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Everything posted by Walt

  1. Too many people want pot. Politicians realized if they wanted to be elected they better jump on the legal pot train. Smokers and vapers are a small enough minority that they can be targeted without fear of election repercussions. My state of Michigan receives upwards of $5B a year from tobacco sales and donations. Big surprise we are the first to scream ban as smoking is at a historic low. No big surprise the feds are offsetting their tax losses either. Yes, they will kill people but they will get their money.
  2. Absolutely. And more adulterants added to kill and sicken more people as per the cause of what we are currently seeing. And maybe if the market is big enough, we can have cartel and gang members killing each other in the streets over territory. It's what gooberment does!!!
  3. And of course, what we have been expecting. If current proposed legislation is passed this will have a value of $2800.00. 1 ltr 100 proof
  4. Hey! Welcome to VT! That's really quite a question. First off, different devices, specifically the atomizers, will produce different throat hits. I'm not familiar with either device you are using so I can't elaborate. Next, the amount of vapor a device delivers has a lot to do with how much nic your are absorbing. A very loose draw Direct lung device delivers a lot more nic that a tight draw Mouth To Lung device. Next, adding nicotine can be confusing. There are two general types of nicotine, salts, and free base. Salts produce much less throat hit than free base. Nicotine comes in many different concentrations stated a percentage of the solution it is in. The math can become a bit complicated. You can search the web for "dyi e-juice" and find a lot of information on the process of making e-juice which will help you understand what you are getting into. Liquid nicotine itself is not cheep and might not be worth buying just to salvage a single bottle of e-juice.
  5. Amen!!! I'll say it again, Amen!!! We've been vaping for over a decade and this so called crisis pops up. Give me a break! The first thing I tell people who question or condemn my vaping is that 2.5 years ago my BP was 142/80. I had an inhaler. I was in the beginning stages of COPD/emphysema. I constantly wheezed. All that is gone. 118/72, moving more air than I have for the last 20 years. The next thing I ask them is if they don't think it is a little telling that this sickness just popped up in the last few months after better than a decade of vaping and note that the vast majority of cases have been traced back to adulterated e-juice and none traced back to a legitimate store. Just insane.
  6. My pleasure. Here is a link where DJlsb opens one up. You can see where the 510 is held underneath by a nut. That is probably loose. Unfortunately there is a good probability that the ground wire may have disconnected while the atty was spinning. You may have some soldering to do. You can watch how he puts it back together and get a feel for how much work might be involved.
  7. First you will need to determine what is spinning. Is it the base of the tank or is the 510 connector spinning inside the top of the mod? If it's the tank, it should be pretty easy to see where it is spinning and either fix or deep six the tank. If it is the 510 connector then things get a bit more difficult. I don't have this mod and have no idea if it can be taken apart and repaired or no. Hope this helps a little.
  8. It is sad. I don't think people want to believe how corrupt these agencies are. I don't blame them. I would love to believe these agencies were working to protect me. A person has to go through something like this vaping "crisis" on a personal level to accept the corruption, deceit, and deception these agencies propagate.
  9. People believe they are way too busy and over stressed even though they can babble endlessly about Game of Thrones or Walking Dead and the like. If they don't vape, they are not going to dig. They will just parrot headlines. We lost the biggest battle by not getting in front of this. We knew it was coming. Now the anties have got their agenda well published which is effectively the rules of engagement. We got slapped with proving them wrong which is exactly opposite of rules of law. It is their burden to prove their accusations are correct.
  10. Welcome Emma!
  11. When Michigan gets 2.1 billion dollars a year from the master tobacco settlement, sin taxes, and of course campaign donations while cigarette smoking is at it's lowest ever, the mystery becomes pretty clear. Add to that that Michigan issued bonds against anticipated master tobacco agreement income, and is, as always hurting for money. I'm not freaking out but I'm madder than a hornet. I've watched numerous "hearings" and they are paid political propaganda. Cherry picked panel members as well as politicians putting on a B rate movie. Hardly a thread of truth in the entire production. One panelist with a prefix Dr. called the U.K. Royal College of Physicians a couple doctors sitting around making unfounded decisions. The FDA is bumbling around obviously incapable of drafting even final guidelines. The CDC is obviously under pressure to support the political stance on vaping. Our president sites pillow talk as his decision to ban flavors. Insane!! Maniacally Insane!!! Mass media jumps in singing the same song. No wonder, every other commercial is from big pharma who has a vested interest in seeing vaping disappear. Tomorrow I have more nicotine and flavor concentrates coming in. Soon I will be set for the rest of my lifetime. In the big picture that does nothing for the countless people who will go back to analogs, the black market that will fill the void, the people who will never have the opportunity to try vaping. These decisions will kill. Good for the government as the average smoker dies 10 years sooner than the non smoker and will not be collecting social security or medicare. Leave it to the government. This time their taking a health crisis that was created by the black market and driving an industry deeper into that black market. And I'm sure the black market will do a better job of checking I.D.'s.
  12. I think that will depend on if the bans are extended to concentrates or not.
  13. Well now that Empress Whitmer and King Trump have spoken, the sheep are jumping in. Looks like pharma, tobacco, and the like of Bloomberg are going to win this. Of course the Philip Morris heat don't burn made muster just prior to the hammer hitting the gavel. Nothing new. Gooberment at it's best.
  14. Happy Memorial day! Good to see ya! It's been 2 1/2 years for me and it's been a blast! Only one way to start the day....
  15. Unfortunately, there's no "one size fits all" for nicotine. You will simply have to try different levels to find out what satisfies you. Power applied can effect the nicotine level as with some coils the higher the power applied the greater the nicotine effect. Where this is most pronounced is between MTL coils which are generally greater than one ohm in resistance and DTL coils or coils that are less than one ohm. It largely has to do with the amount of vapor and therefor nicotine delivered in a vape.
  16. Wow, that brings back memories.
  17. I agree with both @cany and @VapeMama but be prepared to have to do some trial and error. For me it was a little like going to the doctor. Pretty good but now I have this going on. Change prescription. You get the drift. And then there's the "oh look, something new!" In search of the ultimate vape! Wonderful hobbie if you look at it like that. Like @cany, I would be embarrassed if I divulged how many mods, atties, and juices I have went through and or have. Regardless, it brings me a lot of joy both in the activity and knowing I'm not on analogs any longer.
  18. Welcome! Sharp lookin unit!
  19. Walt


    In general the higher the resistance the lower the power needed, kinda, sorta..... The mass of the coil, the heat flux of the coil, and the design of the vapor chamber of the atty also play a big part in this. Two exotic coils @ .5Ω will require a lot more power than a simple wire single coil @ the same resistance. As far a flavor, the design of the atty is the most important factor. I have atties that will produce wonder flavor at 20W and 1Ω and others that require more exotic coils to reach their flavor potential. I have a Siren II atty that I build @1Ω and use with single 18650 mods and get great battery life. It is a single coil atty and I use simple wire and get great flavor. The draw is restricted although direct to lung and the vapor production is limited although satisfying to me.
  20. I'm headed the same direction lately. Rediscovering variable wattage mode and the beatitudes of simple wire. Not sure I'll ever go back to a AIO EGO but definitely enjoying the change.
  21. Too cool, too cool!!! We've done a lot of recordings by recording live tracks and mixing them for the purpose of letting potential clients know exactly how we sound. Mistakes and all left in. This is our first go around at actual "studio" recordings. Everybody is learning a lot. There is some pressure as one member has a benchmark quality he wants to achieve but the album will not be for sale. We plan on having it pressed into vinyl just for us and close friends. There is no marketing pressure involved at least.
  22. Good to hear from you again!!! A lot happened in a short time. I'm still vaping. Just over two years now analog free. Sitting at either 2 or 3 mg, home brew vs commercial respectively. Receiving less devices for review over the last three months. I'm afraid I was a little to honest, lol. Actually worked out pretty good. Beginning of the year I went from part time to full time and the band I'm with decided to produce an album over the span of this year and I'm engineering that. I'm finding myself pretty busy. Beyond that I guess the most exciting thing was getting an insta pot for my wife at Christmas time. Great meals come out of that thing!!!! Yup, I still love to eat.
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