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  1. I should have mine today or tomorrow order #3011 and looking forward to trying it, I'm kind of spoiled though with my 2 VV Ali'i Mods and a Reo Grand and Mini Reo, but will see, if Provari came out with a juice feeder system to go on top of this unit it would be a cool unit, not that it already isnt but it would be even cooler
  2. yes they are very interesting, I have tried all the different releases of the CE2's up to CE2R4 2nd release and I'm currently in a Co Op on these new clear CE2's and in with a group that should be getting the very first ones, our batch could be here next week possibly, I will post back here with a short review on whether they are worth the cost or not and how they vape.
  3. I have tried many different juices, price wise for what you get TV is pretty good but right now I am stuck on Alien Visions AVEJUICE!! Ben mixes up some mean stuff, his tobaccos are very good, the Bubas bounty is awesome and I'm not big on blueberry but his blueberry crumble is just super, taste like a fresh blueberry crumple and its a great morning vape with your coffee
  4. Chris have you sampled any of thee Gels yet ???
  5. One of the problems with this CNliquid shop is there shipping rates, they are charging like $38 to ship to PA if I placed an order and that's just to much, there making profit on shipping or not offering a good shipping way, I order from Eastmall and it is $17 flat rate and most Chinese suppliers are much cheaper so if you can go in with say 4 people ordering from the CNLIQUID Shop this would be the way to go, I'm looking forward to getting my Co Op order maybe by next week sometime I hope, I will post a short review as soon as I get them and vape em up a bit
  6. I have used all the different CE2's that have been out so far, the only one that has even been close to good is the CE2R4 version 2 release of the XL in the 2.8-3.0 ohm Carto, I did just get in on a Co Op for the newer clear one and should be in the first group to get these in the states, they have made some recent changes and this next batch is supposed to really burn extra clean, I hope its true, if it is they will be good, the fillerless carto vape could turn out to be awesome if they ever get these made right.!!
  7. Try some of Bens juice from over at Alienvisions.com or AVE.com he has some very good tobacco flavors and the Bubas bounty is very good, all of his liquids are of a top shelf quality.!
  8. Hey has anyone here been using the Ikenvape Mini 2ohm or HV 801 Atty's that Issac has been selling for a while now, they are the bomb, the 2ohm runs great at 4V-4.3V and the HV can handle anything from 5.5-7.4 both put out tins of vapor at these voltages and no other Atty on the market brings out the taste of your liquids like these do.
  9. OK lets try this one what about a Journeyman anyone here running one of those ???
  10. Anyone over here on this forum running a Reo Grand Mod ?
  11. Anybody here have a VV Ali'i Mod ??
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