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Everything posted by mistified

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have got it now. I tried the bottom fill method and no leaks. Also I was able to put a lot more than 3 drops in! I am such a happy camper now! I will have to give it some time to see how it really works out but I think this is the answer for me.
  2. thank you for the help. I'm wasting so much "juice" with the leaking. Okay so now I will research the bottom fill method to make sure I'm doing that right. If I'm still not satisfied I will be purchasing new carto's from here. I just would like to use up the ones I have. With adding only 3 drops at a time & part of that leaking out I'm having to refill all the time. Sometimes I think it's just easier to light up an analog. But, I'm not going to do that I have commited to this and I really enjoy it much more than analogs (except the for the consistant filling)! Before I research the bottom fill method am I understand this right? Just put the liquid into the rubber cap that comes on it and let it soak up into the carto?
  3. Yes I'm using a cartomizer (I went back & checked the box). The ones I get are from Cignot and once the cap on the top is removed there is a space & another piece that has 2 very tiny holes in it. I watched the video on here twice about filling them but in the video you can see down in there (well a little bit) on mine the holes are so small the tip of a stick pin will hardly fit in it. So I have been putting about 3 drops in the "space" after taking off the top and letting it seep down into tthe unit itself. But then it will start to leak around where my battery screws into the carto. Maybe I should just try a different brand and that would help.
  4. So, I have been at this for about 12 days or so now. However, I have a few questions. 1) Why is it that everytime I fill a cartomizer it leaks out of the bottom? I wait until I get that icky taste like it needs more juice and if I put more than 3 drops in it then it starts running out the bottom. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong. 2)Since I am using the cartomizers shouldn't I be able to put more than 3 drops of juice in it? I thought these were supposed to hold more than the atomizers with the little filters. I'm using the Joye 510 right now. Thanks in advance for all and any help.
  5. I look at it this way.....Even though it MAY not be the best for you (studies are still to be done) it has to be better than the analogs. I figured that the analogs were not making me healthier so at the worst what could this do? Vaping could not cause any more harm than tar, and 3000 plus other things that's in an analog. So, for now I will stick with vaping. Plus I like the flavor(s) and it doesn't cause my daughter any problems with her asthma.
  6. Although I have only been doing this a short time (like a week) I have had 2 really bad days. I wanted an analog so bad. However, I smoked all that I had on hand before I started vaping. So that saved me those 2 days. I will have to report back as time passes. But, I really don't want to pick up another analog again (so I keep telling myself)!
  7. Mint & Almond! So far so good but since I'm new at this I will be trying other flavors.
  8. I just wanted to say CONGRATS!
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