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Everything posted by Iguanabait92

  1. Went to a vape shop in the next town. Apparently the screw on coils for the mod werent touching the base so there was no power going through it. They gave me a new coil set and some juice they used to prime it
  2. Ive been having issues with my dripbox. I just bought it last night from a gas station in my town (probably not a smart idea in the first place) and i got it fully charged but it refuses to fire. And i being not smart touched the coils to see if theres any energy going through them and nothing. Idk what to do everything looks like its working ive cleaned it out numerous times changed the wicks the coils etc. Using the right battery as it requires an 18650 but the manual says 30A discharge and 3.7v. My battery is 18650 2500mah 3.7v. Is that the problem? Thx in advance
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