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Everything posted by Walt

  1. I guess you could try the same coil in all three positions checking it with a mod or build reader. If you see a significant difference in the position that doesn't light up well, you have found the problem.
  2. Could be a high resistant joint on one of the legs. To tell for sure you would need an actual ohm meter, one with leads.
  3. My only experience is relative to smoking. My teeth are whiter and I have less occasions of unwanted substances in my mouth since vaping vs smoking. Beyond that, I'm clueless.
  4. I've been bad. Goon clone. Just in case anyone wondered what a Goon and a Gremlin looks like on a Predator.
  5. Ok, Ok, I know. I have too much time on my hands. I'm having all too much fun with this........... Simple Clapton in a Tsunami
  6. Ok, I know nothing about the mod or the tank but you did a fine job using the wire calculator to end up with .3Ω. That resistance is perfectly safe in anything I vape on. The leg length is the length of the legs from the coil to the hold down post. Usually less than 5mm but you will see if you change the leg length between 1mm and 5mm the difference in resistance in negligible. Not to worry. Set your mod power for the vape you like. Start low, maybe 30 watts. The vape will probably be week and lacking flavor. Turn up the power a couple of watts and try again. You will find a sweet spot you like best. When the power gets too high you will start loosing flavor and eventually get a harsh vape. Using a .3Ω build you will have a large range of power that will produce reasonable vapor.
  7. I used to have pooks but I guess they must have moved out with my children.
  8. That is very strange. Maybe you got vape pooks!
  9. That and pineapple for me. Both seem very bright in a mix, almost acidic comes to mind. The combination of all three seem to be doing the trick. I'm on my second day of vaping it and still hitting the spot.
  10. All good by me. I just get a kick out of thinking about someone taking a hit off of a fog machine. Same basic mechanism. I'm still playing around with a baby beast rba. So far either leaks or chokes up. I'll get it eventually.
  11. Just get one of these. Real big tank and lots of vapor!!!
  12. Sorry, at work. No pic available until later. Will see what I can gin up!
  13. 1 each spool of SS 28/32 x2 staggard clapton wrapped with 32.
  14. Oh lord. I think I have done it again. It's hittin the spot. Now I have both shineyitus and mad lab disease. 70/30 VG/PG 6% Nic 4% Dragonfruit TFA 7% Apple TFA 2% Pineapple TFA
  15. Bravo! That's da-bomb! Somehow it fits your personality too!
  16. Wow! I'm not going to hold my breath. From what I have witnessed politicians and sanity can not coexist. Give it to the Guberment and they will destroy it. Simple.
  17. Oh that's a hoot. I'm sure the Guberment will have Vape PoPo soon if they don't already have some. Appreciate the idea but I don't want to let this wonderful hobby become work.
  18. I appreciate the vote of confidence. Message me an address and I'll send you a sampler 10ml bottle to try out. I don't want to get into selling e-juice with the Guberment going wack like they are. I can envision them being total a-holes at the least opportunity.
  19. I was. I used an EGO pen styled mod which is very low wattage and very little vapor for awhile. Definitely mouth to lung only. After getting acclimated I went into tanks with greater airflow and more vapor. I still can't vape at the wattages my friends vape at. Way to hot for me. I do have the same rig you have and I can vape it at about 40 watts now and get an enjoyable vape. Everybody is different.
  20. Wow, you should not be experiencing anything harsh with that setting. I'm baffled.
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