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Everything posted by Walt

  1. I know I'm preaching to the choir here but I hope you don't mind being pushed for details on occasion. This is probably selfish, but I have a pet peeve with the vaping industry. I really don't like the exaggerated and unqualified specifications many manufacturers publish. There are also dumb little things that these manufacturer's do that make me nuts. One that makes me want to bang my head on a wall is when they drill a post for grub screw threading and continue to drill into the receiving or back portion of the post. Being a temp control freak, I'm always relegated to small gauge wire. When the back wall of a post is drilled the wire will be cut before the grub screw is tight. UGGGG! Really? That just doubled the current draw on my mod. Regardless, keep em comin!
  2. That is one each sharp looking mod! Hmmm @walt got you hooked on TC? I'm thinkin you caught on to the benefits yourself, lol. I admit I'm hooked. I always wanted to smoke the way I can vape with tc. Of course when I tried I just gagged. I just love being able to take draws as long as I want. What a relaxing activity. No lack of fog either, lol. Anyway, love what you are doing with some of your mods. Classy!!!
  3. Bravo! Very nicely done! Appreciate the pictures of the inside. Sometimes that says more about a mod than the outside. Looks very nicely designed all around. I'm with you regarding a quality mod. To me the difference between say a Wismec and a Lost Vape is about 10 years, lol.
  4. Appreciate you taking the time to do the review. Very nicely presented! Questions I would like to see referenced in a review if possible include: 1. What's the menu system like? Easy to navigate? Logically presented? Not too many crazy button combinations to remember? 2. Battery life? That's always rough to address, I know, maybe compared to some popular mod with the same number of cells? 3. Temperature control. I'm a huge fan. How does it compare to the smoothness of say YiHi or DNA? 4. Any quirky stuff? e.g. battery doors that flop open after a couple of months use, juice finding it's way into the inside of the mod, battery compartments that chew away at the battery wraps, jumps out of TC on occasion for no known reason. I know it has to be very difficult to answer everybody's questions and or anticipate them. I really like the fact that you emphasize feel in the hand. A lot of reviewers glaze over the feel and that is a make or break for me at the end of the day regarding if I will pick it up or no.
  5. Good choice! I think of the movie Strange Brew with the McKenzie brothers.
  6. Oh Yikes!!! I get one day of it and I'm ready to get out the net. I think there was a little bit of carry over though. Three women called me this morning all pissed off about nothing. It has settled down as the day wears on though. Last couple of groups were rational and quite enjoyable to visit with to be honest. I will never understand why they come in batches. Absolutely bizarre!
  7. This may sound crazy, but I am actually excited about my next check-up. I will have had close to a year in and will have been at 3mg for half of that time when the appointment occurs. I'm not going to say a word about vaping until we get toward the end of the check-up. I want to see if the Doc catches anything on his own. I may be disappointed but that has happened before.
  8. Good plan. The whole mess is a load, but it be what it be.
  9. Lol, If I see that one I will be a cyborg or something. My OEM parts are showing significant wear.
  10. Sorry no pic(s) but I snagged a couple of Serpent Mini's today. Pretty good sale $19 a hit. This is mostly to say I highly recommend them if you want a 22mm shorty single coil that delivers flavor. Gotta wick pretty lightly, but they will do a nice job for ya. 5.5 wraps of 28x2+36 SS @ 3.5mm yields a nice battery conservative .41Ω. Looks good and vapes great on the SX mini ml class @ 375°F with 45 joules available. I'm finally starting to find RTA's I really like and doubling up on them. This whole vapin thing is working out pretty nicely!
  11. Tried a little cheese cake / graham cracker flavoring in one mix. Pretty good. A little too rich for my taste to vape all the time. But when my taste buds are in the right mood, it goes down pretty good. I'm stuck on fruits mostly, except one lemonade blend I use to shock my tongue when it gets vaporized. Another little trick I learned here. One of many.
  12. Lol! Great idea. I'll report back if I make it out ok.
  13. One looks like Chuckey in a baby doll outfit. Chuckey at 85 that is.
  14. Oh @#$. Didn't think of that. I'm going for under the counter.
  15. This happens about once a month. It's psycho day. The last batch was a herd of women way too old to be dressed that way. One sells sex toys. Geriatric toys I'm sure. Freaking me right out. I'm typing this pretending to be busy while they shop. HELP!!!!!! "Back, Back I say!!! I'll fog on you!!!"
  16. Wow! All good stuff!!! Very interesting for sure. There are a lot of unsaid things there that quite frankly support "our" position.
  17. For me this is academic per my circumstance but I have long wondered how insurers treat vaping as apposed to smoking? Maybe as smoking? Anyone had any experience with health, life, etc. insurance?
  18. Welcome back! All sounds wonderful! Wish you the best as always.
  19. That's possible but I think the impact on throat hit per PG comes down to the overall mix percentage of PG/VG. We've got a chemist or the equivalent on board here. Maybe he'll chime in. Some flavors seem to promote greater throat hit too. I only say this because I had one mix with a lot of Strawberry Ripe FA in it and that was like vaping Tobasco sauce at 6mg of nic. Other blends didn't exhibit that at the same percentage.
  20. Wow, I have no idea. I've had both and they both work fine. Good question.
  21. Welcome @carlycathleen You're in good hands already!
  22. Wow! I had no idea it would have that much of a draw. Hibernating until it's over sounds like a good idea.
  23. The newer Smok devices are providing pretty good TC. Have you found a power setting you like in power mode? What I mean by that is a power setting that gives you a good ramp up time and satisfying beginning of the vape. I would start with that setting in TC mode for the wattage setting. Every mod is different but in general the power setting in TC mode should provide 1. The maximum power applied during a vape. You will want to have the setting high enough for the coil to reach your set temperature. 2. Be a function of how fast your coils heat up. In mods that do TC well you will be able to set the power higher than the power to achieve your set temperature and decrease your ramp up time. 3. Some mods with a preheat setting will further boost or decrease the initial power to modify the beginning of the "hit". I hope that makes sense.
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