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Everything posted by Nagual

  1. Thanks for the info Squid! That and reading about functions in af finally got me on the right track. Right on!
  2. Nice. Thanks for the info.
  3. I kind of understood that, but thanks for confirming. I'm mainly looking for someone who knows this mod I guess. I can't find any configuration specs anywhere.
  4. Hi. Real quick question one. Is anyone knowledgeable with this set up? If so I'd like help with vw vs tc modes. As they relate to the HW coils this low end mod uses. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Right now I'm using the HW4 (quad cylinder, 0.3ohm,kanthal wire I imagine) and I have a package of the HW3 (tri cylinder 0.2ohm). Been vaping between 50-70 watts with both. I also upgraded the firmware to the latest af software. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hello all! Just a noob temp control and vw here. I just got an Ikonn 220 mod. Stepping up from my Evod pro v2 pen styles. So far I'm loving it. But I have a few things to learn. Especially since I upgraded the firmware to the latest af version. Thanks for having me.
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