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About WonKa

  • Birthday 05/19/1981

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    New Jersey

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  1. it's responses like this that make me love this forum.
  2. Still being the noob I am, I find myself slowly becoming a connoisseur of "The Sample Pack" which is great because I'm building a lovely collection of itty bitty empty bottles of my favorites from around the net, and a lovely collection of itty bitty full bottles of flavors that aren't quite doing it. This is a 2 fold topic: 1. I've found that coming up on my next ordering round, I'm gonna be getting a sampler or 2, but mostly larger bottles of single juice from about 5 different vendors. It's maddening because while some vendors have great prices paying for S&H from 5 different places for what would amount to 1 order of 6 bottles and it adds up. The question is this: Is there an answer? Anyone found one vendor that carries everything they need? and can a brotha get a hook up? and is there room for a service or something like a google or metacrawler or like.. a big e-Cig Amazon that just compiles from all the sources and provides reliable service for 1 low shipping fee? and 2. What do I do with all the juice I have that I don't want. Understandably it's not returnable, and I posted a classified in here that got no attention, so yeah. Anything?
  3. ok... mine is fixed. I tossed the offending tank and gave the atty a good blowing and a healthy wipedown. Let it dry burn a little while lightly blowing into it clearing out some... noxious fumes. Filled up a new tank with some Boba's (figured a strong tabaccy flavor would at least mask it) and vaped a bit without inhaling to sorta kinda prep and wet the wick and avoid the badness and then a vape or 2 after that and it was right as rain. thanks for the
  4. I would like to announce that you've JINXED ME! No probs until I read this this morning, then as my tank was empty I refilled. 1 puff, 2 puffs.. fine. Puff 3? BURNING PLASTIC-EY TASTE. Now I have to clean and clean the atty and toss the tank with the last of my lovely Pink Spot Raspberry... I don't believe in anything... EXCEPT THE JINX. And you've done it to me MS. AIMEEG! CURSES!
  5. I'm getting a little leakage, but i got a 5 pack of tanks when I originally ordered mine and haven't even opened 2 of them. I've been rinsing and reusing the same tanks and as the taste crossover (even with a blowout and wipe) is still a little rough. I'm sticking mainly with my melony flavors until I get another atty that I'll be using for my honey cureds and bobas. but no real.. tank damage so far.
  6. ::think this threads gonna get locked sooooon:: Anyway, I was showing friends of mine my ego/drip tip/liquid/ and my gear box or whatever and as they were all smokers they tried it and all said that the flavor was much better and they'd think about switching, BUT since they were people who enjoyed other activities as well, the look of the unit and everything would definitely be a negative in that it would draw obvious suspicion and a closer look from authorities should they be pulled over. I personally haven't had any problem, also, unless they pass these bans, don't worry about it.
  7. WonKa

    Tron Mod

    I tried to PM Jolly about it, but it said he wasn't getting PMs anymore or something. The idea being that the wheel on the mouse could be a variable volt wheel, maybe the right and left clicker as the manual button and a juicer or something. BUT in my research I found THIS: at this site: http://www.pdp.com/p-882-wii-collectors-edition-tron-controller.aspx And people already do Wii mods right? so that makes this that much easier?
  8. WonKa

    Tron Mod

    I've just placed an order through MadVapes for some parts to build my first 5v box so I can get into the game. I was wondering though. My dream piece would basically be like this mouse: http://store.razerzone.com/store/razerusa/en_US/pd/productID.221846300/categoryId.35208800 mmmm blue glowy.... Any idea on roughly... how possible it is, tricky it would be, and how much something like that would run if I wanted to commission it from someone or whatever? I know that's a whole lot, but any help or direction would be much much appreciated. At the very least, hopefully I've given you an idea for a cool mod you might wanna try. Thanks in advance
  9. Any news on VT carrying the tank system? I'm pretty much hooked on it, now all I need is for VT to carry it so I can be all loyal like and for Jolly and Mark to start building mods for them
  10. awesome, thanks
  11. The button on my PT definitely sticks. it's not a constant problem but every once in awhile it happens. I just make sure to pay attention to the light.
  12. Anyone have a video or any tips on how to clean a Tank Atty? I was gonna do the Everclear thing, but I'm not sure on the differences between a regular atty and a tank atty and don't wanna mess up a $17 piece of equipment.
  13. hopping in late, but I picked up a tank system and.. definite game changer for me. I do have to say that TW's customer support is definitely lacking, BUT I got my stuff fast and I'm a TankBoy now.
  14. the only place I've had a problem was at work. I'm a line cook at a Friendly's and EVERYONE there has been super supportive (they know what an analog fiend I was). The only exception is my GM who was really interested the first day, and then yelled at me a couple days later. I thought he was joking and then he very plainly assured me he wasn't. When I asked why he said "because it's just some ******** deception" needless to say I vape in the bathroom now, or when he's not working. I had read somewhere that someone or some supplier gave out business card sized explanation thingies you could carry with you, I've already passed out all the VaporTalk business cards I got with my eGo and stuff. I'd be more than happy to have VT E-Cig explanation cards and hand em out.
  15. I hit this up the second I saw Grimm post it on twitter, and I've got the inbox full of auto-responses to prove it!
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