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Everything posted by Walt

  1. Very, very, nice!!! Where to you source your material? Love the look!!!!
  2. I'll buy a big bottle, lol.
  3. Hmmmmm Doesn't look half bad. I'm gonna add the peppermint to my next order and give this a shot. Don't ya just love dyi?, lol.
  4. The only thing I have that kinda fits that bill is the Pharaoh RDTA. Obviously, check it out first on a Youtube review. It takes a pretty good sized coil and is a single.
  5. Walt

    Steam engine question

    And the mystery deepens!
  6. Walt

    Steam engine question

    That's interesting. I remember you saying that you used 10% water but I never thought about that might effect the electrical characteristics.
  7. Walt

    Steam engine question

    The Council of Vapor is a little closer in actual temp, I think. I am comparing to DNA boxes which seem consistent across the board. The Council of Vapor however is a battery hog. Like flushing a toilet in comparison to the Kanger, even considering that the Kanger is a two battery mod. Both are providing a very stable vape with real good ramp time and both are doing a great job of sucking every last drop of juice out of the coil without dry hitting. My trigger to squonk is flavor muting along with loss of fog. I'm really impressed with both units especially per cost point. I am very much enjoying both of them. The other thing that was weird about the Council of Vapor was that I really could not get a good full dense vape in power mode. I watched the voltage and it was really under powering the atty. I switched to TC thinking "this should be a circus" and viola! The fog came! Never experienced anything quite like it before. Maybe I was doing something wrong. I didn't read the manual. I a guy. I've been vapin the council at 450 and the Kanger at 475. Last few days I've been liking it kinda hot. I go in phases. Tomorrow I may be back down to 375. I never know.
  8. Walt

    Steam engine question

    @cany Wow, sorry, I totally missed the question about spaced or contact. I like spaced coils. I am bummed out that you are having so much trouble with this but I don't know how to help. Everybody's tastes are different. I have found that 2x28+36 parallel Stainless fused Clapton wire does the best for me. I can get .5Ω or thereabouts with seven wraps on a 3mm core. That will fit into most of my single coil atties without any problem. They will ramp up real nicely using a single battery mod (75 watts or under) and provide me with plenty of fog and flavor. They also work nicely with TC even just using a simple TCR value. In fact to my surprise, I am getting pretty nice Temp control out of both a Council of Vapor Wraith and a Kanger Dripbox 160 with that build. The Kanger is off on actual temperature, but no big deal. It holds steady. By the same token I just put 2x26+36 Kanthal builds in a Goon last night and that is working very well too. I went with Kanthal because it was a dual coil build and I wanted to get around .25Ω without having a gazillian wraps. Maybe my taste buds are fried but the flavor seems great to me. The fog production is good too. Not like a Smok Cloud Beast King Octo-Coil flame throwing monster but dense per my perception. I think @FXRich has the best answer. I know I had to fumble around a long time before I stumbled across some builds that I really liked.
  9. Walt

    Steam engine question

    Good choice IMHO. I guess it's interesting. If you change materials it remains the same. It only changes with gauge of wire. Smaller wire gauges produce more heat per area of wire. But it takes more length of smaller gauges of wire to match the the area of larger wire. How to take this into consideration while building a coil is beyond level of interest. I'm fine with winding up what I have at hand and seeing if I like the vape.
  10. Walt

    Steam engine question

  11. Oh hey, Welcome to VT BTW. As I'm sure you already noticed, It's a great place.
  12. Lol. That's funny. Yeah I don't want to have too much smoke, but I don't have hardly any. I am gonna check into another type of fluid and see if that does the trick. I run my MOD at 55 watts Good choice. If a higher VG juice doesn't do it, look into higher performance coils. If I remember right the baby beast has a few options.
  13. I've got a couple of friends that are into the cloud chasing thing. One built up some crazy 8 coil RTA monstrosity. He hits it with a couple hundred watts. The build is down at point one something. He looks like a friggin locomotive, lol. He used some kind of exotic clapton coils. Watching his tank go down is like watching a toilet flush.
  14. Walt

    Steam engine question

    Yup, it does that, lol. When the black starts flaking off I replace it unless I already have because I want to try something different. I've brushed a couple of them with a mini wire brush but can't get all the way around of course. I'm not into the dry burn cleaning method.
  15. Walt

    Steam engine question

    You nailed that one!
  16. Walt

    Steam engine question

    Yup, for a single coil it would be right about 4 wraps.
  17. Tam, You are amazing! Thanks as always! Holy molly, look at the colors......
  18. Groove! I've got some neverdull from cleaning up parts on the motorcycle. I'm going to try this first. I would rather have the polished metal finish if I can get it anywhere near the sheen you achieved.
  19. Those look really sharp. What did you use to polish it with?
  20. So far, I have two mods that have had paint peal. A Smok Alien and this Triade. I have an IPV8 with some scratches but I understand how that happened. This Triade has to be a prep issue. There are areas where a light rub with my fingernail takes off the paint and other areas that are stuck solid.
  21. Sounds better all the time. I'm sure glad it isn't one of my Therions. I would be bummed out. This thing kinda looks like a brick anyway. This is my weird thinking but it is my everyday carry so I don't expect it to look pristine. I still may try painting it just to see what I can get out of the exercise.
  22. Ok, I know what needs to be done. Now to ponder if I want to do that much work or no for a while. The bare metal is starting to look better all the time! By the same token, I do have the compressor and the gun, so maybe? Who knows.
  23. That makes good sense. The thing about this mod is that the paint is not rubbing off or scratching off. It's raising off the surface. I really don't think the paint ever adhered properly to the metal. The mod strikes me has having a utilitarian esthetic so the loss of paint isn't a social crisis.
  24. Ok, this is on the Lost Vape Triade DNA 250. Love the mod..... But..... On the frame surface (not the control/vent surface and of course not the battery cover) the paint is pealing. I really don't think it would be difficult to mask it off and paint it but I am not sure how to prepare the surface of the metal or what the best type of paint would be. I have sent Lost Vape an inquiry as to the type of metal used but from past experience with China, I don't expect much. Worst out case, I can polish it a little and call it good. Attached is a picture of the effected area. Thanks in advance for anything ya got!!!
  25. I just read a post where someone tested ejuice with a multimeter and they got a resistance in megaohms. They did not say anything about how far apart the leads were in the solution. I guess I can't say for sure, but I doubt juice inside the mod would fire it. More likely to get between the connections and prevent it from firing. I've heard weird stories of self firing mods in the past. Kinda like the spectral locomotive of days past. Maybe get an exorcist? Does it say things like "there is no Dana only Zoole"? That might be a hint.
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