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Everything posted by Walt

  1. It's an HCigar day at Carpet Depot today!!! With identical Ammit 25 single coils and some home brew Strawberry cream. Life is good on a Monday morning!
  2. It sounds like you must have been getting a pretty nasty experience. You might want to try starting as low as 25W and then increase it maybe 5 watts at a time until you get the best balance of flavor and vapor without the harsh throat hit. You should be able to find a spot where the tank works best.
  3. I have no idea. I rebuild all my atties as well and I always have a few going and I like to switch around. I guess the best answer is a long time.
  4. Lol, They're designed to sell Coca-Cola, or bonerall, or whatever the media's sponsorship is. Shock and Awe! "Look! That there vapin thing just blew up in his face! Give us your money!"
  5. Highly unlikely. There's a lot involved, but to keep it short, if you are using a regulated mod you are very safe. There is one mod out right now that seems to have a flaw. The HCigar VT75C seems to have a problem with the battery housing. If a long (66mm or longer) 26650 battery is used in the mod the top of the housing can become fatigued and short out the battery. The battery/mod will melt down pretty quickly.
  6. Could this be it? The chosen one? The traveler? The daily companion?
  7. I read that one and quite a few others but what I can't find is much on the actual penalties. Are we going to fill the jails with vapers in Australia? Hell, do what some guys in Germany used to do in the day. Get a hand can crimper and save labels off of canned foods. Pack it with whatever contraband and make sure the weight matches. Gifts to the folks back home.
  8. Man, there are a lot of folks around that can answer this better than I but they must be out and about. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. If the coils were shorting out against the case your resistance would be lower than expected not higher. The spitting and burning smell is telling me you are probably hitting the coils with too much power and singing the cotton that would be the burning smell. The spitting would probably be a violent vaporizing of the juice. Did you start low with your wattage, say around 30 watts and slowly work up? Were your coils and cotton well saturated with ejuice? There's nothing wrong with a .3 ohm build but it isn't going to handle too much power.
  9. I spotted this a little earlier and have been trying to find articles on it. What kind of penalties are they hitting folks with? Is this their new war on drugs or is it more like you've been bad we are taking this?
  10. I haven't paid attention to harshness vs tint of juice but I do use different power and or temperature on different juices. The degree of harshness for me usually comes down to the nic level I'm vaping.
  11. Bravo! It's a process. Time doesn't count.
  12. No idea. I'll ask my wife about snoring. I definitely sleep better. One of the first things to go was the wheezing when I retired for the evening.
  13. This is a real long shot. I get that on occasion and it's sleep position. Lack of blood flow because I have something "pinched off". I have read about radical dream states as part of stinky withdrawal.
  14. That one is a government rubber stamp. She has quite the history. They knew the decision when the case was assigned.
  15. A lot like @Tam I use different blends. For a lot of my attys I use 70/30 but I have a Templar I love that works best with 50/50. Sometimes a flavor is a bit subtle and I will move toward 60/40.
  16. Perfect advice from @Christopher although I have seen a number of treads float through about funky smok replacement coils. May be coincidence, may not.
  17. Karma? Long road with no curves? The lights came on? At the next large show my band mates made a discovery. Despite the resume this person claimed, a walk into the audience revealed that the sound sounded like s#@t. When they approached him with some suggestions on how to fix the situation he went off. Suddenly my band mates were ungrateful A*h*&^oles. He picked up his toys and went home. My band mates helped him load. Now, I'm not without fault in this either. I pretty much went off on him and caused some trauma drama that was not necessary before I left the group. All of us had some amends to make in the process of my re-entering. It will probably come out of the wash as a positive experience with lessons learned by all in the end. Thanks for the empathy. You're the best!
  18. 10 Char, lol I'm a wimp. I couldn't stand being bandless and the member who was making me miserable quit/was booted. I swallowed my pride and got back in. I have got to be crazy. I just love playing. So, back to some late nights and a lot of Ibuprofen for this old fart.
  19. Thank you @Christopher!!! To me this is soooooo important! Especially now that many atties are coming out under .1 ohms. This is a great chart for regulated mods as well. Not all regulated mods are created equal. Not all specs on mods can be trusted. Couple that with the insane specs published by battery manufacturers and you have a recipe for disaster. Batteries are not simple power sources. Some can generate impressive short term current but heat up fast. I'm sure I am OCD in regard to this subject but along with the most important postulate, "Be Safe" there's also the consideration of press. Whenever a battery goes into thermal runaway our community suffers from the negative press. No need to give the anti's ammunition. When some moron builds a .04Ω pipe bomb my prognosis of vaping for the rest of my life diminishes.
  20. Watch some reviews. DJlsb Vapes, Mike Vapes, Rip Trippers (over the top but knowledgeable), Grim Green, VapinFagan, to mention a few. For the most part the RDA you choose will depict how many coils to use. RDA's will work fine on your Alien. RDA's are also a great place to start building as they are very easy to wick. RTA's are finicky and take practice. Get familiar with this site: http://www.steam-engine.org/coil.html It will help you design a coil. The RDA itself will also have a lot to do with what build you use per the amount of space on the build deck. Do a little research on Battery Mouch. He is da-man when it comes to choosing good batteries for a mod. 18650 batteries are not spec'd honestly by most manufacturers. It is good advice to understand ohm's law to understand how the resistance of your coils effect the mod. The relationship between wattage, voltage, amperage, and resistance is also good to understand. There's a lot to learn if you so choose. Vaping can be a great hobby and as intricate or simple as you want to make it.
  21. Walt

    Milky clouds

    Yowzers!!! lol. All of the above? 1. Wattage In general more wattage vaporizes more juice. Wattage is limited by the coil used. Too much wattage and flavor starts fading. Way too much wattage and cotton burns. In general the lower the resistance the more wattage that can be applied. Along with this is the configuration of the coil. More exotic builds have more surface area and can wick or retain more liquid. Also in general the more liquid retained by the coil the more wattage that can be applied. 2. Airflow In general the more airflow the more vaporized juice being carried from the coils. Also the more airflow the more wattage that can be used as the coils are being "cooled". 3. VG Yes VG produces the most cloud. PG however is your flavor transport. 4. RDA vs Subohm There are some beastly (pun intended) sub ohm tanks out there that produce a lot of vapor. An RBA (RTA or RDA) gives the user control of the coil used. There are a lot of folks that have become very good at building RBA's and can produce some monster clouds far beyond that of a premade sub ohm tank. That's a process. Get an inexpensive RDA (they are easier to wick) and try your hand at building. If you find the activity to be fun go for it. I can be tedious. Some folks just don't care for the activity. 5. Voodoo I haven't vaped long enough to attain this level. Some folks here have vaped and built a long time and have found combinations of all of the above that just work well. So with that I'll turn it over to the masters.
  22. I'm with you. I don't even use the fire button. I have a Predator that was driving me nuts so I relegated it to dry burn duty, lol. Take that you bad mod! Life sentence of dry burn duty! Ha!
  23. That's the way it reads to me. Who knows. The tone almost seems supportive of vaping as a viable alternative but it is vague.
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