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Everything posted by Walt

  1. Prior to getting a new tank or maybe as part of the process, I would ask the folks at the vape shop to help you set up the kit you have. Most vape shops are good about that. The shop I use helped me a lot in getting me started into vaping. They made suggestions regarding my first rig and walked me through every detail of getting it set up and going.
  2. I'm not either. @Tam has a good point. I remember the first time I tried a sub-ohm I thought I was going to hack up a lung. I had to MTL for awhile and then move into sub-ohming.
  3. Sorry, I don't want to introduce a problem that isn't there, but a dry hit is the only thing I can think of that would burn the throat like that at those low wattage settings with that rig.
  4. Did you prime your coils? Not to offend, but it is a process of putting e-liquid directly on the cotton around the coil before vaping on a new coil.
  5. Here's a screen shot in juice me up:
  6. @Bebop All the flavors are TPA/TFA including the sweetener. And yes, I mix everything at six percent nicotine. I buy 100mg nicotine in pg.
  7. @Bebop Ok, with this warning. It may taste like Draino to others. I have found that my taste differs from most: Bavarian Cream 2% Sweet Cream 3% Strawberry Ripe 10% Sweetener .5% 70/30 VG/PG 6% Nic
  8. This may seem like a pointless post, but I want to share my little victory with the only folks I know will understand. Been fighting with a strawberry home brew for awhile. I am starting to get a feel for what each flavor will do in a mix. I dare say I have found Strawberry Cream recipe that is exactly what I was looking for. Now that is impossible buying commercial juices. Don't mistake me, some are very good. But I had a taste in my mind and I hit it. For me, this is when vaping becomes exquisite!
  9. Good deal. Got it fixed and sounds like you introduced yourself to a good vape shop. I've got a couple of shops that have been extremely helpful. In fact, I gave one of the guys at one shop a half dozen samplers of my home brew today. Kinda just to say thanks.
  10. Welcome! We've got some sharp folks here. Let the questions fly!
  11. Welcome to vaportalk! Sorry, no idea what that is.
  12. @Edna It's a "steeper" It's getting better by the day. Can't put a finger on what is most highlighted. It just creates a nice melody.
  13. No doubt, lol. Neither you or anyone else ever forgets that. Profoundly nasty! It's your cotton that is scorched. It is perfectly safe.
  14. Hard to say. Sometimes just running juice through it will cause the burnt taste to dissipate. Sometimes rinsing it and letting it dry will help. Sometimes there's nothing that can be done short of a new coil. I'm assuming of course that it is a pre-made coil. If it was an RBA, you could just re-wick and go.
  15. Sweetener 1% Raspberry 2% Grapejuice 3% Blueberry 3% Blackberry 4%
  16. I have felt a very strong connection to Beaker once I started winding coils and brewing juice. He is my Vaping Mascot!!!
  17. 1.5" round @ 30 per page. Waterproof Labels: https://www.onlinelabels.com/products/OL2088WJ.htm?src=mp-6 Template: https://www.onlinelabels.com/Templates/OL2088-template-pdf.htm Template works great with Adobe Illustrator. Example:
  18. Yes it is. For me that's almost every time I hit it. Maybe it's a firmware issue and they will fix it? ..... Soon? .... I hope?....
  19. Ogre Ooze, Dragon Mellon, Tiger's Blood, and Rocket Man. All by WallyBrew.
  20. It's a great day to vape! Got four rigs in rotation and flavors are all tasting wonderful. A short four months ago and I chuckled at others with multiple mods going thinking "no way", lol. The doghouse (vape cave) looks like a MOAB went off in it, but that's cool. Don't mind un-cluttering. Got three songs to learn today, one of which I have been wanting to tackle for over 20 years. Gonna fire up the DYI lab and restock. Think I'll make up a few little 10ml drip bottles for Easter presents. Basically a play day today. I'm thinkin sweats all day. Got a gallon of VG coming in as well. Another "no way" just a while ago. High of 64 today in south east Michigan so I might even fire up the grill. Hoping it's a great day for all!!!
  21. It is 4mm but it is nothing exotic. Simple 2x24-32 SS Clapton. Shadows from the lighting are making it look like it has a hump to it like a stapled or something. Still provides a reasonable surface area and some pocketing for juice collection.
  22. This is one of my favorites in the Pharaoh. Nothing special for sure but it produces like crazy.
  23. I get that for sure. I have quite a few things that I just don't care to take the time to do. Some don't even make any sense. I'm hopeless when it comes to playing with electricity/electronics. Can't explain that either. I love wrapping coils and mounting them. I love playing around with them to see what differences can be made in a vape. Temp control isn't the end all be all to vaping either. Sometimes I use it, sometimes I don't. Every mod or at least chip set/firmware handles it differently as well. Maybe if temp control becomes more mainstream more premade coils will be made that will perform in temp control. Who knows.
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