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    Ontario, Canada

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  1. I should have made it 70vg/30pg have already added my flavours. How woul I go about fixing this.
  2. Tried the elf calculator on my iOS and this is what it gave me, seems like a lot of 100mg nicotine.
  3. Ty for answering me, appreciate it.
  4. Doesn't the metal covers on the mason jars effect the juice?
  5. I want to make a batch of ejuice this week and let it steep. Once my supplies arrive. Since it will vary later in nic strengths do I need to add nic right away for steeping, and make several batches at different strengths, or add nic, after steeping and ready for use?
  6. I have only been 4 days no smoking. But, you have to start somewhere. I'm 58. BUT, I have my 78 year old mom now just starting to get used to vaping on my ipic mini. She likes the juice I made, so here's hoping. Shes been smoking since she was 15!
  7. Well, I for one am glad to have you around Walt.
  8. Ty again your my life saver!
  9. That's if I have the idea right of 20 drops per ml?
  10. So I bought 7 10ml bottles of super concentrated ejuice. No mater what're recipe I would use the ejuice has to be divided by ten. 1 drop equals 1 ml. They are vg. How do I dilute them so I can use them as regular ejuice in recipes which is usually 20 drops to 1 mil.
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