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Everything posted by Walt

  1. @james.darlin Here's a link to it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01HGNM5WE?psc=1 It's a Vevor 3 Liter model.
  2. Hopefully someone here knows of any reasons to do that. I'm always happy to hear other ideas as well.
  3. I'm no fan of cotton under the coils. I haven't been building that long but my first instinct was to use too much cotton all around. I'm finding the less I use the more the wicking. I try to just let those wispy cotton ends touch the bottom of the well or poke through the wicking holes as long as in a RTA I have enough to keep the liquid from running in and flooding. Of course there is always that odd build that defies all logic like Crystal Ball. That thing is packed with cotton and it wicks like crazy.
  4. A big thumbs up regarding the technique of steeping e-juice in an ultrasonic cleaner. Real simple: One 120ml bottle of Strawberry cream that was weak in flavor, fresh made. Placed bottle open in cleaner with the water almost coming up to the level of the liquid in the bottle. Turned heater on to 50deg C. Turned on cleaner for 30 minutes. Very noticeable increase in flavor. I am going to add this technique as a finishing process for all my batches. Followed only by applying the label. On to buying more flavorings!!!!
  5. Blahahahaha saz the owner of the "Bump when you get something new" thread. I really believe shinyitus is incurable. Better to just enjoy having it.
  6. I'm not holding my breath. Beyond the shiny bobbles there's new wires, new DYI recipes to try, It's amazing all the things to try and do. And the new friendships! Vapers are coming out of nowhere. So many folks have spotted one of my "kits" (not sure what to call and mod and ati together) and the conversation begins. "Have you tried this juice? Do you have a dripper with you? What kind of build do you have in there?" Sometimes it's more like I'm at Club Vape than running a floor covering store. It's hilarious when a client pulls in and everybody is fanning the fog. You probably get tired of hearing this but you and others have really helped me get started on this journey with those things that one just needs to get right in the beginning for the journey to go well.
  7. That mutation looks like a winner. Sent from my iPad using The Vapor Talk mobile app
  8. Oh my. I resign myself to the understanding that this never ends. New favorite wire. 50' 26/36 SS Clapton. Dropped 2, 6 wrap, 3.5mm in a Tsunami. Oh my. Oh, and some Avery label stock for the private label Wally Brew. Sent from my iPad using The Vapor Talk mobile app
  9. @Bebop Haha! I knew it! I'm runnin Cubase 9. I just knew you were into recording. Bravo! Vape and mix, mix and vape. Life is good!
  10. Glad to hear you found a good option. I get what you're talking about. I happened to nail the Griffin right away. The Sense RTA2 was a whole other story. First build flooded like a river. I have no idea how many times I re wicked that thing. From then on out it was occasional dry-ish hitting and very limited power settings. This is where being and Old Fart comes in handy. I've got the time to tinker around with this stuff. Every one of these RBA's have a different personality for sure when it comes to wicking. Some of them are down right curmudgeons.
  11. It's counter intuitive to me, but I don't argue with what works. As I move along my journey and lower the resistance and raise the power, the vapes are more fulfilling both in therms of fog and flavor as I go.
  12. I'm enjoying Wizard labs for flavors and nicotine, Amazon for VG/PG. FastTech has the ancillary stuff that no one else carries. Back to Amazon for tools: precision drivers, ultrasonic cleaner, non vape specific things. Home training tools for chemistry apparatus. I do prefer using VT store for things they have and I need. Just like those folks. Lightning Vapes for bulk spools of wire. My favorite...... VT store. Just like doing business with them when I can.
  13. Not impressed. It's a dual post build deck with single screws using a clamp style wire connection. 22mm RDA that has a good sized build deck. It uses velocity style airflow from the bottom. Fairly deep juice well. It's the little things. First, I'm not a fan of clamp style wire connections. Holding the two coils in place while tightening down the screws is tedious. Second, they used philips head screws. Sloppy philips head screws. I could not find a bit that really fit the screws well. Third the posts are spaced quite far apart. Coupled with the clamp style posts, it was a real pain to get a seven wrap non-spaced coil in there without really long unmanageable leads. This might be much better with a flat would coil. The round wound claptons I used were a pain. Forth, the air slots in the outer shell were not milled smooth. They sheered off the O-Rings in a heart beat. I don't see this thing lasting long. Between the screw heads slipping and rounding and the O-rings sheering off, I think this is a soon to be thrown away RDA. Flavor and fog are fine. On par with something like the Tsunami. Kind of a shame. A little more attention to milling on the outer shell and some decent post screws and this would be a fine unit. The clamps I could live with.
  14. I have a Smok GX350. I really enjoy the mod. For me it's all about the feel in the hand and the battery life. If I get the urge to play Locomotive Breath and fire up my Artic V12 @ 110W, I can do so and know my batteries won't be dead in a half hour. The more typical norm is vaping all day and having half the battery life left.
  15. Been building my RTA's and RDA's between .25Ω and .3Ω lately. Getting good spacing on coils with good fog and good flavor @ reasonable wattage settings of 50 to 60W. Good throat hits as well. I guess to further qualify the the formula, I'm mixing juices @ 70/30 VG/PG with 6mg nic.
  16. OMG! I looked this thing up on Google. What do you build it with? A car starter coil stuffed with a tampon? Is it wired for 220?
  17. You are spot on! I'm lovin it already. The only RTA I've wicked up right the first time. It rocks!
  18. Two 8oz flavors, one 43oz VG, one 43oz PG, Six 120ml glass bottles, one precision screwdriver set, and a Griffin 25. Blahahahahaha let the good times roll!
  19. Tiger's Blood and Home Brew Strawberry Cream. Thinkin about firin up some home brew Rocket Man. Decisions, decisions.
  20. When I was there the beer was cold and the Jagermeister at room temp. You could get a "warming stick" for the beer if you liked. That was in the early 70's.
  21. If anyone gives me any for Christmas I'll send it right your way! In hazmat packaging.
  22. Gross! I used to feel obligated to do shots of that with the Germans when I was there. Really messed with some good beers. I used to cringe when I saw it commin. Just thinkin about it, I want to rinse my tongue off.
  23. @Adversarious1 Just looked the V5 up. Looks real nice. Love the post mounting design. I've got one RBA drop in for a Horizon Tech that is simply flaky. It has a pressed center pin that also holds down the positive post. The resistance is all over the board and the post is not solid. Not impressed with that design at all. I'm changing my purchasing to only RDA's and RTA's that are made for rebuilding only with full build decks.
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