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Mr_Vape reacted to Compenstine in Wanting to make juice that tastes like soda
I couldn't help without knowing what the drink is either.
Mr_Vape reacted to CTFX in Wanting to make juice that tastes like soda
I would personally love to see Vapeaholic - Kryptonite cloned....it's a really awesome lime soda vape....sorry for jacking the thread. Just thought I'd add one in also
Mr_Vape reacted to VapeMama in Red, White or Blue Dragon
I'm a dragonfruit fan. I'm gonna try this when my Wizard Labs order gets here. I'll probably leave out the butter, just not my thing.
Mr_Vape reacted to Edna in Red, White or Blue Dragon
My neighbor gave me this recipe and I tried hers and it was smooth,sweet and rich.( I'm not sure if it's her personal creation or if she got it somewhere else ) I haven't made it yet I'm waiting on my dragon fruit to arrive. She said to let it steep a couple of days and shake often.
Start with your favorite PG/VG base:
All flavors are TFA
6% Blueberry or Cherry
6% Dragon-fruit
3% Butter or Butter cream
4% Cheesecake
2% Sweet Cream
up to 2% Sweetener
Mr_Vape reacted to FXRich in Jägermeister
Was messing around the other day trying to come up with a good flavor, thought I would try to make up some Absinthe, so I mixed up a 10ml batch of
15% Root Beer FW
5% Anise FW
Didn't taste much like Absinthe, but it did taste like Jagermeister, at least it did to me. That happens a lot to me try to mix one thing and get something else.
Mr_Vape reacted to FXRich in The more you read the more confusing it gets
If you wait awhile Adversarious, our baby beast expert might chime in, and tell you what you need to know.
Mr_Vape reacted to Uncivil11 in The more you read the more confusing it gets
Perhaps it's me but I find the more I read the more confusing vaping gets. I have been doing this a couple of years now and I am finding what I thought I knew I'm not sure what I know? [emoji848] most of what I am finding out there is in my opinion outdated information that hasn't kept up with the technology. Any recommendations on sources for the basics or someone very patient to make some basic things make sense to my simple mind? Maybe someone knowledgeable that would entertain pms on a question and answer base or here in the thread. I have spent the last few days just muddying up already murky water in my search for knowledge of vaping.
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Mr_Vape reacted to Walt in Bump when you get something in vape mail.
My wife and I have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. It's good up to about a grand. I usually try to show her the stuff but she has no idea what she is looking at. She likes the smell of vaping and that is the extent of her interest. So, it's good and disappointing at the same time. So I tell the cats.
Mr_Vape reacted to Tam in New to this all
No need to feel dumb, we all had to start somewhere.
As for the baby beast, I just recently got one and didn't care for the hot vapor even after I tried all the tricks to get it to work the way it's supposed to. It could be that you need something different for your own vaping style. In my opinion? I'd never start a new vaper with your kit, I'd go with something much easier and no subohm. My latest protoge got started with a couple of Vision Spinner batteries (that's what I had on hand to pay forward, not that I'd necessarily go this easy for most people starting out), and a couple of Kanger ProTank mini 3s with 1.8 ohm dual coils. Once he had that for a while I moved him to an Eleaf iPower 80W and a Kanger Aerotank 2. He's not interested in subohming, just wants off the smokes for now and is happy moving slow. Your mileage may be different.
Mr_Vape reacted to blucavvy in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New
Thought this would be a good thread to give us an idea of what we all use and what new stuff we all try.
Last night i bought a 30ml of TVR Ginger's RY4, and for my free 3ml i picked Strawberry Cheesecake. Both at 18mg and 75/25 vg/pg.
Love TVR juice, still the best i've ever tried, and they're prices (which are amazing) and the fact that it's 100% sourced and manufactured in America is awesome.
Mr_Vape reacted to Edna in New Kanger Tank- Rewickable Coils-
This sounds interesting...Sort of half Avocado RDTA half and Kanger tank...... I copied/pasted this from another website: It was only about $17.00
Arymi Gille Tank A New Brand from Kanger!
Rewickable Coils
Kangertech is proud to introduce their latest brand called Arymi. The Arymi Gille Tank utilizes Kanthal EOCC 0.5 ohm Spring Style Coils that features rewickable cotton.
The Arymi Gille Tank features a 3ml e-Liquid capacity glass tank with a convenient top fill design. The Arymi Gille Tank features many quality of life improvements such as four airflow holes, a leak resistant cup design and a condensation resistant design as well.
22mm Diameter 3ml e-Liquid Capacity 510 Threaded Top Fill Design Unique Rewickable Kanthal EOCC 0.5ohm Coils Coil Design Allows for Efficient Heating Surface Area Recommended Wattage: 20-50 Watts Easy Rewicking Four Airflow Holes Leak Resistant Cup Design Condensation Resistant Design Easy Coil Replacement Design 510 Drip Tip Compatible Replaceable Glass
1 Gille Tank
3 EOCC Coils 0.5 ohm NiChrome (Spring Style) (1 installed)
1 Glass Tube
1 Cotton for Rewicking
1 O-Ring Set
1 Box Packaging
Mr_Vape reacted to theclaw20 in DIY Vinyl Wrap
Has anyone here ever wrapped a vape mod with a vinyl wrap? Not one with pre-existing cutouts; just a rectangular wrap.
I want to wrap my Wismec Noisy Cricket II-25 with a copper metallic vinyl wrap.
I can get 10" x 10” vinyl sheets for pretty cheap online, which should be more than enough material.
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