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Everything posted by Walt

  1. Here's a real nice coil assortment from here at VaporTalk: https://www.vaportalk.com/us/shop/pre-built-coils-8-in-1-kit/ Great way to try different types of coils and see what you like.
  2. I've got an Eleaf 100WTC that will do that. Never have got it working. I've read a number of posts using google about some eleaf mods doing this.
  3. I had to laugh. I'm the same way. I doubt anything could embarrass me any more. What comes to mind is "yup, I did that" followed by "probably not the first or last time".
  4. This one gets me. It's a beautiful mod and it is built very well. I watched a review by DJLSB vapes and he mentioned the internal resistance was not set correctly. I vaped it in TC and reviewed the the mod settings in Escribe. They never finished building the unit by running the case analysis provided in Escribe. That is just plain wrong. I'll run it myself and get the settings correct next day off. TC is working wonderfully but the temp is way off. I'm going to estimate a full 25 to 35 deg F low.
  5. Congratulations! Wondered where you were. Been kinda quiet round here. Please do post some pics! And Gods speed!
  6. Wow, That is weird. I'll follow this one too. Should taste better after the bubbles die down as it is mixed better. I guess theoretically it could be a wicking issue as you may be getting more juice to the coils just after tightening down the cap and pressurizing the atty. That sounds like a stretch to me though. Could be something to do with max VG I guess. PG carries flavor better.
  7. Ok, so I've read endless chatter about these things so I tried one. I'm pretty impressed. It might mute the flavor just a sliver in comparison to say the Serpent SMM but I haven't vaped it much yet. It is quite the performer especially considering it is top airflow. Put a quick and dirty 7 wrap, SS26, 3.5mm coil set in it and vaping on TC. Good fog, good flavor, easy build. Not much to complain about. Looks perdy matchy matchy sexy on the mini to boot.
  8. I received a 521 Tab mini with a CoilMaster kit and I purchased a 521 Tab "maxi" or whatever. Not the latest two battery flying saucer thing. Both testers will take maybe a half dozen pulses for dry burning and then show low "battery I assume". Not a big deal I guess. I can use them for build stations and to measure resistance. I can always use a mod to dry burn. Just annoying, that's all.
  9. Please don't take this to the bank but I've been hearing quite a bit about these coils going bad. Had another instance message in to DJLsb vapes during a live show yesterday. Could Smok be shipping funky product? Don't know, but I've seen enough instances to wonder.
  10. I use stainless. 316L is the most common. Heats and cools a little slower than Kanthal. Obviously a lot less resistance which is the challenge using it. My Alien does pretty good with SS. Puts out a very nice vape in TC. I'm sure the Skhook would do the same.
  11. @gadget That is different. Reminds me a little of my Yihi mods. When I put on a new atty they will give me an error message basically stating the atty is unacceptable. I don't remember the exact verbiage. I found a thread that recommended forcing a new resistance read. That works every time. One thing that seems to be universal in this industry is that a lot is left for the user to discover, lol. Really glad you found that. I am very interested in watching Hohm and seeing how their technology effects the market. I would love to take advantage of the added resistance of Kanthal in so many builds and be able to use TC. I saw one ad by Sigelli stating one of their mods will do TC with Kanthal, but of course Segelli makes a lot of claims that are simply false. I think Hohm has the corner on this market.
  12. Sweet job on that one my friend! Right down to the reflections! Bravo!!!
  13. This is a real nice calculator: http://ejuice.breaktru.com/
  14. Walt

    Thoughts on RDTA's

    They work well. I use a Griffin quite a bit. Good flavor, good vapor. Can be tricky to wick. Easy to either get dry-ish hits or flooding/leaking. Not much different than any other tank except of course you build the coils and wick it. Not a lot different than building on a RDA with a little more attention to wicking.
  15. I played PacMan once at a Pizza place. I think it was 1977. PacMan got eaten. I quit playing PackMan.
  16. It took me awhile to find a device that did TC well and also took me a bit of time to get used to it. I think wattage mode better mirrored my smoking experience. I would draw until things got hot and abrasive. It took a little getting used to a consistent draw and being able to draw as long as I like. The trigger for a lot of vapor in the lungs is different too. I have really come to enjoy the experience. Very relaxing.
  17. I'm quite sure that is one finely tuned device. I'm sure you will find variances like that. And yes, I'm sure it will work fine in wattage mode with most anything you throw at it. It really is a quite amazing device.
  18. It came Monday. I ran a set of batteries through it. Set it up. Uploaded a wallpaper I found with Google. It has sat since then. I just look at it. Seems to nice to "just" use. I wish I was still with the Big Band where we did a lot of shows in fancy dancy venues and wore a tux. Then I would feel like it fit right in. Also the wallpaper.....
  19. @gadgetI watched a video made by the owner of Hohm on the slice and he mentioned highly recommending only using premade coils. Now not being privy to the design specifics of the mod, I don't really know what all is involved. I would guess however that the device is doing some very fine, high resolution monitoring of the atty resistance. Could be that the RDA's are varying resistance at rates that are not anticipated by the firmware. Kanthal's change of resistance is very minimal over the used temperature spectrum. A lot of RBA's are just not built to electrical specifications that the slice can deal with if this is the case. Variations of posts, grub screws, etc., or basically everything in the electrical circuit would be a factor. I know the responses from my RTA's vary a little even with SS builds and SS varies greatly with temperature changes. Mods have not gotten sophisticated enough to monitor actual chamber, or coil temperature to the best of my knowledge. They all rely on resistance vs temperature coefficients.
  20. That is interesting. I've grown real accustom to using all my RTA's on TC. Wonderful vape experience. Now and again, I will pop an RDA on a wattage just to get a monster cloud vape.
  21. Looks like a real nice device! Are you really using TC on Kanthal?
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