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Everything posted by Walt

  1. @Cloud-9 You and I are doing the same thing my friend. Watching, trying, and learning. I learn the most from my mistakes like the coil that I built too close to the outer rim of the RTA. When it expanded from heat it shorted out. OooooPs. But now I know.
  2. @Cloud-9 I use both SS and Kanthal. Between the two I can usually come up with a decent coil configuration. SS is very low in resistance and sometimes it is hard to get very many winds in some smaller RBA's. I've also been playing around with clapton and fused clapton and again, sometimes it takes a pretty large coil to hit what I want in a resistance with SS. As inexpensive as wire is I would recommend getting SS in 24,26,&28. Same with Kanthal. This would provide a pretty wide set of choices in coil winds. Play around a bit with the coil calculator here: http://www.steam-engine.org/coil.html. Try both kanthal and ss in different gauges and different coil diameters, and you can get a feel for how many wraps each wire will take to achieve a given resistance. Both wires produce great vapor and flavor. SS is necessary only if you are partial to temp control vaping.
  3. Since I picked up an ultrasonic cleaner I have also switched to all RBA's. So I can't really say too much about drop in coils. No real experience. With RBA coils the US cleaner does a pretty nice job. Sometimes I need to knock off a few spots with a brush but they are loose after a cleaning. I do pull the cotton however before I clean as the cotton will hold on to grime more than wire and metal.
  4. In Search of the Last Chord! Goon 528 Solfeggio tone! Mix 1,4,5 with a minor 3rd. Vape at 42. The meaning of life, the universe and everything!
  5. Oh my, the deep secrets are coming out. Ok, Cyrus Chestnut and Christian McBride.
  6. My head is spinning from everything I am learning at present, lol. Tull works for me. I was thinkin about locomotive breath when I fired up my Goon. "The Wizard" goes through my head while I'm mixing. "Everybody's happy when the Wizard walks by".
  7. No idea on how to delete a thread but here is a link to download a great eliquid calculator: http://ejuice.breaktru.com/
  8. lol, Only the @Bebop and @Earthling789 I've come to know and love. From mythical creatures to anaerobic blending. There are obviously many ways to skin the proverbial cat.
  9. I mix with a monster KitchenAid hand held mixer that turns all of my e-juice into e-foam. I usually wait about a day for the foam to return to liquid and then put the mix in the ultrasonic cleaner. I just discovered that if I put the foam directly into the ultrasonic cleaner it will immediately be settled into a liquid and then continue to "power steep" in the cleaner. That saves a day of watching the pot boil.
  10. I'm thinkin some Ogre Ooze (home brew) in a brass Goon on an Alien. There's just a nice ring to that combination.
  11. You should be able to let it dry and it will probably work. Some people will put small gadgets in a bag of rice to help with the drying but then you have to deal with making sure you get all the rice out. I've heard of folks putting things on top of something like a computer that blows out a bit of warm air as well. Obviously the mod would have to be dry to the point of not dripping in the computer. Let it dry for at least a day. The last thing you want to do is apply power to the unit while there is still moisture inside.
  12. Dito per @Tam. I've been learning about how different flavors react at different wattage. I'm starting to "tune in" all of my flavors. Having said that, I got some of that green apple myself and it is some potent stuff. To me it smells a lot like airplane glue in the bottle, lol. It's been on the shelf for a week or so now. I'll try it again today and see if it has calmed down a bit yet.
  13. On my Smoks I can set the max wattage applied. It will even let you starve the unit so it never reaches temp if you set it too low. Sent from my iPad using The Vapor Talk mobile app
  14. Walt

    I'm Scared now

    @james.darlin Will do. Thanks for that! That would explain a lot.
  15. Today I have three in rotation. Sorry no pics. IPV8 with a Tsunami RDA, Smok Alien with a Sense RTA-2, and a Smok GX350 with a Funytech Crystal Ball. Home Brew: Strawberry Cream, Rocket Man Clone, and Tiger's Blood Clone respectively. Good day to Vape!
  16. Walt

    I'm Scared now

    Ok, That's next. I start studying.
  17. Walt

    I'm Scared now

    I'm thinking on the same terms the more I play with clapton. Had to try it but I am really not finding any huge increase in flavor. When I do pump enough power into them I get heat and a lot of fog while the flavor suffers. I guess there was only one way to find out.
  18. Walt

    I'm Scared now

    Thanks FXRich. I pulled it apart and made a single coil build @ 16Ω. I love the surface area on the fused clapton but I think I should have went with Kanthal instead of SS. I didn't do my research well and I am finding that to get any resistance at all I would need a huge distance for the coil. I'm wondering if maybe a Goon would give me enough build space to get a bigger single coil in place. I'm basically begging for any suggestions. I've got a bunch of wonderful wire that I don't know what to do with at this point.
  19. Walt

    I'm Scared now

    Back to the drawing board. That was just tooooooo much. The mod read "too hot" after a few vapes. I'm not sure what this wire can be used in besides household wiring but it sure is not going to fit in a Tsunami. I think I'll wait a bit and try a 7 wrap on a 3mm bit for a single coil config later.
  20. Walt

    I'm Scared now

    I'm honestly scared now. I built a two coil 1.2Ω deck in a Tsunami using 2x24 - 32 fused SS Clapton. The flavor and fog are like something I've never experienced. The mod, IPV8 is reading .07Ω while the meter was reading 1.02Ω. The mod is firing and @ 150W the setup is a fog machine. Is this thing going to melt down? It even sounds weird, like a leaky compressed air valve hissing only not as loud when it fires. Will the next episode of Wally Vapes be "Lost in a blissful fog" or "OoooPs, the big bang theory was right".
  21. It's ok Cany. My daughter called me all excited. She was 35 at that time. "I get the second hand!" She said. "I always thought it was the third one. It counts the seconds!" I was speechless. Sent from my iPad using The Vapor Talk mobile app
  22. I'm going to follow this thread. I've been snoopin around for a better organizer too. This is the best I could come up with. An old "charging station" re purposed. My atties are on another table on a piece of UHMD with holes drilled in it and another charger is on the floor, lol.
  23. @Christopher Your status change emails are a hoot! I'm walking every step of the way with my new baby spools of wire. A shipment is born!!!
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