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    Rhode island

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  1. EFun is ok. Great prices but long shipping times. Some awesome deals to be had.
  2. Wow man. 5 years is awesome. Keep it up!!
  3. Not really. I compare it to being in an extremely humid environment like a sauna or something and that hasn't bothered me much. Vs cigs I feel the dangers are minimal.
  4. Went to the one in CT at Foxwoods. It was a blast.
  5. And by god can I taste again! It's awesome how taste comes back AND we have such flavorful juice. Double whammy for flavkrb
  6. Also, what type of coil are you using?
  7. Are you priming your coils?
  8. Wow that is nuts. A friend of mine had a battery nearly explode in his hand--luckily he tossed it out of his car window just in time. Stay safe
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