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Everything posted by Walt

  1. https://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm568923.htm?utm_source=SFATA+Industry+News+and+Updates&utm_campaign=20fe21d859-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_07_20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_bf36667471-20fe21d859-114819645&mc_cid=20fe21d859&mc_eid=d6009ec24e note date changes
  2. Welcome back but sorry to hear about your relapse. Hope you can figure it all out and get it stabilized. Wish you the best!
  3. HCigar VT75 with a black Ammit 25 Single Coil. 0.43Ω, 5mm ID, home spun SS 28x2+36 @ 6.5 wraps. Got some home brew Pineapple Whip in the tank. Nice looking couple as well as very pleasant to vape. Just finished manufacturing the VT75 today with a brass 510 plug and Escribe. Finally got the internal resistance set correctly. Wonderful TC vape.
  4. Walt

    Rda question

    Lol, That's an understatement. Between yourself and a few others here my adventure into vaping has been a drink from a fire hose!
  5. Walt

    Rda question

    Welcome to vapertalk! Don't have a mage but I like 2x28+32 in my RDA's. I'm looking for flavor though. As far as tricks, I only know one. Vape three times, roll over and take a nap. Love that trick. My wife, not so much.
  6. HCigar is the weirdest company. I have the 75 and 75C. On both of them, they shipped and never finished calibrating the DNA board to the mod. Had to run case analysis and tweak the TCR settings myself. They also didn't set the internal resistance. Then on each mod they had to do something stupid. On the 75 they did not use a spring loaded connection for the battery and provided a set screw on the bottom to tighten against the battery. That bent the C frame over time as it was inevitable to over tighten it. OooooPs. Ok, I disassembled it, straightened the frame and know now to only snug the battery cap. On the 75C they made the diameter of the battery cavity just a little to large and you can feel the battery moving in there from time to time. No show stoppers but just stupid crap. So easy to avoid. With just a little more attention to detail they could probably be nipping at the heals of Lost Vape and YiHi. Amazing.
  7. This is interesting. Danial (djlsb) picked one up during his last Q&A session and it looked large and bulky in his hand. Interesting because from @MRSpivey s post, I know how small it really is. I would be a very poor candidate to design aesthetics for a mod. There are a couple of posts on this mod where folks are raving about the look. I posted a pic of the VT75C that I love the looks of and everybody was like "yuck", "fugley", "over the top", lol. Could be good for me. Maybe there will be some clearance sales on them and I can pick up a second for a great cost, lol. I have always been the same way with music. While the rest of the world is going nuts over a song, I'm spinnin the B side. Go figure.
  8. Wow! I am surprised. For whatever reason I was convinced they were much larger than that. Just knowing this makes the device much more attractive.
  9. I hear a lot of good things about that mod elsewhere. Personally, I'm put off a little by the name. I know, poor criteria to judge a mod. But it and the assvape atty came out about the same time and I just could not wrap my head around sticking that in my mouth. I guess the other thing that just doesn't appeal to me is the "retro" or boxy design. Don't get me wrong, it looks fine in consideration of it's intended style but for me it lacks refinement. I would be running around going "Me Grog! Me Vape!". I'm sure in another person's hand it would look fine to me.
  10. I find the following interesting. On another forum, no worries, this forum is home, there were a couple of instances of batteries venting and possibly going into thermal runaway. Tons of replies mostly drawn by the drama and hyperbole of the instance. I posted this and got one like. That was it. Not a popular activity to take the time to be safe I guess. Much more popular to get a quick vicarious rush. And we wonder how does this happen? Me thinks the reason is obvious.
  11. @Christopher Hey! Great call posting that to facebook. I never thought of it! Great mojo having it posted from VT too. Both those guys represent our community very well. There is so much subliminal commentary in that video. One from the UK and the other from the US and obviously old friends. Both very sharp, down to earth individuals. The quitting cigarettes verbiage woven in. Genius call Christopher!
  12. Hello and welcome! I'll never forget mine. An EGO AIO and an Eleaf Pico with a Mello 3. Hope to always have the Pico just cause. Vaped it a couple of times tonight even.
  13. This is a great live session between the Vaping Biker and Mouch. Fabulous information!!!!!
  14. Quick update: If you do decide to try this mod and use TC with Stainless go to DJLsb's website. Go into his Escribe section and download his modified SS316 profile. Does a nice job of getting things up to temp.
  15. I do like what they are calling a GTA right now. The RDTA with a smaller reservoir on the bottom. If I remember right they labeled the first Pharaoh an RDTA. I like that atty. A little limited with only 2ml but not bad.
  16. They've made it stateside. The Govad RTA. This as all RTA's is a different critter. Massive air flow. Like zero resistance air flow. For vapor production this could compete well with a lot of dual coil attys. Flavor is bright and on point but with the massive airflow it is not as intense as some attys. It is finicky. There's a pretty small latitude on wicking between flood, just right, and dry. Second build so far. 2x28+32SS, 5.5Wrap, 4mm, ~0.5Ω. I might be on the light side with cotton as there is a slight gurgle. No leaking. But if I really hit it hard and long, I can dry it out a bit toward the end. Bottom line; it's a keeper in my books. Enjoying the ride!
  17. There are a lot of really nice RTA's out there right now. Each has it's own high points. Ammit 25 single coil is a flavor machine. Ammit Dual and Kylin are both nice dual coils. The Troll SMM is a slightly restricted single that has great flavor as well. Obviously that is just skimming the surface. Griffins mini and "maxi" are both very nice. I'm diging the engine too. Old RTA-2's are good producers. If you get into more restricted the Serpent Mini is the groove. If you're into showey, the Crystal Ball is an excellent tank. If you're into utilitarian, the Pharoah RDTA is not a bad atty either. Ijoy XL is a very nice RTA but IMHO very finicky. It and I went around quite a few times before I found a build it liked.
  18. Bravo! I spun up a bunch of 28x2+32 and rebuilt the OBS engine. Finally got some good flavor. 26 single strand was just bla. Mixed up a little Pineapple Whip and a little Tiger's blood. Today the mailbabe is bringing me a Govad RTA. Gonna see what I can do with that. All of the reviewers say it's a finicky little atty.
  19. I pretty much had that figured. Knew the bike would be calling you.
  20. Thanks for the update! Sounds like some exciting stuff. Look forward to thing lightening up again and seeing more of you!
  21. Have not but I've seen a lot of positive chatter on it.
  22. Yikes! A real little people! Beautiful!!! Good goin Gramps!!!!
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