Still being the noob I am, I find myself slowly becoming a connoisseur of "The Sample Pack" which is great because I'm building a lovely collection of itty bitty empty bottles of my favorites from around the net, and a lovely collection of itty bitty full bottles of flavors that aren't quite doing it.
This is a 2 fold topic:
1. I've found that coming up on my next ordering round, I'm gonna be getting a sampler or 2, but mostly larger bottles of single juice from about 5 different vendors. It's maddening because while some vendors have great prices paying for S&H from 5 different places for what would amount to 1 order of 6 bottles and it adds up. The question is this: Is there an answer? Anyone found one vendor that carries everything they need? and can a brotha get a hook up? and is there room for a service or something like a google or metacrawler or like.. a big e-Cig Amazon that just compiles from all the sources and provides reliable service for 1 low shipping fee?
2. What do I do with all the juice I have that I don't want. Understandably it's not returnable, and I posted a classified in here that got no attention, so yeah. Anything?