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Everything posted by Walt

  1. Lol, all good. I'm glad to hear you feel good about your decision to participate.
  2. It intrigues me that you would offer your assurance regarding the intent of this survey. The survey and or study is being conducted. It's efficacy has obviously already been "sold". What is not being conveyed to the participants are the postulates that define the efficacy. I perceive this omission either myopic or deceptive. "Twist and shout journalism" was obviously satire and not necessarily deceptive of the endeavor. It did however solicit your response. Again, interesting.
  3. No minimum in an RDA. An RTA you may have to wick with a little more cotton. Vapor production will be less as VG is omitted. Must be aware of that. If you start DYI mixing, some flavors have a greater throat hit as well. Strawberry ripe by TPA is an example.
  4. Thanks @leadpipe58 and @gadget for the leads. I'm sure I will use them at some point. Right now I still have a butt load of 10cc syringes from when my appendix blew out and they sent me home with a pole and an iv bag. I picked up a dozen 3cc from somewhere. Doing pretty good with the other mixing tools too, lol. Got a scale, an ultrasonic cleaner and a magnetic stirring plate. Have a couple of rare earth magnetic pills on order. Crazy how there's always another toy just around the corner.
  5. I'm not sure about that. Some of these posts are Greek to me.
  6. Congratulations! I hate to even speak of another forum here as this is my "home", but the folks at www.e-liquid-recipes.com discuss ad nauseam the intricacies of flavors, brands, yada, yada, yada.
  7. It took no time at all to bond with this little gem. I'm simply very excited for VT and it's new line. This is a winner in my books. Sorry @Christopher, i really have no suggestions for improvement. It is sleek looking and will fit nicely into any social event. It feels great in my hand. It is wide enough to be stable while sitting on end. I like the length, great pocket device. I am very impressed with the vape. I'm using some 50/50 and it is producing impressive cloud and very nice flavor. I can almost get a DTL from it. Definitely a very satisfying MTL. Many of the similar form factor units I have tried are simply wimpy in comparison. Per the lights, there's plenty of them for me. I know when it's charging. I know when it's fully charged. The subtle light in the tank after vape is sweet for knowing where the liquid is in dim light. Min/Max markings are clear without degradation of the appearance. The spin open bottom is just cool. Sweet finishing touch. The top cap is child proof and not adult proof. I really like that. The drip tip is non-metallic. I love that. All of the threading is nicely machined. That's a huge plus. I'm no fan of threads that take all my concentration to start without cross threading. The tank is glass, no worries about reactions with different flavors. It's very obvious that a lot of thought went into this prior to release. I wish more manufacturers would follow suit. I will be using this.
  8. Most mods today are pretty well protected against battery mishaps. Regardless, these are powerful batteries capable of producing a LOT of current and need to be respected. For that matter, any battery needs to be used with care. A 1.5V AA or a 9V can even produce a significant amount of heat if shorted and depending where this occurs i.e. it's surroundings, the ramifications could be ugly. Obviously, Samsung just picked up on that little fun fact recently. And yes, you hit the nail on the head, hype. Vaping is obviously being politicized and they hype has hit epidemic proportions and there are an abundance of headline scanners willing to jump in and play Chicken Little.
  9. Flavor is amazing isn't it? Love that little Smok mod too. Looks like a great rig!
  10. Boil, boil, Toil and Trouble! And it came on a Sunday no less!
  11. On my way too! I have my own napkin!!!
  12. I'm no fan of telling anyone what to do. I am a fan of sharing experience. My informal survey called life has indicated that the vast majority of people are highly susceptible to addiction to nicotine. I have met a total of two (and I old) that have quit smoking by just walking away from it and never thought twice about it. The biggest problem I have with vaping is that I have to. All day I have it with me and it doesn't always taste that great. It's often inconvenient, and I resent having an addiction that controls me. Obviously I'm referring to the nicotine content. In regard to long term effects of zero nicotine e-juice; I don't know where to start. First off, nobody knows. So how do you make a judgement call from that? Second, what is your habit? I have seen many substances destroy peoples lives because the substance was consumed too much, too often. The problem with addiction is that it occurs before the person realizes it. Often times one experience with a substance can leave a person addicted. It ends up being a personal decision. I do applaud you for researching before jumping in. I think it prudent to give this decision a lot of thought.
  13. Just got around to trying the sample of Eden's Empire. WoW! Grand slam in my books. What I wouldn't give for that recipe!!! Probably going to end up giving in and buying some. Oh the pain!
  14. @Tam Well, you've done it again. Saved the day! That did the trick.
  15. Just did a fused 2x26 with 32 wrap in SS. This time I tightened down the tensioning nut to the point that I feared for the 32. Really nice Clapton! Outer layer did not slip one bit even when I used a pliers to help tighten the coil on the rod. Put it in the Goon and it is doing it's job well. I love the life of a Mad Scientist.
  16. Stainless 24 core, 32 Wrap
  17. That's brilliant! Their mostly home brew so I can "suck it up" until I get to half bottle point and brew up a half batch of zero. You just rescued about 500ml of juice!!!! Now I'm excited! Can't wait to see what they taste like at 3mg. Gotta to be better.
  18. @Bebop Man, that's a huge drop. I've got a couple 12's laying around that I started with doing M2L. It kinda bugs me because I have a ton of 6mg juice right now. Not a timely change.
  19. Ok, well, it looks pretty. but.... I went to wind it on a post and it is loose. Real loose. So, I did a second one. Better... Still ended up with a few mm of loose coil a the end after winding. Up side, I put a build in a Goon @ 0.17Ω and @ 110 Watts it is producing well. Improvements can be made with this process. I will try again later.
  20. 24SS wrapped in 32SS Used the Avid Artisan winding tool. As you can see it had a blip. The rest looks pretty good as far as I can tell.
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