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Everything posted by Walt

  1. It's not really that simple. The inner cores handle the bulk of the current and for the most part heat the outer wrap wire. As you increase the number of cores, you increase the surface area of the coil but require more power to bring those cores up to a vaping temperature. Larger diameter wrap wires have more mass and require more heat from the core wires to achieve vaping temperature. As far as how much power a coil will handle, that is mostly a function of the wicking material used. Simple low mass coils will heat faster and hotter and burn the cotton before larger high mass coils at the same power settings. Most folks will find a "favorite" coil construction. What constitutes "favorite" is purely subjective. Most folks just experiment. Myself, I have found that simple wire up to simple two core claptons cover every atty I use nicely. Every atty will respond "best" to a specific build. Some like simple wire, some Claptons.
  2. Just a quick welcome! Stick with @Bebop. He'll get ya goin!!!
  3. It's all about matching the power to the coil. I can get just as much fog from 40 watts as 90 watts. Like @tam said. It's all about finding the "sweet spot" for the coil.
  4. Personally if you want to get into that high of a power range I recommend that you learn to build your own coils and use a rebuildable atty. Commercial coils are simply unreliable at high power. They can be pretty "hit and miss".
  5. Just because the coils states up to 100W does not mean it will vape well with that much power. Those coils are mass produced and some simply won't handle that much power.
  6. That fact that blowing into the juice filler hole cures the problem tells me that the coil is getting dry. When you pressurize the tank by blowing in it that way you are forcing more juice into the coil. Unfortunately there is no real way to see if a coil is soaking up juice properly with commercially made coils. You can't see the inside of the cotton. It's all about how saturated the cotton around the coil is with juice. About the only thing you can do is try another coil as far as I know.
  7. As @Miltgotit5 noted, it sounds like the coil does not have enough liquid in it. It's called a "dry hit". The coil is heating without liquid present. It may be possible that you are vaping with too much power also. After priming your coil it is recommended that you start at a low power setting, even as low as 20 Watts. Vape and then increase the power a couple of watts. Keep doing this until the flavor and vapor production peak. After the peak the flavor will start muting and eventually you will get a dry hit. Also as previously stated even after finding the best power setting some coils will take a little time to soak up liquid between vapes. Each tank and coil are different. There is also a possibility that you may have a bad coil. Sorry about not having a simple definitive answer but that is the nature of the beast.
  8. Yup, still got smudging and streaking. Not to the point of being hazardous though. I think I'm just going to do a lot of scrubbing this winter.
  9. I'm definitely giving this brew a shot. Something has to completely dissolve this stuff.
  10. Hmmmmm Dirt Dog Walt Apple Pie...... Oh my. That's a new one!
  11. You're on a roll. And spot on in your roll! I tried Chantix. That is some messed up stuff. That crap got flushed in a hurry. Don't drink the water!!!!
  12. That's not a tax. It's an extortion fee. Gooberment is out of control. Accomplishes nothing and demands everything. Nothing but leaches. Time to sprinkle some salt.
  13. Here's the last iteration I have of it: Apple Pie (TPA) 9.5% Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TPA) 2% Whipped Cream (TPA) 2% Apple (TPA) 2% Sweetener (TPA) .5% @mattythornton may have even tweaked it more. You know, things evolve.
  14. Hey Hey Hey! Glad to see you again. Missed ya. Sounds like you were having a blast though. Merry Christmas to you!!
  15. Welcome to Vapor Talk! Glad to hear your journey into vaping is going well!
  16. I'm really diggin 50/50 juice in tuttle puffers lately. This just came in from China at a buck a hit. I figure if someone else needs one I've got them covered.
  17. Welcome back! I'd guess just about everything, lol. Layers upon layers of sophistication along with every gimmick people could think of. Flashing lights, touch screens, vibrators, clocks. I heard one unconfirmed tale of an mp3 player. But the basics are the same. Still dangle some cotton in juice. Push a bunch of electrons through a wire to heat up the juice. Inhale the vapor! Have fun getting re-introduced. You may be surprised at the options.
  18. Walt

    Mixed material

    I'm not entirely sure without actually playing around with the build but you might need a more powerful mod. .17Ω in a beefy SS coil might just heat up pretty slowly with 80W applied.
  19. It was pure weird for sure. I'm with you. One of those things. Who knows, maybe even a button sequence that wasn't test for in beta. Sure was annoying though.
  20. Hey, Welcome! Thanks for taking the time to write that out. Great info! Smok sold a lot of beasts, baby, big, and monster, and there are always posts asking about issues surrounding them. It is great to see this post with a scenario and especially a resolve! Reviewers are obviously always racing to get the new product on screen and then the products are never mentioned again. Information like this are invaluable to owners of devices. Very well defined and easily understood write up. Bravo! Keep commin back!!!
  21. I really think that is the way to go. It's so nice to have the wire on hand. Never know what challenges are going to come up. I'm always getting an urge to try something different with an atty. Every atty has it's "sweet spot" for a build.
  22. Fully agree @leadpipe58. The only other scenario I could think of was the battery sitting idle for a very long time which does not sound like the case. Ditto on nice mod as well.
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