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Everything posted by donna68ca

  1. I should have made it 70vg/30pg have already added my flavours. How woul I go about fixing this.
  2. Tried the elf calculator on my iOS and this is what it gave me, seems like a lot of 100mg nicotine.
  3. Ty for answering me, appreciate it.
  4. Doesn't the metal covers on the mason jars effect the juice?
  5. I want to make a batch of ejuice this week and let it steep. Once my supplies arrive. Since it will vary later in nic strengths do I need to add nic right away for steeping, and make several batches at different strengths, or add nic, after steeping and ready for use?
  6. I have only been 4 days no smoking. But, you have to start somewhere. I'm 58. BUT, I have my 78 year old mom now just starting to get used to vaping on my ipic mini. She likes the juice I made, so here's hoping. Shes been smoking since she was 15!
  7. Well, I for one am glad to have you around Walt.
  8. Ty again your my life saver!
  9. That's if I have the idea right of 20 drops per ml?
  10. So I bought 7 10ml bottles of super concentrated ejuice. No mater what're recipe I would use the ejuice has to be divided by ten. 1 drop equals 1 ml. They are vg. How do I dilute them so I can use them as regular ejuice in recipes which is usually 20 drops to 1 mil.
  11. Downloaded the same calculator as yours ,now. Confused about percentages though. But. With the recipe you came up with for me I divided the batch according to nicotine. I ended up with about 4.5 30 ml bottles. At 4 mg. nic. If I need more ejuice I'll go from there. Ty so very much!,,,,
  12. How come your calculator doesn't look like the one I just down loaded.
  13. I knew my mistake, so I came here right away. Ty Walt
  14. I did not do the grams. I did ml.
  15. This is the recipe I followed. But as you can see at the top it says nicotine Base 27.744. It is actually 24. And the flavours are actually vg. But the calculator would only accept pg. they are also super concentrated, so whatever I have put in, I mixed up since I then have to divide by 10. I used ml. But stupid me as a noobie, I used 22 ml, before I figured out ,duh, it's 24 mg. so I shook it up capped it, took a pic , and came here, help!!!! I did not edit the calculations like thought I was going too
  16. That's how I protect mine.
  17. When I have my baby beast in my pocket, I have a soft eye glass case that you would just slip in from the top. It is lined with padding.
  18. Ty for answering me, really appreciate it
  19. I have come across a site that sells concentrated ejuice,in Canada, but it has alcohol in it. Doesn't that dry out your lungs????
  20. Ok. Thank you all very much for answering me. Couldn't do it without all of you!
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