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  1. Just to double check, is this the right battery, and ok. I lost it during moving and recently found it. It will never get this dead again lol
  2. Ok my husband knows how. Thank you so much!!
  3. FULLymax 1200mAh 11.1v 13.32wh 6197*0303 Sorry for bad pic
  4. Just opened it and it is not 18650's so it must be lipos. It's an Aria Anarchist Solara Dna 200
  5. Could I just get 3 18650's and replace them or are they a certain type, and thank you for the fast response
  6. Hey Walt, need some help. I have the same as mentioned above. It has sat idle for months and now will not charge. Tried escribe usb recovery for 15 hours and the 3 cells went down .01%. Any advice would be very much appreciated
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