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Everything posted by Walt

  1. I did. Didn't really think it through when I bought it. It's obviously made for holding three very small "pen" mods. Worked out great though. Nice stand for building coils and wicking and such.
  2. Bought this a while back only to find out that Joytech EGO's were to big to fit in it. Been looking at it for a few months. Flipped it upside down. Drilled and tapped it. Voila! Atty Stand!
  3. Bump de Bump Bump. (Hope I did that right) @Christopher You shouldn't have, but thanks! The sampler pack is beautiful! Very nicely done! Oh ya, the twisted clapton I bought is very nice as well. I shall do a special build on a favorite RDA and have a tasting party this weekend!!!
  4. Amen! I've been taking the liberty of doing some sharing as well.
  5. Naw, We are talking Guberment here. Empirical data, reason, logic; no place for that. A wife of a good friend has decided vaping is BAD! The female incarnation of Don Quixote. No windmill is safe!!! She is on a mission expose the evils of vaping! Talking to her is like having a conversation with a recorded message on the phone. Politicians are like that only they have a vested interest to protect.
  6. Oh my!!! Dr. Michael Siegel better watch his back. California Guberment will have him on their hit list.
  7. I've got two Pharoahs, and I wanted to try something different. I like the size of it. Small. Really makes a lot of sense for a single coil build.
  8. My personal perception of perfection would to not be addicted to nicotine so that vaping could be purely optional. I would still love to have a vape with something to drink in the evening after settling down. If you think that it is the throat hit you are craving try something with a good percentage of strawberry ripe in it. Tigers Blood is a good example as made by Mr. Vapor. Blueberry extra will give a pretty good hit too as long as it isn't in something creamy. There are some fruit flavors like this out there that will give a pretty decent throat hit with zero nicotine.
  9. We did that for the band on some black hoodies and it was a hot ticket item. People loved that. Pretty loud and gaudy, but people loved them anyway. We had a show downtown Detroit and I was pretty sure I was not coming home with it, lol.
  10. That's classy! That would be a great polo too!
  11. I'll take one like this. Just kidding. Had to play.
  12. This one was a surprise. I saw the tiny little wicking holes and thought, oh boy, this one is a dry hitter. The first wicking was. Re-wicked with a little more fluffing a viola! Monster bubbles coming up. Single coil, four wrap, clapton. This little guy is pumpin flavor and vapor. I'm amazed.
  13. I want one that says "Live to Vape" "Vape to Live"
  14. @Earthling789 Thank you my friend! In the freezer it goes!
  15. 1. I'm seeing vanilla bean ice cream in a lot of recipes. Is it like a very sweet vanilla? 2. I'm about to toss a gallon of VG in a chest freezer. I'm pretty sure I've read here that it will keep well there. Just want to make sure it won't expand and end up all over the freezer or separate in the freezer.
  16. Excellent! I'm diggin the dyi thing too. I've tweaked a few recipes to where I like them better than what I can buy. Then I think it's under a nickel an ml and I'm really pleased.
  17. Amazing! I would have never dreamed of vaping a snickers bar. Now I want to go to the store and get one.
  18. @smacksy Just another quick note. A friend stopped in yesterday asking about vaping because he was just diagnosed with COPD. I took him to a vape shop and got him started. I'm sending him a screen shot of your post to give him some more hope. Appreciate your sharing!
  19. Bravo!!!! Good news indeed! For all of us!
  20. Have to admit I cheated on this one. This is actually six shots of the RDA at different focal points. Used PS to Focus stack and blend them into one. SS Staggered Fused Clapton 28/32x2 x 32.
  21. My experience, which is very little experience, lol with fruits is that like you have found a very little sweetener goes a long way. With most recipes I use none at all. I have one that I used .5% just to take the tart edge off. Most fruits provide enough natural sweetness for me. For a smoother feel with a little sweetness I will use sweet cream.
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