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Everything posted by bdoubleu

  1. Ya didnt have to listen to the whole thing haha
  2. I deserved that!!
  3. haha sorry i was checking out videos on utube and got rick rolled twice and laughed both times...figured i would give everyone else a laugh
  4. http://www.dafk.net/what/
  5. Has anyone ever bought any juice from viking vapor i just stumbled across there website and ive never seen it b4 they have 30 ml for 9.95 which is a great price...just wondering if the flavors are up to par.
  6. Its funny u said that i just checked out from liberty flights and came back here to check on my post and seen this haha thanks for the help tho!!
  7. Anyone know of a sale on a Ego my friend wants one and and im lookin for the best deal..
  8. Here was my dilemma, i started out with the ego after a lot of looking around the forums, but i wanted an e-cig that looked lke a real cig just to take out when i go somewhere and the only one ive used is from totally wicked it almost has the same amount of vapor and throat hit as my ego but that also has to do with juices as well its called totally wicked white super e-cig and its fairly cheap for the kit
  9. no, im about 2 hours away and i was also thinking about running up there and checking it out i would probably hang out for a little and ask lots of questions haha
  10. And what vendors would they be?
  11. i know the feeling...but if u want colors i get mine from goodprophets.com they have a lot of different colors and juices they dont hasve everything of course but thats par for the course
  12. Believe it or not ive said that more then once haha...good idea with the cards tho...and im def not getting rid of the ego i just want something for certain occasions like if i go to a bar or something, i actually have a parade coming up with like 20000 people its for saint pattys day and your allowed to drink on the streets for like 20 blocks it lasts like 8 hours and trust me i will def get sick of telling people what it is im doing haha so i just want to get something less inconspicuous
  13. I have an ego and i love it...but what im trying to find is an ecig that actually looks like a cig with the red light up tip and hits very well...the reason behind this is just when i go to certain places i get irritated teling 20 people what it is...and its hard to stealth vape with the ego because it seems to take like3- 5 seconds to get a good hit so if anyone knows of a fast hitting ecig that looks like an analog i would apreciate the feedback
  14. yeah i actually left something out with my post what i meant to say was it blinks green for a half a second then back to red it does that like every 4 or 5 seconds and i got 2 batterys with the kit and they were both stone cold dead out of the box so im not sure whats going on with them i charged the one for about 4 hours and i vaped it i would say 30 or 35 times over 2 hours went to bed and woke up vaped it about 4 times and then the light started blinking and just went dead... do the batterys still keep a charge if ur not using it?? im gonna try cleaning the contact points on the battery and charger if that dont work there going back...
  15. I just recieved my janty ego kit and have the battery plugged in for almost 3 hours the light is red but its blinking for a half a second every couple seconds is the light not working properly or just not charged enough
  16. Much appreciated!!
  17. Ok, another question... i have the janty ego ordered and cant seem to find any accessories for it...are all egos the same, can i order joye ego accessories for it. Im trying to order some atomizers for it also i want to try a drip tip
  18. is the janty ego and joye ego the same thing...and will these work for both i have the janty ego i see a lot of things for the joye but not the janty thats why im askin
  19. can anyone tell me where to get the best sample packs/variety packs vt is always out haha
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