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Everything posted by drdennis

  1. OHM's Vapes Western tobacco, very reasonable price, and taste like tobacco, and not chemical's.
  2. Ok thanks, I got it now.
  3. Ok I think I got it, the I stick 80w right here for $28, thanks, I thought I had to have a round battery, never thought of a box mod, will order up one.
  4. .5 ceramic , that's why I want a few more batteries that would work with either tank, behind the times, don't understand all the things but I do like that coil and both of them tanks. Any ideas?
  5. So what kind of battery would I buy to run these veco tanks, can not find just the vaporesso battery, so can I get another set of battires that would work with this tank and it's bigger brother that's holds 4ml of juice, it would have to have the same type of charger usp,. any help would be great, I am not going to use any other type of tank, ever.
  6. I just found it when I googled cheap e- juice, now I belong to your forum and just got my order from you guys and I got to say I am impressed, 3 days I had my stuff sitting on my table, and I really like you cheap juice, fast service, cheap shipping, I called somebody down there and changed my order a little bit and no problem. But I still do need a place that sells regular e-go type batteries.
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