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Everything posted by Walt

  1. Welcome to VT! I have an Alien. It's a decent little mod. Good battery life. Does what it claims it will. Decent temp control. Not as good TC as Yihi or DNA but decent. No hang over on attys 25mm and under. Simple menu system. Most things can be done just clicking the fire bar. Pretty crappy paint job though. I have touch up paint on order. I've had it for three or four months with no problems to report.
  2. Somehow I have to remember this for all those "perfect" people in my life.
  3. I'm one of those folks that never knew that. Eeeville Vegies! Oh my! Don't tell the Guberment! They'll be raiding my vegetable garden.
  4. I think for some folks they see what looks like smoke and smoke is bad. End of thinking process. I doubt it's difficult for them. They just kind of bumble around and don't leave their comfort bubble.
  5. Thanks Tam! These are the moments I know I'm doing something right!
  6. Weeded the front flower garden to include digging out a small tree. No debilitating fits of coughing and gagging! This old fart got tired and had to sit down after the tree. But this old fart could breath!!!! First time since I can remember.
  7. If you mean the UK expo, it looked great from the videos that DJlsb posted. Looked HUGE!
  8. Welcome to VT! Can't help much with the Aromanizer except to say I've heard good things about them. Congratulations per jumping right it in. I'm sure you will find a lot of help here. Pretty laid back and moves kinda slow but a lot of sharp folks here.
  9. So, I need to do a video of the problem I am having? Open a youtube account, publish it and send her a link?
  10. This is the reply I received to a help request from Yihi. Anybody got any idea what she means? Dear valued customer, This is Linda from yihi sales team,Well received your mail and I am really glad to provide service for you. Please help to check if you have chosen the matched coil in your mod.It is best to show me a video,so that I can help with you more clearly. Waiting for your reply,Any problem pls keep me in contact.,Tks!
  11. I'll be green. Great for Halloween, and drill holes in my nose like modified vapor.
  12. Rare Earth baby! These little guys latch onto the stirring plate. Can't wait to test them out on some heavy VG. Got notification that they had shipped this morning. Clicked on the tracking number and it said delivered. Sure enough, on the porch. Lol, Coleparmer is just a little slow with notifications.
  13. I've seen nothing from the flies regarding the color of the vapor.
  14. Got a Serpent mini for the size. Put in a 28G spaced SS. Blaaah. Searched all over for a sweet spot. Wicked it a few times. Blaaah. Put in a 2x28-32 twisted SS Clapton. We like that coil. Good grief.
  15. New purchase/First impressions: SX mini Q mini. I was so impressed with the Q Mini ML Class that I picked this up for extended battery life. The only aspect of the ml class that I was disappointed with. Unfortunately, much of what impressed me about the ml class is changed in this unit. It is light. I get it. People like light things. For me it just doesn't feel substantial. The ml class feels like a rock in my hand. The fire button is moved down. Not being on the curved surface, it is not as nice to the touch. The fire button is mushy. It does provide a positive connect and disconnect but I can't feel it in my finger. Last but not least, the custom ramp up curve is not working. I have a ticket open with Yihi. The bluetooth capability is a cute add on but without the custom curve function working I really don't need it. The menu system on the device works just fine.
  16. You're welcome. The wattage setting also effects the "ramp up" time of a vape. The higher the wattage, the faster the coil heats up. TC is a bit of a balancing act between available power and temperature setting. Some mods have preheat settings as well. The Alien has soft, normal, and hard. Hard applying more wattage to the coil for the first couple of seconds. The SX mini takes it a step further and allows the user to create a custom power curve over a ten second period. Using TC on the SX, I use a curve that applies and extra five watts at the very beginning of the vape and then slopes down to my set wattage over a period of about two seconds. Somewhere in there the TC has kicked in and I get an even temperature vape beginning to end. It took a little trial and error to find the right set points.
  17. On most mods in TC mode, the wattage sets a ceiling for how much power the coil can pull from the device. If the wattage is set to low you may never get to the desired or "dialed in" temperature. If the wattage is set too high you run the risk of the mod applying TC so rapidly and abruptly that you feel the mod kicking in and out of TC during a vape. I usually vape for awhile using power mode to find the power that gives me a decent vape. I then set the device to TC and set the wattage for the same wattage I used in power mode. I will then start low on temperature, say 400F and keep turning it up until I get the temperature that feels right. I know nothing about the Halo Reactor. I do know mods vary greatly in how the handle TC. I've got a Wismac Predator that will not stabilize in TC. An Alien that is pretty nice. Then there's the Yihi SX mini that is smooth as a baby's behind in TC. Some mods react quicker than others with TC as well. Sounds like the Halo may be a bit slow allowing the temperature to get a little too hot before the TC kicks in, or you just may need to lower the temperature setting to keep the heat down. I hope this made some sense. Both settings work together.
  18. Thanks Edna! Bands are weird organizations. I played professionally in younger years and semi pro right after all the children moved out. Neither were rock and roll. I've been mucking around in R&R now for awhile and it is a different animal. A simple membership change, which is always going on, and they band can head in an entirely different direction. It's like having a pet. Going into it you have to know it won't last too long, or maybe better stated as long as you would like it to. I'll see what pops up but I am of the age that it is a lot of work to have a little fun.
  19. Thanks @Tam. It is all as it should be. Time for a new direction. Regardless, vaping is still great!
  20. Oh my friend, I'm afraid this era is over. Our newest clown made one hell of a mess tonight. I dumped the band. With the addition of the last two folks we went from a very tight band to a garage band. Weakest link thing. It has been getting embarrassing. Tonight we played to a few relatives and a couple of member friends. It has been a steady decline over the last year. All good. Our repertoire was getting real stale anyway. Same 70 or so songs they had when I joined three years ago. Borrrring!
  21. Thank you Tam! We need it. We have two new members that have only been with us for a year. Sometimes things get a little shaky. I hate having things thrown at me.
  22. New venue. Big stink. Ipad charging: Check Bass cleaned up: Check Logo shirt in dryer: Check Black everything: Check Set list on ipad: Check Now for the important stuff! SX mini with single coil Ammit: Check! Alien with dual coil Ammit; Check! Templar on charger: Check! Extra batteries charged: Check! Gorilla bottles filled: Check! Debit card in wallet: Check! (They have the best pizza in Ann Arbor)
  23. Have I mentioned yet that I like this mod? I opened up the SXi software a built a nice sloping ramp up curve over the first two seconds. This thing just keeps getting better and better. I know, shut up Walt, we get it.
  24. Just upgraded the firmware. The menu said "ah hung gong fuey gooey, you do bobo bozo!" Went and found another file....fast.
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