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  1. I had one of the Smok pens do the same sort of thing to me. At first I thought it was the coil, cause it worked at first. but then it started doing it with the new coil. So anyway, I contacted the store and was able to send it back for a replacement. I opted for store credit and I was going to get the Species by Smok, but I saw the Sigelei Sobra for like $20 cheaper and great reviews. There are a bunch of kits in your price range, just check out some reviews first; Xlum, Armour Pro, Vaporesso Swag or Revenger, Eleaf Lexicon and oh this one seems interesting - Innokin Plexar
  2. 555 Tobacco from Element is a nice tobacco flavor with some almond, vanilla, and walnut notes. They also have another flavor called hazelnut tobacco which might also work for you.
  3. Yeah, my first was the good ole Ego C! Those guys also carry some of the older stuff still, like kanger Evod. If you can find a real vision/vapros Spinner they are a bit longer but great stick batteries. If you can go a bit fatter and use a beauty ring, try the Aspire CF vv or innokin CLK. Check out the innokin itaste vv too, these work great with my smaller old school tanks.
  4. If you're looking to economize, then a higher resistance coil is going to be the way to go. Most of the Smok coils I've used burn out pretty quick. You can put other brands and tank models on that stick too.
  5. Hi everyone! A big congrats to all of you, and me, who have broken free from chains of traditional cigs! I've been vaping for a few years now and I'm looking to help out wherever I can, get some opinions on new devices and chat with some mtl coil builders. See you around fellow vapers!
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