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Everything posted by adamne

  1. I'm getting about the same Jeff. I normally use 1.5 tanks in a average day. One thing i've noticed is my battery connection will start to build up this green crud if they aren't cleaned for a few days and if it gets on top of the battery terminal can cause it to not connect with the atty. I've had mine for a week now and with just a blow cleaning still running strong. I love the tank system and can't imagine dealing with the hassle of carts/carto's/dripping any more. Its a complete win for me.
  2. I need to take back my last comment about the flavor and throat hit. I've been vaping it pretty hard for the last 20 minutes and now she's broke in well the flavor and TH are back =) So far it's all the goodness of dripping without the hassle. As long as the Atty's last I give it major props.
  3. I JUST got tornado-T atty's and empty tanks in the mail tonight and so far so good! It took 3 tries pulling the tank out and putting it back in to get it to produce vape but now OMG THIS THING HITS BETTER THAN DRIPPING. The flavor and throat hit is not quite as strong as dripping but the vapor production is as good or better than dripping so far. It does have a bit of an airy hiss to it and a little bubble pop noise like a carto will make. I'm doing my Dulcis 24 out of it right now but i'm gonna pop in some Apple dapple and some butterscotch in a bit. will return at the end of the night with results as far as how long a tank lasts for me.
  4. As the title says, what are some good juices for an eGo-T atomizer? I'm just finishing up the 2 bottles of Dulcis that i got when i purchased my eGo and decided i'd give the tanks a shot since i haven't been happy with either carto's (too airy) or cartridges (doesn't last long and not much vape) so i've been dripping my dulcis. Obviously dripping isn't the most elegant of ways to vape on the go so i'm gonna give the tank a go and see what happens. So if there's any users out there who've been trying out the new tanks, what's your favorite vape on them? are PG/VG mixes good or does VG gum up the wicking material too much?
  5. I wonder if a technique could ever be developed to use this principle in e-cigs to make vapor production faster or make liquid last longer? this-is-what-happens-when-water-hits-a-really-hot-pan-at-3000-frames-per-second
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