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Everything posted by Walt

  1. Ya, I was thinking steel. I would love to see a picture if you do this.
  2. Just use one of those magnet pens. They're cheep. Any hardware.
  3. That's a new one for me. I do that to clean out needles though. I just put it on the magnetic stirrer and go away for a half hour.
  4. @vapemama Wow! I'm PMS'n like crazy!!! That hits the ADV list! I did take the liberty to make a couple of changes just because I know my taste buds. I blended the Strawberry ripe TFA with some Sweet Strawberry Cap and reduced the sweetener to 1%. Again Wow and thank you!
  5. and to say nothing about us enjoying your company on the forum.
  6. Too funny, and cool. Good luck!
  7. Thank you VT!!! Even over the holiday it got here in amazing time! Now before you call me insane, there is a method to my madness. Our Keyboard player who does all the announcements introduces me as "our bass player and fog machine". This is going to be the perfect intro to Locomotive Breath!!! Here come the train, Here come the train!!!
  8. That does look awful tempting. I haven't tried any of TPA's more complex flavors like the apple pie but maybe it's time?
  9. That's messed up but expected. That would kill me. I gag when I smell analog smoke now. Forget that!
  10. Welcome Jimmy from China!
  11. Welcome! or Welcome back! or Whatever!!!
  12. I'll have it mixed up before end of week! Thank you!
  13. Sounds delicious all the way around!!!! The Peach, Mango and Strawberry especially sounds good! Wouldn't happen to have the recipe to share would you?
  14. My experience with the Predator was dismal. I bought two in quick succession because I liked the look and the fire bar. The first one to bite the dust was due to the 510 popping out of the case. I have heard Wismec has fixed that issue. The second one would fire, stop firing, start again and so on mid vape. Made me nuts. One is now part of a ski slope (What we do with garbage dumps) and the other got cannibalized to fix an Hcigar. I also have a Smok Alien with no paint on it. All in all I would not recommend either device especially for TC. I did not enjoy TC until I tried it on Yihi and DNA mods. The difference is vivid. Downside, neither come with fire bars. The Lost Vape Triade DNA 250 is a wonderful device. Element Vape is having a sale right now for just over $100.00. Not sure about shipping to Australia. If you can swing it the difference between the Lost Vape and either the Alien or Predator is night and day. Construction, finish, and function are top notch on the Triade. The Lost Vape DNA 166 is also a great device but limited to 167 Watts. In the Yihi line both the SX mini Q mini and the G class are amazing devices. They are pricey however, and again no fire bars. The SX mini will only accommodate a 22mm atty therefore the recommendation of the SX mini Q mini other than that the two are very similar.
  15. Just read a post where the user found a reset button on the bottom of the thing and used a pen to press it. Per user, it fixed the problem. Sorry, no personal experience.
  16. Thank you. I like being around. I've learned a lot here. Glad to see you here as well. You fit right in. I could babble endlessly about vaping. It's become one of my favorite hobbies.
  17. Oh, you are in trouble my friend. There are some folks here that are really sharp. Summer is a slow time on the forum, comes fall and winter the real gurus will be more present. What little I know, I learned from them.
  18. One each Dhaaaa episode for sure. Ammit 25 single coil. Jumping resistance all over the place. Odd part, the resistance was going down. Checked coil for being too close to posts or bottom. Went as far as to put a piece of shrink wrap on the post going down the center to the 510. Had to be something shorting from turning the juice control. It was hitting the ceiling of the chamber. Could not believe it. Sure didn't look possible. But that was it. Dhaaaaaa!
  19. Glad if I can help. I love dyi liquid. Can never buy exactly what I like best, but I can make it!
  20. I think it's best to forget about the drops thing. All drops are not the same size. I'm not really sure why all the calculators hang on to the whole drop thing. Use either measurements in ML or Grams (weight). You could mix 1 part super concentrate with 9 parts vg and have standard concentration.
  21. Pretty similar day here. Going through the stock and replenishing. Ran out and low of a few by end of the week. By Friday I was down to second string.
  22. Probably a little late for this response and it may be an entirely different issue but I just had a similar experience with a nano.... maybe..... I put a six wrap 3.5mm Id stainless 2x28 (twisted) + 32 spaced coil in a new nano. It was a tight fit between the posts and the inner wall of the chamber. Testing the resistance initially there were no shorts. After vaping for a bit the resistance started going down by a few 1/00ths of an ohm. My DNA mod was picking up on this and the result was a vape in TC that faded off to nothing adverse to holding a stable temp. I can only guess that with heat the coils were expanding enough to create a short. Probably against one of the posts per inspection. I replaced the coil with a parallel Clapton @ 3mm and am now getting a perfect vape. The overall resistance did go from .5 to .4 which is to be expected. I would have liked to get .5 but it is pretty rough with so little room without using a wire with less surface area.
  23. Snap, crackle, pop is the e-juice vaporizing with more energy than before. It's not necessarily a bad thing unless it's causing some "spit-back". Can't tell you why it's happening now. Maybe a little more efficient wicking causing e-liquid to pool a little more on the coils? A higher power setting will also do this.
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