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    North Carolina

rwoodin's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



About Me

I'm a former tobacco smoker. I smoked cigarettes for 37 years. I quit tobacco using electronic cigarettes on 10/16/2009.

I have spoken to several health care professionals that freely recommend electronic cigarettes to patients trying to quit or reduce tobacco intake.

I have followed with keen interest the FDA attempt to ban ecigarettes by regulating them as a combination drug delivery device. I am aware that FDA has ignored and broken two legal rulings stating the FDA has no authority to regulate electronic cigarettes as combination drug delivery devices. I'm a concerned advocate for the use of electronic cigarettes to greatly reduce smoking related disease and death in the USA.

I have 2 affiliate ecigarette websites and a couple blogs. I really honest to goodly feel I have a new lease on life since finding ecigarettes and stopping tobacco. I could live to see my grandchildren grow up! I never had much hope for that when I was a tobacco smoker.

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