent me a bunch of liquid. Really nice guy, easy to work with. He will create anything you want.
  18. Let's hope there will be similar results in NY. As usual it is all about greed. Has nothing to do with safety or health....IF it did they would be banning cigarettes, not e cigarettes. JUST by eliminating the burning and smoke you already are better off, with all the respiratory problems just smoke causes. So even if the rest of it was the same, that alone would make them safer. The entire discussion is idiotic. I could at least respect this stuff IF they were honest about their motivation. Hey the tobacco and pharmaceutical lobbyists and giants are pushing for this...plus we don't need hundreds of thousands, and an ever increasing amount of people living longer....we can't afford it. But this nonsensical saying it about safety, give me a break, IF that is a concern it is WAY down on the list.
  19. I was just looking around to see how inflated the "information" regarding e cigs has gotten as it affects this impending potential ban in NY. Found some interesting articles that I think are well worth reading. http://www.tobacco-facts.net/2010/04/new-york-moves-towards-total-e-cigarette-ban From CBS....most interesting are the comments about the topic at the bottom..... http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2011/01/24/e-cigarette-ban-under-consideration-in-new-york-state/ BRAND NEW article.... http://online.wsj.com/article/APd1e46ddc29014f36b309c6bce4651f15.html Another new one.... http://www.startribune.com/business/114531534.html?elr=KArks:DCiU1OiP:DiiUiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUoD3aPc:_2yc:a_ncyD_MDCiU From an ABC Syracuse affiliate.... http://www.9wsyr.com/mostpopular/story/New-York-bill-would-ban-e-cigarettes-until-FDA/VDMUilES90Wu_AeH-RFhvw.cspx I am sure there are more, that AP article is pretty much on EVERY major city's newspaper sites. THIS was the reason that initially I wasn't interested in vaping. I kept telling my husband that I just knew that I would end up loving something that was totally unregulated and there are just so many HUGE industry interests that will push for bans. I really hope it doesn't pass. OR if it does that it is quickly overruled by a higher court.
  20. Really a great, supportive, fun, wonderful group of people here. LOVE IT! I have NEVER EVER posted on any forum, about ANY topic as much as I already have here. Great group of people and lots of great discussions.
  21. We recently calculated this.....there was a big cost upfront, that exceeded the cost of cigarettes. We paid $40 a carton, for me it was 2 a week for my husband half a carton give or take. So basically 10 a month, so 400 a month. At first we were ONLY buying prefilled cartos in the quest to find flavors we liked so we could then refill, etc. During that time I found youtube vids about cleaning/washing cartos and soaking in everclear, etc. So now we have a whole system. Really our only expense for about 8ish months has been e juice. We accumulated hundreds upon hundreds of cartos the first few months. We aren't even using most of them right now....we just have a rotation, and in all the boiling/soaking we have only lost like 10 cartos this entire time. I rotate 70ish and they last about 9 days. I have a system of knowing when they need to be washed etc. Anyway, we figured out it has cost about 60%, but like you, it was NEVER about cost. Even if it cost the exact same, or if it cost a bit more, we would still do it. Now we are buying bigger and better batteries and a couple mods, so that cost will go into next year's calculations, but since we know what we are buying and what we want, there won't be all that experimenting, etc. So this year I figure the cost will drop significantly from smoking. The good thing about cartos is that they can take quite a bit of abuse as far as all this boiling and soaking in everclear. If they keep only dying at this rate, we have about a 100 year supply of them, LOL. Actually, that is really true....even if 20 a year died, we have like a 50 year supply....craziness! So really, the only things we are buying now are better hardware/replacing hardware and liquid. AND if you figure that a lot of the liquid we bought we don't even like, what we actually CONSUMED is less....like had we NOT bought the stuff we don't use we would have cut the cost. Now that we REALLY know what we like, there is FAR less waste.
  22. I am eagerly awaiting a day where so many people are vaping none of this will be an issue, LOL. At least in this area people are very familiar at least with what it is. Even my parents, who HATED me smoking, this it is great. My dad especially, said it is common sense that it isn't polluting the air and I am not clogging my lungs or exposing anyone to my second hand smoke. I was never allowed to smoke in their house but they let me vape and are totally happy that I quit. My sister quit after having H1N1 that was severely complicated by the fact that she didn't seek immediate medical attention AND continued smoking when she could barely breathe. She ended up in ICU for weeks on a ventilator, and has to see a pulmonary specialist since November 09 when she finally recovered. She was in the hospital for nearly a month, and it was questionable as to whether or not she would even live. Anyway, she obviously didn't smoke for that month and the several doctors caring for her told her that the scarring in her lungs and bronchial tubes was so severe that restarting smoking could seriously endanger her life. As it is she has to use inhalers and nebulizers all day long, even while at work she has to use a small nebulizer she keeps there. So my parents are glad that we are finally BOTH not smoking, regardless of how we stopped. Neither of them were smokers and were always totally disgusted that both their children smoked at all. Anyway, sorry, off topic. I think by the mere fact that so far other than one person on a similar thread saying his boss didn't want him vaping, there has been no problem with anyone vaping wherever they are. I think for the most part, if someone saw it, once they figure out you aren't smoking, they either figure out or know what it is.....don't care what it is so long as we aren't smoking, or want to know what it is.....it is all a good/positive sign and move in the right direction in general. My husband vapes at work,not a lot, but his boss couldn't care less, and several coworkers have also stopped smoking and are now also vaping. He also vapes in the break/lunch room and no one has any issue with it.
  23. I always wondered....with the prepaid cards, what do you enter where it says "name on card" since there is no name? Do you just enter your own name anyway. Anyway, to the original question, seems like the easiest way to do it, prepaid visa or mastercard....they sell them at all the major gas stations around here too,as well as convenience mart types of places, like circle K, 7-eleven, etc.
  24. I love it too.....I found other forums but never participated. They allow outright arguments, name calling, etc on some of them and I am not 15. I love this forum....everyone is nice, respectful, helpful and conducts themselves like the adults we all are.
  25. I agree about the flavor...I get a lot of TH with my 18mg cappuccino and also now the 16mg Pumpkin Spice....not so much with the VG cappuccino and not with a bunch of the sweeter flavors. I guess it just depends on the person. I can't use anything higher than 18mg because it nearly makes me choke to death....too much TH...it actually makes my throat raw and hurts.
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