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Mar Vapes

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About Mar Vapes

  • Birthday 10/11/1983

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    Writing, Painting, playing guitar

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  1. My partner has a Pharoah mini rta. While trying to get her coil on her deck, the spring flew off the screw and she can't seem to get the deck back together. She's had little success getting it back on correctly. Is it broke? Can it work without the spring? Also she tried 6 wraps on 24 g kanthal wire and she got a reading of .89 ohms. She was able to get the coil in without clamping down the screws (because the one side came off). She got it to wick and vaped on it for one tank full then it started leaking. I tried to rewick it for her and now her coil reads .17 ohms. What are we doing wrong and what can be done? We have just enough wire to make 1 more wrap. I have the same setup as her and did it without any issues. Why is hers messing up? Thanks to anyone who can offer any help.
  2. Thank you sooo much for posting the correct formula and the link I will save it in my bookmarks for future reference
  3. This was all very helpful! Thank you for elaborating on the issue! Now I know what to do to fix any leakage in case it happens!
  4. I'm becoming more and more interested in DIY juice but alas I've never attempted it. I watched a couple of really informative YouTube videos on using measurements vs weight, and I'd highly prefer the measurement formulas. But I'm still unsure where to start or what exactly I will need. I know I need Nic, VG, PG, gloves, syringes, bottles, funnels. Am I missing anything? How much nicotine will I need for a 30ml bottle of 6mg juice? <<<sorry if I seem naïve about this. I just don't want to screw that part up! Post your favorite juice recipe with ratios please! I want to see what my options are! I'm more into candy, chocolates, fruits. Tired of desserts atm. Can't handle crème de menthe (it agitates my asthma). Anything else goes really. Suggestions as far as converter apps I can download on my PC? THANKS!
  5. Thank you to everyone who wished me a warm welcome!
  6. I'm vaping Morning on my Wismec RX75/Cubis Pro. Great morning vape!
  7. I'm looking to upgrade tanks soon. I currently own a Cubis Pro. Looking to get a Baby Beast next month. My fiancée has a Big Baby Beast and she let me try it out The flavor and throat hit are UNMATCHED compared to my crappy Cubis! I'm hooked. BUT, when she first got hers, she had a leakage problem. She fixed it. No fuss. No leaks. Hits like a train. My concern was the leakage issue....is this a common problem with the Big Baby/Baby Beast tanks? I've been told the Cloud Beast is better. What are your honest opinions on these tanks? Which has the least/no leakage? Thanks!
  8. I'm looking to make new friends who can guide me along my vaping journey! I started vaping in February when life got too hard. My fiancée got me into vaping. I'm a former smoker and did not want to turn to cigarettes again. I decided to give vaping a try. I started off vaping on my EGO AIO. Wanted a sub ohm pen experience, so I bought the biggest waste of my money: a SMOK Vape Pen 22. It leaked out of the vent holes after 2 weeks! I went back to my AIO until I bought my first mod last month. A Wismec RX75 paired with a blue Cubis Pro. I love my mod, but I'm looking forward to upgrading my tank to a Baby Beast tank next month. I can't wait! I'm so glad I converted to a mod and started vaping. Sooo much better than cigarettes! I'm so in love with vaping I started my own YouTube Channel where I do juice reviews! I will probably review on EliquidDepot's Campfire and Morning tonight! If anyone is interested, let me know. Thanks for reading!
  9. I made my own YouTube Channel last night called Mar Vapes E-Juice Reviews. Please Like, Comment and Subscribe. I'm so excited to have my own Channel! Here I review my favorite Vape Wild juices: Birthday Cake and Apple Jacked. The Birthday Cake is AMAZING! Fresh out of the oven, white birthday cake with whipped vanilla frosting. YUM My other favorite, which I'm so glad I bought 2 bottles of, is Apple Jacked. Simply put: apple jacks cereal with just a hint of cinnamon. It's a smooth mellow vape and I would highly recommend it if you like cinnamon and something mellow all at once! LOVE it!!!
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