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CDATundra last won the day on July 18 2011

CDATundra had the most liked content!

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    My Shiba, computers, vaping

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Congrats AaronH! I'm glad Provape is going to take care of you. I was pretty sure they would. They are indeed "good peeps".
  2. On the ProVape forum, there has been mention of a few broken or cracked screens. They have improved the screen and they will cover that repair under warranty. I have had mine since May with zero problems. I used it all day, every day as my main vape. Also on their web site, they say they are not intended to be used with lr hardware. Good luck. I'm sure ProVape will take care of you.
  3. That's GREAT !!
  4. Welcome back Mary!! I have purchased a ProVari, and I'm loving it.
  5. TroopX gave you some really good advice. I would just add that if you stick with vaping, very soon the size of your PV won't matter much.
  6. Very good!!! Thx
  7. Congrats, and good luck on your journey. It's a "fun" ride.
  8. Very nice review Beans. Nice to see you posting again!!!!
  9. Welcome to the forum, and may I suggest you try some of the juice from Vapor Talk.
  10. Welcome to Vapor Talk hiram.
  11. Welcome
  12. Welcome Bug, glad you joined us.
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