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  1. ant88

    Mod problem

    Hello yes there is 2 fully charged batteries in there
  2. Hello my mod has stopped firing. Well it fires for around 5 goes then it just stops working for a good 5 minutes. It also turns itself off. And when it's off it takes me a good 2 minutes to turn it back on. I've changed the coils and that is not the problem I've connected the tank upto my old mod and it works perfectly. Does this mean I need to head to the local vape store and buy a new mod ?
  3. I need 3mg NIC for the first time I have mixed my own nic into my juice I applied 2x 10ml 18mg bottles into my 80ml juice but it's so strong and I don't know why. I put it in my combat leg pocket shorts and walker around work all day shaking it but it's still to strong for me ? Ive even applied 1 18mg juice to a different bottle and it's still to strong ?
  4. ant88


    Am I correct in saying lower the coil ohm the higher wattage I can use for volts ? The past few weeks I have used a 0.45ohm coil and at 70w I hit 4.2 volts Now I'm using a 0.36 ohm coil giving me 80w at 3.8 volts So I'm asking if I go for 0.8 ohm coil and below can I longer my battery life but would it still give me a sweet taste. As my preference is 100w but my batterys is not lasting 3 hours on 0.45ohm and 0.36 ohm
  5. The answer is amazing I'm slowly working it out and I don't even know the device I use hahha
  6. ant88


    Does it not matter how many volts I use then ? As 80 to 90 watt us 4.58 to 4.85
  7. ant88


    How far can I put the volts up on this it's to low it's not giving me a good enough hit I want to be safe then sorry im using 2x 18650 batteries if help
  8. I use 2 18650 batteries why is my watt so low it's not giving me nothing and I've been told not to go above 4.5v as it's unsafe
  9. ant88


    Ignore this
  10. ant88


    Bebo your a massive help to me I didn't know none of this my v was at 1.88 so I turned it to 3.7v my watt went to 85.4 so I left it there ohm at 0.16 will try a different coil that I brought as I'm not liking my own builds
  11. ant88


    Can anyone tell me what watt I can use for each of these ? I've never been this high
  12. I had this problem with the same vape I just got a new coil and it worked
  13. ant88


    What ohm should I use for 150 watt or upto 220w I've done some searching and what I currently watt at is not recommended for the ohm I have at 0.14 im going to buy a pack of 0.85 0.50 0.45 and 0.36 what should I use ?
  14. It was the centre pin thank you
  15. It's new and I've cleaned it so many times
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