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Everything posted by bradb

  1. Don't get me wrong, I can taste the VT flavors, they're spot on to their names, just very weak to me, personally. Its like a mouth full of steam with a hint of flavor, as opposed to the Cinnocide, where my mouth actually waters with taste. Not sure how to explain it. My brother loves the VT flavors. He used up my Butterscotch and Choco Java. So its just a personal preference I guess, and probably a false expectation on my part. If I vape a coffee flavor, I expect my mouth to fill with a coffee flavor. Perhaps that is unrealistic.
  2. Tasty Vapor Atomic Cinnocide.
  3. No. I've tried a handful of VT flavors and the Gourmet Vapor flavors I mentioned.
  4. Can everyone ring in with their favorite (singular): 1) Favorite Tobacco Flavor 2) Favorite Non-Tobacco Flavor I have only found one flavor I like at this point, and I suck it down like its candy. Mainly because it is... Atomic Fireball flavored. I'm still searching for flavors. I've spent alot (10 bottles) and still only have a single flavor I enjoy. I am getting a third eGo for another family member, and want to find something I can recommend... Thanks! PS: My brother likes the VT Butterscotch and Choco Java. I just find them to weak.
  5. Pouddad, I am with you. I just got my Gourmet Vapor juices today, 4 of them, and did a quick drip test and didn't really like any of them. I got triple flavor thinking perhaps that would help me to finally TASTE what the name states. I got Cherry, Root Beer, and Watermelon Jolly Rancher and Camel Light. The Cherry is awful. It tastes just like it smells, that being Sucrets. I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth! I haven't given the others a fair shake, but I wasn't impressed with a quick drip test. The only flavor I have that I really LIKE at this point, is Atomic Cinnacide by Tasty Vapor. It tastes exactly like a fireball just as you put it in your mouth and it starts to make your mouth water. I carry it with me everywhere at this point, because ... of the 10 bottles of juice I've tried, its the only one that has enough flavor for me. Still looking... Brad
  6. Me again! Day four: Only one analog so far today! ... I have been averaging four a day. One when I awaken, and three chained before bed. I am getting used to the flavors I have. Wouldnt say I like them, but I also don't hate them. Still hoping when I receive my new flavors I will find one that suits me. (I must have 10 flavors on order at various places, just waiting with anticipation to receive them!) To be honest, when I first opened the package I found the the primer had leaked out like this as well, and it happens when I just use a stock cartridge, which of course shouldnt be overfilled. Also, I hold the sides of the cart, not pushing on the end. And my leakage is at the cart/atty seam, not the atty/battery seam. So I think it is just the fit of these cartridges. Wont know until I receive some new ones. Thanks again all!
  7. Excellent idea! These bulbs (a bit smaller) come in ear cleaning kits as well.
  8. Yep, Thanks! I actually just ran it dry. I got a hit that was a bit eh, off tasting. Went to check the cart and the stuffing was stuck to the atomizer and pulled right out. I am dripping the machiatto for now. I'll give it a good clean soon, and fill it with one of the flavors I have after I decide which one I want to use. While dripping I am using one of the blanks that came with the eGo (Those with the mouthpiece wider than the cone), and I notice it fits snugly. So perhaps the stock cart I was using just didn't fit right
  9. Thanks Jeff! RE: Flavors: I'm glad to hear that. I have been adding the Choco Java into a somewhat used stock tobacco cart, so this has probably affected the flavor. I failed to order blank carts with my starter kit. I've ordered some cartomizers so I can try these flavors straight, and as soon as you have empty cartridges in I will grab a load of those as well. Brad
  10. Hi All, I just got my eGo a few days ago. Yesterday was my first full day of use. I am/was a pack a day smoker for 20 years, and I easily cut down to 7 cigs yesterday. So I am impressed and pretty certain at this point I will slowly quit all together! I raise a finger to big tobacco! Here are my first questions: 1) When I opened it, there was fluid at both ends of the atty, leaking out underneath the cone where the cartridge connects, even thought the carts were blanks. It looked used, but I have since read that perhaps it was primer fluid. Does this sound correct? 2) I get constant leakage underneath the cone, at the seam of the atomizer and cartridge. It is frustrating and disappointing. It seems like bad design to me, as if the cartridges do not fit tight enough. I have sometimes gone to vape and had the cartridge actually stick to my lip and pull out as I pulled the eGo away from my face. Do I have a bad one? This is with the stock carts. 3) I have so far not found a flavor I enjoy. So far I've tried: eGo stock flavor - I find it tastes too much like I am eating fresh tobacco, and not like I am smoking a cig. Reminds me of pipe tobacco. VT Butterscotch - It tasted like burnt milk, as I have seen others describe. Since I don't have blank carts, I had to drip it to try. VT Choco Java - It doesn't remind me of either Choco or Java. Perhaps this is more like a pipe tobacco flavor? ie: tobacco+choco+java? Since I have read that I will never find a 'smoked cigarette' flavor, and I don't want to eat fresh tobacco all day, I am steering clear of tobacco flavors all together. I would much rather be tasting something I like normally, than something that tastes like a pipe. I just ordered a few more flavors, in particular VT Apple Dapple, Grape Soda and Menthe, and something I found recommended elsewhere, Atomic Cinnacide. So my real question here is, are these VT flavors I just ordered, straight flavors, or tobacco+flavor? Thanks!
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