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Everything posted by Walt

  1. Try this routine with the Clito before you give up on it. Set your mod low, say at 30W. Have a vape. Turn it up a few watts e.g. 33W. Have a vape. Keep doing this and you should experience the flavor getting better and being best at some point. When you pass that point and increased wattage starts causing the flavor to diminish, simply go back to the best setting.
  2. Congratulations on your decision and welcome!
  3. I've heard it from many nurses and sundry attendants in hospitals of all kinds. Batten down the hatches! The scanner will be off the hook tonight as well.
  4. It's Psycho Saturday and a full moon tonight! They have already started calling the store. Wacka wacka senseless babble. One showed up at the coffee shop already telling us the building is on a time portal and to expect people "popping" in and out. On the way to the shop I had Aunty Acid behind me with a 10-2 death grip on the wheel and eyes bugging out of her head about a foot off my bumper. Use caution today!!!!
  5. That EGO Aio is not going to take well to 75/25 VG/PG. The wicking holes in those coils are tiny. I used nothing thicker than 50/50 in mine. Even at that they weren't exactly flavor machines. More of a nicotine delivery system. If you really like that pen style all in one and want a little more flavor there is a Templar on this site for sale that is a little looser draw and delivers more flavor. I still keep it down to 50/50 even with that unit.
  6. I would bet on the throat and tongue being the biggest problem. 12mg of nic is going to give a pretty substantial throat hit and with a sore throat already, that may be a bit more than your throat can handle right now. You did everything correctly in regard to letting it soak etc. If you are not getting a dry hit taste you are getting enough juice to the coils. I really can't diagnose the chemical taste. When I get vapor tongue, I pretty much taste nothing. I just get throat hit. I guess maybe that would be like a raw alcohol taste, maybe?
  7. Check this little bugger out! It's about the size of a lipstick tube. 20700 hybrid mech pipe bomb. Great for collecting finger prints.
  8. Wow! This is going to be a challenge. Those are some dinky little cans to build in. Got two on order. Can't wait to see how this works out.
  9. I'm revisiting MTL and have found I enjoy it as well as DL. @Tam recommended a Triton MTL tank and it is doing a wonderful job but I still have it in my head I want to have a rebuildable for MTL. The mod I have will only fire one ohm or higher. I tried a Merlin MTL and while I can get it to work it's like waiting for the cows to come home as far as ramp up. It has the same single coil configuration that a sub ohm would have for a coil with a large vapor chamber. How does one build something that will act like the little premade vertical coils in a high resistance MTL atty?
  10. To date every example of atties out gassing harmful compounds at harmful concentrations have been via extreme conditions that no vapor would duplicate. Glowing a coil filled with cotton and inhaling it is something we simply don't do. At least not on purpose. If you search the older posts here, about six months ago one member reported that after a long period of vaping his doctor dismissed his per-existing diagnosis of COPD from smoking. It is my belief that vaping is 95 to 97 percent safer than vaping. I can site a kabillion studies that support that. I can also site a kabillion studies that would challenge that at least to some degree. For me, I didn't smoke to live forever and I don't vape to live forever. What I do appreciate is how much better I feel today vaping than when I was smoking. This to me is also an indication that it is overall much healthier. If you can quit smoking all together and not vape either you will obviously be in the best situation. In the end you will have to make a personal decision.
  11. A blast from the past and Wally's official tootle puffer! Beyond Vape Spire. With a new hat. A Merlin MTL. Blasting at a massive 6V and 1.17 ohm coil. 2x30+36 K parallel, 3.5 ID, 5.5 wrap.
  12. Wow, a lot simpler that I expected. Definitely going to be a powerhouse.
  13. To me the whole video is hilarious. Revenge of the Geezers!!!
  14. Starting a new mod company. Calling it Last Vape.
  15. Very cool, had no idea that could be done. I think that is just hilarious!!!
  16. You must check out 5:33 for a cameo of me vaping!!!!!
  17. At this instant it is strawberry cream. By this afternoon it could be apple pie. I have a dozen or so "home brews" that are favorites. I still have a few commercial juices around. Honorable mentions would be: Dis Dat Ish cyclone, Naked 100 Lava Flow. 8 Mile Watermelon Blast and VTMN Island.
  18. Here is a sample of her work. Not that I'm a proud dad or anything..... https://past2presentresearch.wordpress.com/tag/audrey-elder/
  19. Just shot her an email. I sure I will not hear from her until tomorrow. She is one to retire early. Will PM you with whatever her response is.
  20. Haven't posted in this thread in a long while. It has always been one of my favorite threads. Kinda like a log of the vaping journey. Today I learned that I keep learning. I pulled out an atty that I haven't used in a very long time. I remember it as a "fair" atty. Pulled it apart and re-wicked it. Noticed as I pulled the old wick out that the coil placement was really not in the best place and that there was a lot of cotton stuck in there. Long story short I now have a great atty. Been suckin on the thing all day. Had no idea how good it was, lol. I love this hobby.
  21. Well, I am glad they care about their bottom line as prosperity is a good thing and I love to see companies stay in business. Having said that, I'm just not impressed with Smok. It seems like they release three new mods a week. Half of their "innovation" is gimmick. They will put lights, buzzers, and whistles on their mods then press fit in the 510. They will claim TC and half their mods really are poor in TC. I have a paint-less Alien and a beastly king atty that will dump its contents over night. Just not the kind of stuff I like laying around. I think their are a lot of mods and tanks out there that don't have the hype factor of a Smok that are far better deals in terms of form, fit, and function. I just dropped twenty bucks on an Hcigar Nemisis. Oops I dropped it! Crap, too late. It cracked the tile.
  22. Be right there. Set a place at the table. Yum!!!!!
  23. Wow! Get down foo!!!! You go girl! DYI is the only way to go!
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